Chapter 0159: I’m Sure He Will Come Back!!

[Administrator Notice: From today, the East China Sea activity area will be frozen, and it will be opened again on the day of the return of the Chen Yang fleet, and all navigators in the East China Sea please leave the activity area by themselves! ] 】

The announcement sounded, and the confused crowd still did not understand what had happened.

Mu Baifeng, who stood at the bow of the ship, knew what this meant.

Although it is not known what agreement Chen Yang has reached with the administrator, it is clear that he intends to fight against the mighty marauder fleet on his own.

No, now it should be called the Grey Cursed Fleet.

In Mu Baifeng’s opinion, although Chen Yang is strong, how can he win over millions of gray cursed fleets?

Sighing is more than pity.

Chen Yang should have been his most potential ally in the four seas, but now everything is unknown.

Others are even more thoughtful, and all kinds of ideas are stirring.

Who would have thought that at the time of the crisis in the East China Sea, someone would stand up and block the threat for them.

Even if it’s just a newcomer, it’s respectable enough.

Countless people took off their hats to salute, staring at the enchantment that gradually and completely solidified.

From translucent frosted glass, it turned into a black iron curtain, isolating the four seas from the broken sea.

Keep the crisis out.

It is equivalent to blocking the possibility of Chen Yang retreating.

Although the golden dragon had been prepared in his heart, he watched Chen Yang go away alone to fight those terrifying ship monsters alone.

Even though he had confidence in Chen Yang, he still couldn’t stop worrying in his heart.

The navigators who joined the second and third regiments around were even more worried.

Chen Yang is gone, which is equivalent to losing the last reliance.

Although Chen Yang prepared a retreat for them, the future was slim, making people’s hearts float like a bubble, which would break at any time.


The golden dragon head did not look back, although he was reluctant, he knew better what he needed to do next.

Strive to strengthen yourself, and during this period of Chen Yang’s absence, support a new umbrella for those under him.

Although his umbrella is not strong enough, he will try to do it.

The second and third regiments also left without looking back, knowing that trouble would ensue.

Before everyone reacts, hide yourself and develop obscenely.

Finally, Wales.

He was standing on the bow of a Bright Moon class battleship, next to a middle-aged man in a suit.

“Uncle Yoder, do you say he can come back?” ”

“What do you think?”

The man next to him asked rhetorically.

“Of course, I firmly believe that although this time is unknown, I believe that he will come back and return like a king!”

Wales clenched his fists.

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction: “It seems that your experience with Chen Yang this time is very effective!” ”

Wales gritted his teeth: “Uncle Yoder, I want to form a fleet!” ”

“Oh? Need help from your uncle? I can assist you with 10,000 battleships! ”

I saw young Wales shake his head: “This time I want to try it on my own!” ”

“By the way, don’t tell my dad about this!”

“Hahaha, silly child, your dad will only be proud of you!”

The man couldn’t help but laugh.

Time passes minute by minute.

Many people waited for hours, but after all, there was no sign of the return of the newcomer Chen Yang, and many people shook their heads to confirm that Chen Yang must be dead.

So I lost my mind and waited here.

On the first day, there were still many fleets waiting for news of Chen Yang’s return.

The next day, the number was reduced by more than half.

On the third day, the fleet guarding here had already lost one.

A week later, the entire East China Sea activity resource area was already empty.

It became a public area, leaving only a gray-blue sea, and nothing left.

A lonely battleship sailed into this sea, and the girl standing on the deck waited here for a long time, and finally sighed and chose to leave.

Two weeks later

This turmoil seems to have passed, and the discussion of Chen Yang, a newcomer in the blue sea, has gradually turned into a discussion of new activities.

The previous event was terminated due to the Grey Curse, so the administrator started a new story event.

This time it is a plot event for the whole of the four seas, and the trend of regional war seems to be intensifying.


Not many people paid attention to Chen Yang anymore, paying attention to the East China Sea activity area that was still sealed.

As if there was no memory, the four seas quickly forgot those old things and devoted themselves to the next expansion.

Countless navigators are rubbing their hands, this is the only opportunity to change their class, naturally you have to be prepared.

It is not impossible for those with strength to emerge from this turmoil and become the new hegemon.

In short, the wind direction of the four seas changes rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it has entered another era stock.

“…… At the same time, the fog of the shattered sea area shrouded, hiding the fleet in front of it in the thick fog. The mighty ship monster behind him stopped at the periphery of the misty area and rushed to talk. ”

They seem well aware of the dangers hidden in the fog.

As long as you dare to cross the border line, countless mines and shells await them.

After storming the fog several times and losing thousands of their kind, these ship monsters became much more savvy.

After staying in the foggy area for more than ten minutes, he finally slowly receded. Until the ship monsters that turned back into battleships disappeared on the horizon.

Chen Yang in the fog breathed a sigh of relief.

“Whew… Fortunately, these dog things did not dare to rush in, otherwise it would really not end well! ”

Chen Yang glanced at the Klein Hyperspace Defense Wall, which was only one time left, and the number of times the Hyperspace Shockwave was used only once.

Since a person rushed into the shattered sea area with a fleet domineeringly, Chen Yang did not choose to confront the mighty fleet head-on.

Because tens of millions of gray cursed battleships made Chen Yang understand what the gap between heaven and earth was.

Five thousand versus ten million, isn’t that?

He regretted it the next day after he came in, although 10 million points are fragrant, although the sunshine tower is precious, but wanting to kill tens of millions of ship monsters is simply like an impossible task.

On the fourth day, Chen Yang was almost not surrounded and completely annihilated.

Although quality is greater than quantity, when quantity reaches an order of magnitude, the gap between the two sides is infinitely erased.

In the end, he still relied on the Tower of Mist to escape.

Experience teaches.

In the following time, Chen Yang no longer sought head-on confrontation, but chose to develop obscenely.

Relying on the foggy area as cover, the attack was used as a village.

He laid countless mines and floating mines throughout the foggy area.

Activate the special fog attribute, even the gray cursed ship monster cannot see through this fog.

Even did not hesitate to use the Klein hyperspace defense wall once.

After blocking several waves of gray mist erosion, repelling a million-level counterattack, and annihilating hundreds of thousands of ship monsters, it was convenient to choose to retreat.

Besieged but not attacked, the will behind the gray ship monster made a siege order, to trap Chen Yang alive in the fog of war.

After a few battles, both sides seemed to be intimidated by each other’s hole cards, and did not dare to rashly move Chen Yang to occasionally take the initiative to confuse the enemy.

Secretly, they frantically exploded troops, frantically built battleships, accumulated strength, and planned to come to a wave of big…

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