Chapter 221 Liuli Wuxia

Old Fanxin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer.

However, he looked at Our Lady of Wushi and continued: "Wushi, your face doesn't look very good. Do you need me to take a look?"

Qi Yuan, who was next to him, said in the ear of the Virgin Mary: "You said you can eat seven fishes in one meal, and you are in very good health!"

 What Qi Yuan wants now is to quickly feed the Virgin Mary to help her get better.

 In this way, after the Tianzhu is repaired, he can continue to meditate.

"I can eat seven fishes at a time, and I am in good health. I won't bother you anymore."

 Everyone, please come back. "The woman in a red dress said in a stiff voice as she saw off the guests.

Hearing this, Old Man Fanxin had a strange look on his face.

 For some reason, he felt that the Virgin Mary today was strange.

“In the battle of Shenglongchang, please don’t be absent from the Mother of God. This is related to the destiny of the mortal world!” Old Man Xin emphasized again.

"Hmm." After saying this, the Foodless Virgin disappeared and entered the sky pillar.

 Only a group of ancient gods with surprised expressions were left.

 “Is this really the Virgin Mary?”

“Strange, she seemed to have been communicating with someone just now.”

 “Do you feel this way too?”

These venerables were talking a lot.

Old man Fanxin also frowned: "I feel the same way, but... I haven't found anyone."

Old Man with Brahma Heart is a myth. No one can hide from him in the world of mortal mind.

 He has two trees more than Fanxin, which is evident from his strength.

The Lord Lingzhong next to him thought of something and was stunned for a moment.

 Could it be that…

 He was worried, always feeling that things were not that simple.

At the same time, Qi Yuan followed the Virgin Mary back to the bamboo house.

Qi Yuan sighed: "Oh, my whole life's reputation has been ruined. I actually became a thief for a day. If the things I stole were of a higher quality, such as elixirs, fairy clothes, and gods' battle armor, they would be of higher quality. In the end, Stealing pots and pans!”

 He and the Virgin Mary came to the neighborhood. All the nearby shops were closed and not open for business.

Faced with this situation, the Innocent Mother directly went in and took away the pots and pans.

 Very domineering.

"They believe in me, and I protect them, and these should be treated as tribute." The Virgin Mary rarely argued with Qi Yuan.

“Forget it, none of this is important, let’s make braised fish!” Qi Yuan was a little anxious.

 As soon as the body of the Immaculate Virgin Mary gets better, he can continue to meditate.

 Actually, he was also a little curious.

Why does the Mother of God eat something? Tianzhu will be fine?

Then why doesn’t she usually eat?

Now, he can take a look and see what's going on.


“I can finally be the commander of Quanshui!” Qi Yuan was also looking forward to it.

Soon, under the guidance of Qi Yuan, the Virgin Mary caught seven fish.

 The belly is first cut open and the internal organs are removed, and then the fish scales are scraped off.

Qi Yuan sat aside and commanded enthusiastically: "I bought the kitchen knife for free, and it will probably eat ashes again."

“Well, scrape carefully, there’s still half of the fish scales left.”

 “Cooking pays attention to the color, flavor, and taste. The fish pieces you cut are of different sizes, and your knife skills are not good.”

 “I gave you too little chili pepper, please give me more.”

  “Well, you are the student with the worst talent for cooking that I have ever had.”

 Qi Yuan transforms into a commander and provides crazy guidance.

 The Virgin Mary was like a mortal woman at this time. Under the command of Qi Yuan, she struggled to finish a plate of braised fish.

“Yes, it’s the first time I’ve made it like this. It’s already great.” Looking at the fried fish, Qi Yuan couldn’t help but praise it.

 After all, I was scolding before, now I want to praise.

 A combination of scolding and praising is the way to go.

"Eat quickly and see if your health improves." Qi Yuan said.

 He was also very curious.

The Virgin Mary will recover after eating food. What is the principle behind this?

 The Virgin Mary frowned and hesitated.

“Regardless of the bad appearance of this fish, it tastes very good.” Qi Yuan continued to lie.

  Anyway, for a cultivator, no matter how unpalatable the fish is, it can actually be eaten.

This fish was made under his guidance, no matter how unpalatable it is, there is a limit.

The Virgin Mary looked at the plate of fish. She held the chopsticks with her slender fingers. She picked up a piece of fish and brought it to her lips. Her brows were furrowed and her eyes were full of conflict.

“Don’t worry, it’s not poisonous and you won’t get sick if you eat it.” Qi Yuan encouraged.

 The Mother of None took a deep look at Qi Yuan and stuffed the fish into her mouth.

Her face suddenly turned pale, as if she had been seriously injured.

 Qi Yuan was slightly stunned.

 Her reaction was so big?

