The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 500 Everyone is a miser

After they parted that day, Furong didn't seek tutoring from Linde again. They spent three happy months together, seeing each other every day. If possible, she would always be inseparable.

It takes two weeks to form a habit. Furong has become accustomed to Linde's presence. Now that we don't see each other, she feels uncomfortable.

She couldn't describe what it felt like. Everything she did after that day felt boring. Everyone she looked at felt like they were wearing a mask, and underneath the mask was the same vulgarity.

She knew that this was not a problem with people, but because Linde's soul was so rich and complex, and could always show a fresh side. He would tell many stories, such as treasures in lonely mountains and adventures in the universe. They sounded so bizarre that they seemed to have been experienced by him personally.

Furong would still encounter Linde by chance. She pretended not to notice, and the other person smiled and said hello indifferently, and then the two sides passed each other, neither stopping for the other. It's just that one person walks easily and the other person drags his feet.

At a certain moment, Fleur could not suppress her longing, so she skipped a class and ran to the fourth floor of the castle. The door in that corridor was still there and had not disappeared because of her broken appointment.

She knew that as long as she opened the door, Lind would still be in the classroom and say "You're here?". There was a bed for taking a nap in the corner, there was always a cup of hot potion on the workbench, and there was a wooden figure beside the wall. Even I was there quietly gathering dust.

What she felt was a silent and solemn watch, a deep and firm promise.

Linde said he would help her, and he would do it, and he would not break his promise because of changes in weather and people's hearts.

In this June, which is hotter than youth, she should cherish the last ten days, racing against time and pretending that nothing happened to get along with Linde.

What awaits them next is separation - not this short-lived, false separation, they can still see each other without looking up. But truly, in terms of a hundred years of life, the blink of an eye is a long farewell to gray hair on the temples.

She returned to France, while he stayed in England. Neither the owl nor the Internet could bring their lives together again. Their youthful love broke up unhappy, and their story ended without a problem.

When she thought that she would gradually forget about Linde and this stupid one-sided love in the future, she felt sad, feeling that she had betrayed herself, and her heart felt like a wet rag.

Finally she burst into tears in front of her sister Gabrielle.

Gabrielle asked her sister why she was crying.

Fleur hesitated for a while, looked at the black roof of the Beauxbatons carriage, and said softly: "I know now, this is what it means to become an adult."


"I used to always look at the future and fantasize about the future. Now I realize that as time goes by, a part of me will always stay in the past. Lin, you idiot, I will never like you as much as I do today."

"...Adults are just poor people who are burdened with the past, like Grandet who was bent over by treasure. Even if he was crushed to death, he would not throw away a piece of gold. That's why they envy children. Children are not without worries, but There is no burden.”

Gabrielle shrugged. She was still the object of envy, so she could watch her grown-up sister cry bitterly.

"Fleur, exams and competitions." Gabrielle said, "You still have exams and competitions."

"Ah, it's so annoying." Fleur broke away in an instant, her face turned ashen. The courses at Hogwarts were novel, and the exams were said to be quite difficult, not to mention she had to participate in competitions.

There were exams during the day and competitions in the evening, which was really intense.

She suddenly resonated with the famous King Louis XVI in the history of her hometown. The wind was blowing and the water was cold, and the examination room was like an execution ground.

"Merlin's beard, I hate exams!"

"Who makes you so confident? Originally, warriors didn't have to take exams. But it's not too late for you to refuse now."

"No, what I say must come true. Otherwise, wouldn't I have learned in vain?"

Furong was worried and not confident in her knowledge.

Since the introduction of new textbooks, the teaching at Hogwarts has been innovating and changing. Helena has dominated the progress of the curriculum. Even the professors cannot fully adapt to it, and the students are even more confused.

But in general, the difficulty of the exam syllabus is increasing. Many higher-grade knowledge is taught to lower-grade students in advance, and some more advanced magic knowledge is also beginning to penetrate into the classroom.

She always felt that she didn't study well enough, and she was afraid that there were still holes in her knowledge.

It is said that there are two types of people who do sudden review before exams. The top students are those who check for omissions and make up for them, and the bad students are those who make up for the mistakes.

Fleur began to review, and then the nervousness subsided - because she realized that she seemed to be a top student.

She was already very familiar with the content in the textbook. Even the relatively weak foundations of potions and herbal medicine were no longer a weakness after Linde's tutoring.

It is said that famous teachers make great disciples. Furong followed Linde and usually just studied step by step, but she had climbed to a higher level before she knew it.

Not only can she now understand the contents of the textbook, but she can also explain the principles that are not stated in the book. This is all the accumulation of exposure.

This discovery surprised her, and Fleur gradually recalled Linde's lessons. With his calm instructions, he had already marked the path to the truth. Looking back now, she has a pleasant feeling of being in a commanding position.

She didn't know why she had made such progress, so Furong could only complain that she was stupid and her mind was filled with that person's image.

During the last week of finals, Fleur often visited professors and took the initiative to ask them questions. She also greeted students at Hogwarts and Durmstrang, and participated in witch clubs and gatherings.

At the end of this study abroad experience, Fleur is ready to create more memories, just like adding more gems to a necklace to make it shine brighter to complement the most precious pearl.

Everyone was surprised that this princess-like girl had become considerate of "public opinion." But who doesn’t like being able to chat with pretty girls?

Time flies so fast. The exam week is here as scheduled. This is the first major exam after the curriculum reform. Contrary to what many students feared, the exam is not really difficult, especially the fifth and seventh grade exams. The question set team is the Ministry of Magic, and the question bank is senior Old, most students cope with it easily.

It is worth mentioning that among the four warriors, Cedric and Krum both chose to abandon the exam and focus more on the Triwizard Tournament. Fleur was dumbfounded because after these days of intense exams, she was already a little exhausted physically and mentally.

On the 24th, at noon, the four warriors had a routine meeting with their families.

Furong had an exam in the afternoon, so she didn't see her mother until late in the evening. She came all the way and talked a lot with her daughter.

"Where is that boy? I want to see who makes my Fleur so fascinated." Mother asked with a smile.

"What boy?" Fleur pretended to be dumbfounded. At the same time, she realized that there was a little traitor beside her. She quietly turned her head and saw the hateful expression on her sister Gabrielle's playful face.

Lady Apolline Delacour was determined to break the casserole and ask the question. Fleur was ashamed and angry, so she could only try to excuse herself.

Now she was glad that she had taken the exam, otherwise she would never have been able to bear being nagged like this all afternoon.

"The game, let's start quickly." Fleur muttered in her heart, and the game began.

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