The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 177: crazy shopping

Many people find that it is a good long-term financial management method to consume through Renren Mall and then earn points. You buy 10,000 yuan of goods, you can really get a product, and, after obtaining the goods, you can also get an additional 10,000 points, and then enjoy a daily dividend of 2 yuan.

The wealth of people's intelligence is unlimited. Some people have found a better way. With 10,000 yuan, you can contact a businessman you are familiar with and make a fake transaction. In this case, you will get 10,000 yuan. Points, the merchant can receive 8,000 yuan, and then the merchant will return the 8,000 yuan to you. In fact, you only spend 2,000 yuan to get 10,000 points, which is equivalent to a leverage ratio of 1 to 5. . Through this method, 10,000 yuan can be converted into 50,000 points. In this way, it is equivalent to saving 10,000 yuan in Renren Mall, and you can get a permanent dividend of 10 yuan a day!

However, whether it is a real transaction or a fake transaction, anyway, the result is that the traffic of Renren Mall has quickly recovered, not only the level at the peak, but also more than double the transaction volume during the peak! As for Dibao Mall, one thing is going on and the other is changing. Their traffic has dropped to less than 70% of what it was before they held the June 18 promotion, which is extremely bleak.

Ma Yun held another price reduction promotion. This time, the participating merchants were much more than the participating merchants in the last 6-18 promotion, and they also provided strong promotions. The reason is very simple. After all, many of those merchants do not want to leave the Taobao Mall. After all, the Taobao Mall still does not charge a 20% platform management fee! For these merchants, on which platform do they buy and sell? But in order to make up for the 20% handling fee, they have to adjust the price, and even if the price is adjusted, although they can get the same income in this way, but in their hearts, after so many handling fees are deducted, they Still very unhappy.

On July 18th, just one month after the 6-18 promotion of Duobao Mall, the 7-18 promotion of Duobao Mall came again, with a large number of strong promotion activities, a large number of high-quality merchants and high-quality products participating , Originally, Ma Yun thought that this promotion would be very successful, but it turned out that Ma Yun thought too much. In the promotional activities, the total sales of Duobao Mall has increased, but the increase is not obvious. Many consumers would rather pay higher prices than go to Renren Mall to buy more expensive things.

After this promotion, the sales volume of Taobao Mall quickly returned to a bleak point, and the sales volume of Renren Mall is constantly breaking through and hitting new highs. Now the daily sales volume has reached 10%. About 100 million yuan, and before, before the 6.18 promotion of Dibao Mall, the peak sales of Renren Mall was only less than 400 million a day! A small points activity has made the sales of Zhang Yong's Renren Mall more than double the previous high value, and more than ten times more than the bleak days after June 18. .

In half a month, Renren Mall has issued more than 10 billion points in rewards through sales activities! With such a high point pool, every day, Renren Mall will distribute a total of 2 million yuan of consumption dividends to all consumers! Of course, according to the 20% platform management fee, the capital pool obtained by Renren Mall also exceeds 2 billion yuan. This capital pool is enough to distribute these consumption dividends for more than three years!

Some opportunists have also discovered the benefits of this consumption dividend model. They have established their own online mall platform with low cost and charged a platform management fee of less than 20%, such as 15%, to attract merchants to settle in; at the same time; , the proportion of dividends to consumers is also higher, such as 5/10,000 per day, to attract consumers. In this way, it also attracts some fans to settle in their online shopping platform. Of course, such a platform, although the preferential conditions are higher than Renren Mall, but after all, the credibility established by some small companies is not enough, and they do not have core competitive products like Hammer mobile phones, so the sales are not too high. .

Of course, a lot of discussion about whether Renren Mall is a Ponzi scheme has also sprung up online, and even the Renren forum. There are also a lot of discussions on Renren's blog. After Wang Xing specifically asked Zhang Yong's opinion, he decided to reserve all of these discussions. Anyway, as long as they have evidence to prove that their investments are legal and that they did not cheat money, that's fine. Sooner or later, these discussions will fall on their own. broken.

However, there are rational comments from economists. For example, Professor Chen Yu, the author of "Consumption Capital", a famous economist, has published an article saying that after consumers buy products from enterprises Consumers' consumption should be regarded as an investment in enterprises, and the profits of the enterprise should be returned to consumers in a certain proportion at certain time intervals. Consumers' consumption behavior is also an investment behavior. The consumer dividend of Zhang Yong's Renren Mall is the income after the company's reinvestment of profits, and it is the rights and interests of consumers.

What he said is mysterious, and people are already confused when they hear it.

However, the analysis of Hong Darong, chairman of Securities Star, another securities investor who was a guest of "Securities Time" with Zhang Yong two years ago, is simple and simple, but it makes everyone understand it. Back then, Hong Darong used to be Zhang Yong's sunspot, but two years later, Hong Darong is now a firm fan of Zhang Yong. According to Hong Darong's analysis, when Zhang Yong issued 10 billion points, the capital pool Zhang Yong obtained was 2 billion yuan. About 250 trading days a year, the total amount of dividends Zhang Yong wants to distribute is 500 million. That is to say, Zhang Yong can cover all the dividends by earning 500 million through these 2 billion within a year. .

Is it difficult to earn 500 million with a capital of 2 billion? Of course it's hard, at least for most people. But for Zhang Yong, the rate of return of his Renren Fund in the past two years has been far exceeding the ratio of 25%. That is to say, it is a piece of cake for him to earn 500 million from the capital of 2 billion.

Moreover, these 2 billion capitals are actually some points in a strict sense, and these points cannot be withdrawn by themselves! Therefore, the stability of these capitals is much more stable than the funds that can be purchased and redeemed freely. These stable funds are more conducive to Zhang Yong's investment operations!

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