Nearly a month later, the Daqin Xianyang Palace.

It is already early spring in Xianyang at this time, and the snow has melted a lot, leaving the remnants of snow everywhere reflected on the black wall, which is also unique.

Zhao Lang was in his palace at this time, happily reading a letter,

"It seems that the seeds given by Xiang's are good, and Elder Tian has personally replied to me."

The last transaction with Xiang's has only been answered now.

Zhao Lang's 500 catties of gunpowder have been sent, and Xiang's supplies have also returned.

The most precious of these are the seeds that Xiang's family didn't pay too much attention to. Tian Lao, who was in Chu, had already seen it and found a special rice seed, which he will try to plant this spring.

Others don't know, but Zhao Lang knows that there is a kind of rice in that area that can grow all year round. .

Even in Daqin, which is a little colder, it should not be a problem to grow two seasons a year.

In this way, the varieties of food in Daqin will be more diverse. You must know that Daqin now has an additional main food that can be brought into the ancestral temple.

It's like the potatoes have been recognized after being planted for so long. In fact, I don't know why the father kept pressing them and didn't enter the ancestral temple.

The price he paid was only five hundred catties of the most conventional black powder, so he was naturally in a good mood.

By the way, I looked at the information about Xiang's family. Zhao Lang was not too surprised that the opponent was advancing so fast.

Although Xiang Yu was forced out of Daqin by himself, facing the group of people in the south, both force and resourcefulness were of a crushing nature. Their only enemy was the climate.

According to the current progress, it may not take ten or five years for Xiang Yu to completely occupy that place.

This is good news, which means that his harvest can also be advanced.

He is not worried at all. The threat to him after the other party grows, depends on the fact that he is supplying the other party's gunpowder and medicine. It is indeed more difficult for the other party to counterattack.

The only problem is that in Daqin, where traffic is not developed, even if the letter uses the 800-mile expedited method to deliver the message, the time interval is too long.

Of course, the more land, the better.

Just as Zhao Lang was thinking about it, a report suddenly came from the door,

"His Majesty is here!"

Zhao Lang looked up quickly, and saw his father and Uncle Zhao came in.

"Dad, you are here."

Zhao Lang stepped forward to greet him.

Qin Shihuang nodded with a smile, and then said,

"Now that the weather has warmed up, Dad plans to start patrolling the Baiyue Land in a few days."

This plan has been agreed long ago, and all the affairs have been prepared.

Zhao Lang nodded naturally and said,

"Baby, this is for people to prepare, and you can set off after a while."

Qin Shi Huang went on to say,

"It's just that after Dad left Xianyang, all the political affairs here will be handed over to you."

"Father, I heard that you have ordered the preparation of materials for the attack on the Xiongnu royal court in various parts of the northern Xinjiang. There is no need to rush this matter."

After his trip this time, Zhao Lang's power was in fact no different from that of the emperor.

He was still a little worried that Zhao Lang's actions were too aggressive.

Of course Zhao Lang understood the other party's concerns, so he laughed,

"Dad, don't worry, the baby's order is to make preparations without affecting people's livelihood. This plan will not be implemented until at least two years later."

Facing the powerful enemy of Mo Dun, Zhao Lang was extremely careful.

Just look at the last battle, no matter who it is, I am afraid it will only end in life and death on the spot.

But Mo Dun actually escaped all the way back to the royal court. The news from Liu Bang showed that the other party was so bold that he went directly to loot the city to the west and used it to transfer the loss.

Gu Pei/s is an extremely formidable opponent whether it is strategy or force.

Therefore, after two years, Daqin's national strength is restored, and when there is spare energy, it is the safest way to completely defeat the Xiongnu royal court.

Sometimes you have to be patient.

Hearing this, Qin Shihuang nodded reassuringly.

"Yes, those who achieve great things must take a long-term view, and also have..."

Before Qin Shihuang's words were finished, there was a hurried sound of announcing outside the door.

"The Cobweb Hun Emergency News!"

Everyone in the palace was stunned for a moment, and then the slave on the side stepped forward and received the information.

This is the cobweb system, and even the First Emperor didn't know much about it.

Soon the information was sent to Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang frowned and opened the intelligence. Looking at his brows, he gradually stretched out. Then his eyes opened wider and wider. At the end, even his mouth opened slightly, and he said to himself,

"how so?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Shihuang on the side couldn't help but feel a little curious.

You know, this son of his own rarely shows surprise, so he laughed,

"Lang'er, the way of being a king is to be calm."

"Otherwise, the courtiers will panic when they see your appearance."

Zhao Lang nodded at this time and passed the information to his father.

Qin Shihuang took it with a smile, and of course he had some considerations in his heart. No matter what was written on it, he would not show any shock.

After opening the information, Qin Shihuang glanced at it, and then fell silent.

After a while, Qin Shihuang opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Zhao Lang was only relieved at this time, and said with a very strange expression,

"Father, it's easy to do this sooner rather than later. The boy immediately ordered to send a large army to the grassland first."

Qin Shihuang nodded and said,

"Lang'er, you are busy first, Dad is going back to prepare for the parade."

He also has nothing to say, this matter is not in his imagination at all.

But it is conceivable that when Lang'er announces the news to the ministers, there will be a huge wave.

Lang'er's position will be more stable than ever.

With only three children, a dozen or so juvenile soldiers, and a deity religion.

It destroyed the royal court of the Xiongnu, this... This is simply This time, Zhao Gao next to him was completely confused, and he was still talking about saving for two years. Will power attack the Huns, why did they suddenly send troops directly into the grasslands?

But Qin Shihuang left here with Zhao Gao without any explanation.

Without paying too much attention, Zhao Lang quickly wrote a letter. Now this is the urgent matter.

"Give the letter to the Marquis of Huaiyin, but be strict and do not commit suicide without authorization, and then send a letter to Die and let him watch the Dianbian army."

With the last lesson, Zhao Lang will of course be more cautious this time.

There is no need for more killings between the two sides now.

It wasn't until everything was arranged that Zhao Lang opened the letter at the table again. Looking at the information, he couldn't help showing a wry smile and said to himself,

"How did that happen?"


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