The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 179 I want to protect the future of mankind

The real name curse is a profound black magic, Lockhart needs to learn it within a week, and then challenge Grindelwald, which is completely difficult for a strong man.

The wizards all believed in miracles and decided to treat dead horses as living horse doctors.

But I don't know what the Muggles are up to. With Lockhart dead, how many disappointed wizards would switch to Grindelwald? This was the start of an avalanche and the trigger for an all-out war between wizards and Muggles.

The People's Federation sent people to Hogwarts, and it was a special permission from the Ministry of Magic.

A group of Muggles dressed as engineers, wandering around with some weird scientific instruments, without saying a word.

There is also a group of well-dressed Muggle lobbyists who look like tropical parrots. They are very talkative, but their words are always confusing, making people dizzy. useful information. These guys specialize in obfuscation so that wizards don't know what scientists are doing.

In the end all the Muggles left in a hurry, and no one bothered Lockhart as if he was already dead.

Percy swore that the Muggles were going to give up Lockhart and win over Dumbledore instead. As a prefect and a petty official, he dared to pat his chest and praise his political sense.

Linde knew that was not the case, those Muggles had ulterior motives. Some clues have emerged. There are aircraft carrier groups wandering in the Strait of Gibraltar, and there are also nuclear submarines under the sea. With the range of intercontinental missiles, it is not a problem to cover the British Isles. It seems that they intend to wipe out all the wizards.

If Linde said in school that on the day of the duel on April 1st, a big iron egg would fall from the sky, that shock waves and fireballs would destroy Hogwarts, and that nuclear radiation would wipe out humans and animals within a thousand miles, wizards would definitely laugh and say He's making it up again. So Linde only told Dumbledore about this, and the old headmaster nodded nervously, seeing that Linde didn't take it seriously, he calmed down.

A week before the duel, Lockhart was in retreat at Hogwarts.

After amnesia, he is cheerful and clumsy every day, like an idiot. Maybe Dumbledore punched him and cleared his IQ. But the idiot is also more likable than the original Lockhart.

The current Lockhart is a rookie, he doesn't know half of the spells, and he needs to start leveling from scratch, which is fine, after all, the previous Lockhart only knows the Oblivion Curse.

If the headmaster is compared to the abbot of Hogwarts, then Professor McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Ms. Moon Shadow are the four head monks who jointly guide Lockhart, the protagonist of destiny, the little novice. I hope he can practice peerless martial arts within a week and defeat the leader of the Demon Cult, Grindelwald.

Every day, he has a small talk with the four great wizards, which is a treatment that the savior Harry Potter did not enjoy.

The students all respected this righteous hero, and the naughty little wizard ran to peek at Lockhart's training whenever he got the chance.

Professor Flitwick is in charge of the first lesson, the use of wands and the practice of spells. The front door of the small classroom was secretly pushed open a crack, and the peeping students piled one on top of the other like melons. There was a Gryffindor freshman named Colin with a camera, ready to capture the moment.

Short Professor Flitwick asked Lockhart to produce his wand.

The idiot Lockhart had been looking forward to doing magic for a long time.

"Let's start with the easiest, shall we?" Professor Flitwick flicked his wand, then said [Lumos].

Lockhart followed suit, and then the tip of his wand lit up like a bad light bulb.

"Well, barely enough. Then let's try something more advanced." Flitwick waved, "Wingadim Leviosa [Levitation Curse]"

Lockhart was a little frightened. He squinted his eyes and muttered "Yoga Mumuchisas"

He waved his magic wand, and then a group of beautiful Indians spewed out from the head of the wand, dancing the classic Bollywood dance in the classroom. The magical music floated from the clarinets they carried, making people feel like they were in the South Asian subcontinent for an instant hot summer. Professor Flitwick yelled: "Stop the curse!" The group of asses disappeared in a puff of stinking smoke.

The front door of the classroom was knocked open by the students rolling in laughter, like a flock of lively little birds breaking in suddenly, Lockhart scratched his head foolishly and laughed. Colin's camera clicked and clicked. That day Lockhart gained the title of an idiot wizard.

The second class was presided over by Professor McGonagall. She walked into the classroom with a large pile of parchment floating behind her. The cold-faced and serious witch came up with a sea of ​​questioning tactics, which frightened the peeping students and scattered them.

Lockhart was serious about studying, but the knowledge just didn't enter his head. Professor McGonagall had no choice but to whisper in his ear repeatedly, like Tang Monk chanting a magic spell, which was of no help except for giving him a splitting headache.

Ms. Moon Shadow's lecture was the wisdom of battle. She was floating in the air, and she was astonishingly beautiful. Every word that came out of her mouth was like a golden rule, but Lockhart just stared at her in a daze the whole time, naturally he didn't learn anything.

The first three masters treated Lockhart fairly well, but when it was Professor Snape's turn, his face was stretched longer than a horse. The first sentence of the meeting was: "Maybe I should give you some intelligence enhancer, so that your head is not so stupid." Then he pointed his wand at the door, and with a bang, the peeking student was blown up by a magic People are on their backs.

Lockhart was fed a lot of weird potions here, some to increase wisdom, some to strengthen magic power, some to adapt the body to black magic, and more, Lockhart can't remember up.

Most of the potions have unique flavors, and seeing Snape's malicious expression, maybe he added some spices to him. After drinking the potion, Lockhart felt cold all over, his cheeks were as red as charcoal, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. While having dinner in the auditorium, he felt that his stomach was about to explode, and then he suddenly sprayed a table with a strange potion. The stench was so foul that many children even vomited it out. Everyone hated it.

In an embarrassing sneer, Lockhart sprinted away.

At that time, he wished he could die like this, but he survived after all.

After a grueling first day, the idiot wizard wandered alone in the castle in frustration as night fell. Whether it is a student or a ghost, he will not hesitate to make fun of him when he sees him.

At this time, an old man with a fairy air appeared at the end of the corridor, the moonlight fell on him, bathed in silver light, everything was so appropriate, as if he was a god who came to save the lost youth.

When Lockhart saw him, he expressed frustration that he probably couldn't keep the world peaceful, because he couldn't even use the simplest spells.

"Young man," said the old educator, with the unfathomable inscrutability characteristic of a magic stick, "even if you don't believe in yourself, believe in Gilderoy Lockhart."

"Why? I don't understand why you guys call me Gilderoy Lockhart. I don't even know what that name means."

Dumbledore took his hand and found a bench in the resting place to sit down, "To be honest, Lockhart's past is not worth pursuing. Everyone's past may be bad, the important thing is whether you can Let go of the burden and travel lightly. Young man, you just need to know that when the whole world wavers in the face of the temptation of darkness, it is you who choose to fight. You are a banner of justice, and the people of this planet under our feet They are all waiting for your victory."

"Why? Why must I?" The idiot was still puzzled.

"Merlin doesn't know either. But you are the most famous person ever. You have the ability to change the world, understand? Gilderoy Lockhart, a shining name. Believe in yourself, believe in this name, you His potential is unparalleled, and he is destined to be the most powerful wizard."

Looking at Dumbledore's clear blue eyes, the idiot Lockhart's expression slowly changed from confusion to firmness, and he nodded slowly, "I see. I'm Gilderoy Lockhart, and I want to protect humans s future."

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