"It tastes so bad? Why don't you eat it? The pot must be bad. Let's change the pot and cook another portion." Qi Yuan was a little anxious and wanted to reach out and pat the Virgin Mary on the back.

But his hand passed through and could not touch the Virgin Mary.

 After all, the two of them are separated by time and space and cannot touch each other.

"It's okay." The body of the Foodless Virgin trembled slightly, her brows furrowed in a scary way, she opened her red lips slightly and swallowed the fish meat forcefully.

Her actions were like swallowing poison, even harder than poison.

 Qi Yuan’s face changed slightly.

 He believed that the Virgin Mary had anorexia, and it was not an ordinary anorexia.

 Just eating a it like this?

He was puzzled. He stared at the Virgin Mary and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

At this time, the figure of the Virgin Mary was shaky. Wearing a red dress, she was lying on the bamboo mat, her eyes were closed tightly, and hot sweat formed on her forehead. .

 But she seemed to be very cold, and her body occasionally trembled slightly.

 The sudden change made Qi Yuan unable to understand.

This is a myth.

 Just ate a piece of fish?

 That’s it?

 At the beginning, the Foodless Virgin had a battle with the Yang God's clone. She was covered in bruises but did not tremble.

 At the beginning, when the Battle of Hongtang began, he had seen the Virgin Mary eating fish.

 At that time, Our Lady was very calm.

what happened?

"Are you okay...spit the fish out using Taoist magic!" Qi Yuan looked at the Virgin Mary lying on the ground. Unfortunately, his eyes saw the Virgin Mary and could not get any useful information at all.

 Even though he is separated by time and space, he cannot help the Virgin Mary.

At this time, the Virgin Mary seemed to be asleep and did not answer Qi Yuan.

About a hundred breaths later, the mosquito-like voice of the Mother of God came: "It's okay, maybe if I take a nap, everything will be fine, and the Tianzhu will be completely repaired."

Qi Yuan looked at the Virgin Mary and felt anxious in his heart.

“What’s going on? Did you eat like this before? Why are you still eating this time?” Qi Yuan was puzzled.

 About ten breaths passed, and the weak voice of the Virgin Mary came: "I don't know, wait until tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qi Yuan said nothing, so that the Virgin Mary did not have to respond.

He stood quietly beside him, the pictures in his mind kept turning, thinking about something.

The way of the Holy Mother who has not eaten anything is that all things are unclean and eating them is harmful.

  Could it be that she has a special constitution and cannot eat anything?

 But no matter how special you are, you can’t stop eating anything.

 Could it be said is innate?

Suddenly, Qi Yuan remembered that Qi Qi once said that the Foodless Virgin seemed to have an innate and innocent body.

This kind of physique is pure and flawless, like glass. If you eat the fireworks of the world, this kind of physique will be covered with dust.

 The reaction of the Virgin Mary was greater than imagined.

Could it be said...that the Immaculate Virgin Mary has a similar physique and has a greater reaction than the Innate Immaculate Body?

 How to solve this problem?

 It is very important to solve the problem of the Virgin Mary and the problem of Tianzhu.

I don’t know how long it took, but a weak voice came: “Are you still there?”


 “Fish…I want to drink…no…”

"Sister, don't eat it!" Qi Yuan said quickly, "There's no soup in this fish. You can't even talk without thinking." He was afraid that the Virgin Mary would die in front of him if he continued to eat.

The Virgin Mary did not speak any more. She lay quietly on the ground alone and did not struggle to get up and continue eating fish.

 The room was quiet, not even the breathing of the Virgin Mary.

I don’t know how long it took, but Qi Yuan’s eyes fell on the plate of fish.

  【Ordinary braised fish seems to be stained with the filth of the world. 】


 Qi Yuan has many thoughts in his heart.

 “Is it because of this filth?”

 He quickly looked away and looked at other items.

 His eyes are able to see the information gap.

 But he can only see the same fish once a day, and the information can be updated the next day.

 So, his eyes immediately looked at other things.

 In my mind, I was also thinking about the word "dirty".

This is what he discovered before. When looking at something, if you look at it in a targeted manner, it may be easier to get the desired result.

   【The red dress of the Virgin Mary is made of ten thousand years of weak silk and is spotless. 】


    This is an ordinary bamboo mat, also stained with the filth of the world. 】

  【This is an ordinary fish, it weighs three catties and two taels. 】

 Qi Yuan kept scanning all the items, especially the thousands of fish in the lake.

He took a look at every fish, trying to find useful information.

 Suddenly, Qi Yuan's eyes stopped.

  【This is an ordinary fish, contaminated with the filth of the world. If you want to sweep away the filth, you need to be purified by the blood of the flawless glass. 】

 Qi Yuan was slightly stunned.

