The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 601: Everyone friendly

The Portuguese Governor Paul Coliot held a grand ceremony in the Plaza of the Governor's Mansion to welcome the arrival of the delegation of Hong Xi, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Southeast Mansion of the Chinese Government.

   Yes, the definition is very correct.

  Along the coast of the mainland and Taiwan, the ships of the Eastern Land Prefecture all carry the flag of Ming Dynasty, but in Southeast Asia and the west, the banner of Ming Dynasty no longer appears!

   The Governor delivered an enthusiastic speech, welcoming the Southeast Asian Fleet to visit Colombo on a friendly basis. He believed that it would enhance the friendship between the two places and strengthen the connection between the Portuguese and the Chinese.

   He also took the initiative to review the long-existing exchanges between Southeastern Province and Portugal. Yes, the Portuguese have been renting out the Macau area of ​​Daming, and have established commercial halls in Taiwan and Rising Sun City.

  The people of the two countries are friendly and live in harmony. They have never blushed. They are indeed models of international exchanges.

  He is speaking, and the rest of the Portuguese have weird faces.

   has always been a strong "Big Bear", um, Paul Colliott's nickname, the first time I saw such a good talker!

  Of course it’s easy to talk. As the governor, Paul Colliott is well-informed. He knows that the Southeast has a powerful battleship fleet. This fleet is increasing every year, which is equivalent to the total strength of the Indian Ocean Red Hair! He knew that the Southeast Mansion had already beaten Aceh, the overlord of Malacca. He also knew that the Southeast Mansion was extremely arrogant, forcing all ships to dock in Johor, and the business of Malacca City, which originally controlled the Strait of Malacca and was controlled by the Portuguese, plummeted!

   You are here today to neglect the people of Southeast Mansion. Tomorrow they will dare to bombard the city of Malacca and take back Macau!

Official Hong Xi spoke in Portuguese. He thanked Governor Paul Coliot, thanked the Portuguese, thanked them for their warm reception, and exaggeratedly said: "Your enthusiasm is as hot as the weather today. We deeply feel it. ,thank you all!"

   Chinese and Portuguese applaud together.

It’s nonsense, but the Portuguese people’s respect for the Chinese comes from the heart, not just gunboats inside and outside the port, but also that voyage is a technical job. It’s not that I can do it if I want to voyage. You need to be skilled. Go out and drive back. The storm is the best test, and the consequence of failure is the loss of life.

   It is more important to have money. To put it bluntly, it is not to go to war, it is purely public travel! Spend too much money, let the children increase their knowledge!

   The leaders of the two sides have said that Paul Coliott is a red-haired fan, and he does not dance like A San who disagrees and agrees with each other. He invited the distinguished Chinese guests to review the Portuguese Musketeers.

   Three hundred Portuguese musketeers are tall, gorgeously dressed, and carry heavy muskets, lined up neatly, showing great force!

   Hong Xi official did not hesitate to praise words, such as mighty and strong, majestic, fierce firepower and other nouns popped out one by one, making the Portuguese can not help but float.

  The Chinese are subtle and give polite applause to Hong Xiguan's words, while the fellow Kostit couldn't hold back, and burst into laughter.

   He is eye-catching. He is obviously a red hairpin, but he wears the service of the Chinese army, and his military rank is quite high. He has deep qualifications, and he has taken refuge in the Southeast Mansion very early. Official Hong Xi is his student.

   Colombo Mayor Andrade next to Costitte asked the general why he was laughing?

   "Our governor of the Southeast Mansion, without ten times the strength here, would not dare to pull it out for someone to review!" Kostit told the truth.

   Suddenly Andrade was silent.

   In the middle of the painful foot of the red hair fan, the red hair fan knows that the east has great benefits, and many places are purely the kind of people here who come quickly with stupid money!

It’s not wrong. The Chinese IQ is 105, the red hairpin IQ is 100, the **** and the Nanyang brown-skinned monkey IQ are 70, and the Ottoman monarchs have IQs over 100, but they have a large number of slaves, which lowers their average IQ. The same is true for the Guo family. Brahman and Kshatriya have more than one hundred IQs. After all, they are still very successful in Silicon Valley. There are many scientists and CEOs, but the Sudra and Vaisha of the San Guo family and the untouchables drag down San Guo. The average IQ of the family...

   It's a pity that the wars between Hong Maofan's motherland are raging, and there is not much manpower available, so I have to watch the Southeast Mansion attack all over the place, occupying the territory but helpless!

   To be honest, it is a smart move for Zhu Hongmaofan to give up and the Southeast Mansion in Southeast Asia. They contracted their strength to protect the three continents and prevent the Southeast Mansion from passing.

Paul Colliott was one of the people who had participated in the meeting of the British Francis in Madras in the Asan area. He knew the strategy of the Red Fans, but the Southeast Army had not attacked, and he could not be guilty of stubbornly attacking the opponent. No one would. Can't make it with the money from the door!

Therefore, the exchanges in the conference room were very happy. The Portuguese agreed to set up an official office in Colombo to represent the interests of the Chinese people, support the Chinese businessmen's trade in Colombo, give preferential taxes, provide adequate supplies, and deal with the Chinese businessmen. , Must notify the Southeast Office.

  The two sides signed, and then the Portuguese hosted a banquet in honor of Hong Xiguan and his party.

   Hong Maofan’s food is ordinary, but meat is eaten, so the Chinese still eat very happily.

   After dinner, Hong Xiguan and others left to visit Colombo.

   After the Portuguese fleet landed near Colombo in 1521, they captured Colombo and started business. To this day, the Portuguese have done a good job!

   The main street is hardened, which is one of the symbols of civilization.

   The red-brick and white-walled bungalows, the most beautiful building is the Catholic church built by the Portuguese, and the splendid Buddhist temple!

The arrogant Hong Maofan and Buddhists with a warm smile passed by the Chinese, like a landscape Those local Chinese who welcomed the Southeast Fleet's visit on the dock appeared, and they got close to Hong Xiguan. The crowd started talking, and soon they were yelling from fellow villagers.

   When they heard that Hong Xiguan had signed a friendly trade treaty with the Portuguese, they were very happy!

They led the Hong Xi officials to visit. They walked to a large temple and found that the architectural features of Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and India were integrated there. There were Chinese pavilions and pavilions, as well as Ah San’s mysterious temple, at the entrance of the temple. The Hong Xi officials understood why they wanted to visit this temple.

   is really amazing, I actually asked Guan Erge to watch the door!

   One is the statue of Guan Er brother that all Chinese know, plus the other statue of gods who don’t know. They are guarded on both sides of the gate.

  Second brother Guan is not angry and arrogant, wearing heavy armor and holding a sword in his hand, guarding the temple in a foreign country!

Entering inside, the courtyard enshrines statues of gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats in Indian, Thai, Chinese, etc. styles. It seems to be in a boiling water and land meeting. There are six floors. Some obviously Chinese gods. Inside.

   Everyone is almost dizzy, this is really unique!

   The Hong Xi officials paid homage to the gods and donated ten silver dollars, which is not less. Silver dollars are hard currency.

   Standing in the courtyard and looking around, you can see the greenery around the city.

   The coverage rate of tropical vegetation in Sri Lanka is ninety-nine percent. I don’t know what myopia is like here. The green everywhere is like a fairy tale world in the Wizard of Green Leaf.

  Out of the temple, they went straight to the most important place in Colombo.

   Jewel Street! ...

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