The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 65: twenty minutes

   "I need a 10-minute rest time. Those 10 minutes can't be interrupted by anyone. The shot just now has consumed most of my mind." The fat female arcanist's face was a little pale.

   "I'll give you 20 minutes, 10 minutes will easily hurt your spiritual origin, take a good rest, priest, remember to stay up." Xu Ling patted the female arcanist on the shoulder.

   "Take a good rest, I'll keep it for you for half an hour," Zhang Yue said firmly to Sister Pao.

   At this time, the ice giant's half-acre square fist slammed against the team with unmatched aura.

   Zhang Yue directly held the shield and went up. At this moment, Zhang Yue tried his best to connect himself with the glacier under his feet as a whole.

"Concentrate on defense, don't worry about the ice giant, it is blocked by Zhang Yue, you just stick to it for 20 minutes!" Xu Ling looked at the team a little flustered and said quickly, the current situation is not too good, there is an ice giant blocking the way before. There are countless ice beasts chasing.

   "Don't worry, leave it to us." Everyone agreed, steadying their spirits and holding on to the defense, and the priest also rushed to treat the injured.

'boom! With a loud noise, the team’s 300-square-meter glacier sank 1 centimeter down, and Zhang Yue held a shield to block the huge fist of the ice giant.

Zhang Yue spit out blood foam, stared at the ice giant with firm eyes, and compared a **** to the ice giant. He wanted to anger the giant and steer the attack elsewhere, so Zhang Yue rushed out of the team with his shield. Run elsewhere, making provocative gestures to the ice giant while running.

'Roar! ! Sure enough, the ice giant was angered by Zhang Yue, and followed Zhang Yue to another place.

   "Well, the biggest threat has been led away by Zhang Yue, and we will rely on us for 20 minutes."

   "Haha, I have no problem with this scene for half an hour. The elder brother in front gives me a favor, and I will throw a big move." A mechanic took out a shaped energy laser cannon from the storage space.

"I rely on the C3 shaped energy laser cannon, big brother, look down on you." Other mechanics were surprised. There are also levels of mechanics. The mechanics who can make C3 weapons can already be excellent by the judges. + Level mechanic now.

   "Haha, it's not as good as a mecha boss, I have money and I work so hard." The mechanic who took out the laser cannon began to charge.

   The three shield bearers who were resisting the ice beast at the end of the team quickly moved away.

"Give me a piece, days are running out, I want to clear half of the court!" The mechanic said domineeringly, but the hand that released the energy crystals toward the energy furnace shook a little bit hard, and one million energy points one energy crystal , Put more than 20 yuan in the blink of an eye.

   An extremely dazzling beam of laser energy began to sweep half the field. All the ice beasts that were attacked were gasified, and the field was wiped out for a while.

   "Is this the light of victory." A summoner said while looking at the battlefield that had been cleared for most of the time.

"No, this is the light of energy points, the kind of 4 million per second." A mechanic said leisurely, the mechanic who was selected for those cool guns and mechas, as well as those endless weapons. As a result, I’m more tired after going to college than going to high school. There are various weapon knowledge theories, materials science, metal formula research, and laboratory establishment. After arriving in the world of heaven, these things have to be made by themselves. Krypton liver.

At the same time, Zhang Yue’s current situation is a bit difficult, the ice giant, that heavy punch made Zhang Yue a little unstoppable, but Zhang Yue still resisted it tenaciously, not because Zhang Yue didn’t want to hide, but because he couldn’t. Drop, punch quickly and very hard.

   At this time, Zhang Yue's mind became more and more clear in the midst of the crisis. Standing on the glacier seemed to have a feeling of returning to the earth, and Zhang Yue's other half of water properties began to take effect.

  ‘The shield is up! An ice wall blocked the ice giant's heavy fist, and the ice wall was broken or hit on Zhang Yue's shield. The strength was only half of the original, and Zhang Yue was completely pressure-free.

   Zhang Yue followed this familiar feeling and directly used the shield wall, but what was rising was an ice wall, which saved a bit of energy than the earth shield wall.

   "Haha, come on, I'm not afraid of you now." Zhang Yue knew that he had understood the trend of ice, and was very happy.

   The ice giant saw that his attack had no effect on the little bug, he was furious, and directly grabbed an iceberg and threw it at Zhang Yue.

"Can't resist, avoid." Zhang Yue watched the huge ice smashing at him quickly, jumped directly into the air, hit the iceberg at a strange angle, and used the reaction force to fly towards the distance, just falling into the cold. Masses of ice beasts.

   Four ice walls suddenly appeared next to Zhang Yue, blocking all the ice beasts' attacks outside the wall. After standing up, he looked at the ice giant and found that it began to walk towards the team.

Zhang Yue hurried forward to stop the ice giant, and look at the time, 17 minutes have passed, and he can be picked up and solved in 3 minutes. Zhang Yue condensed an ice crystal spear with all his strength in his hand, and shot it hard at the ice giant Go, Zhang Yue's psychic motion also used anti-gravity on the ice crystal spear, not knowing how it worked.

   The ice crystal spear was launched from Zhang Yue's hand like an off-string arrow, making a sound of breaking through the sound barrier in mid-air, hitting the heads of several people in the ice, successfully angering the ice giant. ,

'Roar! ! The ice giant roared towards Zhang Yue.

   "Come on, Little Iceman, let's have a good fight." Zhang Yueyue was eager to try. Now that he has the momentum of ice, blocking the ice giant is not a problem.

  At this time, the ice giant suddenly raised his left foot, and countless ice elements began to gather at the feet of the ice no good, this guy has to make a big move. Zhang Yue is dangerous! The ultra-remote personnel set the fire and ice giant's left leg. "Xu Ling said

"Roger that!"

   "Burst Fireball"

   "Energy Storage Ice Spear"

   "Psionic Missile"

   "Burst Arrow"

  The means of attacking the ice giant in the distance have been used, but the ice giant foot in mid-air still stepped heavily on the glacier.

   This area of ​​ice shook, and an ice whistle of more than 20 meters rose from the feet of the ice giant, attacking in all directions.

   "Damn, your little brother don't want it." Zhang Yue watched Bing Xiao attack him.

   Zhang Yue quickly moved towards the team holding the shield.

   "It's still a minute away, you can't wait to make a big move." Zhang Yue said angrily.

   "Shield wall, come out for me." Zhang Yue approached all the teams. Use all energy to release the shield wall directly.

   More than a dozen ice walls blocked the front of the team and blocked Bing Xiao, Zhang Yue also ran over in time to defend behind the ice wall with a shield.

   With a ‘boom’, the ice howl collided with the ice wall. The whole team seems to have become an island in the waves, and it may be sunk by the waves at any time.

   "I have finished replying, you guys set up guns for me." At this time, the gun sister came out and said.

"no problem."

   10 Arcanists quickly formed an array to build a mine-based magnetic permeability structure for the gun sister.

   The ice giant seemed to feel the danger and attacked the team desperately.

   "I'm anxious now, it's late." Xu Ling sneered.

   "Bang!" I saw the wall of nothingness in the sky, which is also the boundary of the fragmented world, and ripples appeared, indicating that it had been attacked just now.

   The headless ice giant fell to the ground.


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