 The blood of Liuli Flawless?

 Isn’t he... a flawless golden body?

In Liufeng Realm, Bai Ze gave the Golden Lotus to Qi Yuan, and he used it to shape a flawless golden body.

 The reason why he can swallow stars and form golden elixir.

 The flawless glazed golden body played a vital role.

 This golden body also greatly improved his strength.

 But compared to the stellar golden elixir, it is far behind.

 Hence, when he showed off to others, he mostly showed off his golden elixir and rarely showed off his flawless golden body.

I never thought that the blood of the flawless golden body... could have such an effect.

 In Qi Yuan's body, there is the blood of the flawless golden body.

However, there is not a lot of this blood.

If it drips out, it will also hurt Qi Yuan.

 After all, he relied on the power of the Liuli Wuxia Golden Body to swallow the stellar golden elixir.

 Otherwise, he will be burst immediately.

Now, if the blood of Liuli Wuxia is drawn...he will have to endure it...

 “You’re playing a dog game and you have to draw my blood, right?”

Qi Yuan couldn't help but complain.

 “ blood cannot drip in the past!”

 He couldn't draw blood even if he wanted to.

 “Give it a try!”

 At this time, there is no other way but to give it a try.

Our Lady of Food is still half asleep.

The Tianzhu has not been repaired yet.

So many gods have not yet been fully summoned.

The game has not been completed yet.

“Oh, playing a game not only consumes my energy, but also wastes my blood. If the reward for completing the level is too bad, I will never be done with you!”

 Qi Yuan’s eyes were like daggers, and he looked at his fingers.

 As he looked, his fingers became transparent and crystal clear.

 A few drops of pure, transparent blood were squeezed out from the fingers and dripped down.

His body felt dazed for a while, and his face became a little pale.

 On the stellar golden elixir, terrifying flames burned.

 Qi Yuan's consciousness also briefly blurred, and endless flames seemed to be burning his body.

"This is not for my blood, but for my life!" Qi Yuan couldn't help complaining.

His eyes were fixed on the dripping blood and the fish on the plate.

 Qi Yuan looked nervous.

 If it cannot be purified, the blood must be recycled.

 The next breath, a look of surprise flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes.

 Because...the transparent blood actually spanned the space, dripped on the fish pieces, and finally melted and disappeared.

 The fish is still the same as before, but the blood is gone.

The Virgin Mary next to her seemed to smell something, her nose moved slightly: "I'm so hungry..."

She opened her eyes, and her pale face turned much better, with an extra layer of rosiness. In her eyes, Qi Yuan saw suppressed desire.

“Would you like to eat this fish again?” Qi Yuan asked tentatively.

The current Madonna without food is Big Daddy.

 The body must be well maintained so that Tianzhu can thrive.

 He will also be able to visualize more powerful gods!

There was a look of doubt in the eyes of the Virgin Mary. She picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish again.

 She put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly.

 She was eating faster and faster, without looking ladylike at all.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

 As long as you can eat it.

 He was afraid that it would not work.

“Eat slowly. If you are hungry, cook more fish.” Qi Yuan said.

The Virgin Mary who was eating fish stopped with her chopsticks. She looked at where Qi Yuan was with a deep look in her eyes, and a hint of desire in it: "How did you do that?"

 “Secret.” Qi Yuan chuckled, but did not tell the truth.

 For some reason, he felt a frightening feeling when he looked at the Virgin Mary.

 It's like an animal looking at its prey.

Wushi looked at where Qi Yuan was, wanting to look into Qi Yuan's eyes and get the answer from his eyes.

 However, she saw nothing and heard nothing.

 “Are you afraid of me?” The Foodless Virgin said inexplicably.

 “No.” Qi Yuan smiled.

The palpitation just now was just for a moment, it came and went away just as quickly.

"Shouldn't it be that I'm afraid of you? Qi Yuan." The Foodless Virgin ate the fish and said leisurely, "I can't see you or feel you, but I can hear your voice.

If I were a mortal, I would probably think there are ghosts around me.

Now, I am a myth, standing at the top of this world, but I still can’t feel you.

Isn’t this very…horrible? "

 The Virgin Mary smiled sweetly, with a bright smile, but also a little helpless.

“Listening to you, it’s really scary.” Qi Yuan thought for a moment, and if he were in the position of the Virgin Mary, he would definitely be wary of this insensible person.

 The Mother of God was not speaking, but was chewing the fish slowly.

There are few stars at night and a cool breeze blows. It is a bit cold at night among the sky pillars.

Qi Yuan sat aside and looked at the stars in the sky.

“In the future, two of the stars in the sky will be mine.”

 He is showing off again.

 Then the painting style changed.

"What's your constitution? Why...can't you eat?"

 (End of this chapter)

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