The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 513 Shadow Heart Joins the Team

"May I have your name?"

"Laezel. Do you want to chat with me? Don't waste time on such meaningless things. If we can't control the magic rudder to teleport away from Avernus, we will all be corpses, and corpses are not Name."

"I just asked you for your name. No need for such a long explanation." The thin black-haired magician chuckled.

His steps were light and he landed silently. The dagger in his hand swayed gently like a willow branch. On such a dangerous ship that was about to crash, he still maintained an optimistic attitude.

"Laezel, that's a long name. I might as well call you Yankee Girl."

"you wanna die?"

"It's normal for adventurers to have nicknames."

"We don't have such a tradition." The Yankee girl said in a low voice.

When she said this, Lind glanced at her, and once again, he was attracted by this person's face - not infatuated, but curious.

Most of the Gith people have gray-green skin and look like frogs and toads. They have pointed ears that are even more exaggerated than elves. Their facial features are similar to humans. The only difference is that their noses are very short, which reminds Lind of an old friend-Voldemort.

Let's put it this way, Yankee girl Leal Zell is not bad looking, but just because of her narrow nose, she looks appalling. The distance from her nostril to her upper lip costs two hundred yuan to take a taxi. The length of her philtrum is three fingers wide, enough for a Boeing airliner to take off.

"Cheer up, human male." The Yankee girl raised her fist and made a military gesture, and another enemy appeared in front of her.

——More little devils are getting in through the holes in the shell ship.

Looking out from the hole in the hull, the gray sky of Avernus Hell is like rolling sulfur dust, and tens of millions of war roars on the plains turn into violent winds.

horrible! blurred! Hot!

The air seems to be soaked with some invisible and intangible spiritual will. The silent Other is beating gongs and drums for war, and killing and death have become a joyful event.

"It really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?" Lind gently breathed in the pungent hell air, and the mortal body was trembling uncontrollably.

Yankee Girl is a skilled warrior who was part of a githyanki team that laid siege to the conch ship, only to be captured by the mind flayers.

With her and the Brain Eater in the front row, Linde, a magician, had an easier time. He had completely transformed into a magic blast robot. He could kill one by one without losing any blood.

"Ah!" The Yankee girl was hit by the little devil's ax on the shoulder, and blood was flowing out. Fortunately, she still had armor on her body, otherwise her artery might have been cut.

"Get out of the way." Lind reminded. The Yankee girl quickly dodged, and a colorless blast of magic energy hit the little devil's body and penetrated its chest. Hot and dirty blood and internal organs fragments trickled out.

A feeling of happiness born from killing arose from his heart. Lind knew that this feeling was unnatural, and that the will of hell and the abyss was affecting his sanity.

The bloody battle is a concrete manifestation of the confrontation between the power of order and the power of chaos in the universe. This is a grand narrative that transcends planets and planes, in which personal power can only drift with the flow.

"I now know why the archangel Zariel was corrupted in the bloody battle." Lind pressed his heart and said to the Yankee girl, "Do you feel it? This ecstasy of killing? It makes people unconsciously want to devote themselves to it forever. .”

The Yankee girl simply treated the wound, then narrowed her eyes when she heard the words, and said half in agreement and half in a warning: "Soldiers must learn to control their hearts. Warlikeness is an excellent quality, but be careful not to be destroyed by it."

Linde did not refute, and the magician's magical bond once again increased due to the killing. Gaining experience points by killing is the perfect way to grow.

"Go ahead and head to the upper deck."

Passing through the burning side of the ship, they came to a transformation laboratory, where two unconscious people were lying on the operating table, and a half-high elf woman was held in the mind flayer's bag beside them.

The half-elf woman banged on the observation window of the storage bag and shouted: "Let me out! Quick! Help me!"

Yankee Girl said seriously: "We don't have time to waste on stragglers."

"We can't say that we don't have time, we can only say that we don't have enough time. As long as we act quickly, we can achieve all our goals, including saving people." Lind waved his hand, "Leerzel, could you please go check on the two lying men?" He's on the operating bed, I'll find a way to save this half-elf."

The Yankee girl frowned, expressing disapproval, but still obeyed.

Linde walked to the storage bag, and his calm and trustworthy face comforted the trapped woman. She reminded: "Look at the operating table next to it. They used it when I was imprisoned."

Located next to the storage bag is an alien-style control mechanism, and the mind flayer tadpole in Lind's brain has a psychic link with it.

This console is waiting for his orders, it is a "living" thing.

"Open it." Lind scolded.

The console obediently opened the storage bag, and the tadpole in his head trembled slightly. He experienced a fascinating pleasure of conquest. The ruling order of the mind flayer race is so tempting that once you step into it, it is difficult to turn back, and you eventually become a link in the chain.

The half-elf woman fell out, and at the same time there was a metal polyhedron, which was her belongings.

Linde stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Let's get together? Let's live together."

Before the woman could speak, she covered her head in pain, and the mind flayer tadpoles were connecting spontaneously again, just like two dogs smelling each other's scent to confirm the identity of the same kind.

"It seems that mind flayer messengers will attract each other." Linde expressed optimism, "We are now grasshoppers on a rope."

"I guess that's right. Thank you for saving me. Hey, your companion seems to be in danger."

"She's a Yankee girl. Even though she's a Githyanki, she's just a tsundere. As long as we get along well..."

"No, I mean she's in danger!"

Lind turned around and saw Yankee Girl fighting. The two guys lying on the bed woke up for some reason and attacked her.

"For the Supreme God!" The cultist roared, and was chopped down by the Yankee girl with a sword.

"No! If you kill him, the Supreme God will avenge us! Ah——!"

The Yankee girl spat, "These two lunatics."

Linde nodded and said: "Good kill. Clean and neat. Raizel, this is -"

"Shadow Heart."

"I am Lind, a doctor from Waterdeep who has some knowledge of magic. Judging from your attire, you seem to be a distinguished priest. Which divine power do you serve?"

Shadow Heart showed a smile, raised her head and said, "I serve the Lord of the Night, Ms. Shar."

Lind raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He noticed that Shadow Heart was wearing moonstone jewelry. This kind of gemstone was often favored by Selune's believers. Shar and Selune are mortal enemies.

The identity of this woman is not simple.

However, it was a big taboo to talk to someone shallow and deep, so he suppressed his doubts for the time being.

Priest Shadowheart joins the party.

Linde was not in a hurry to leave the cabin. He noticed that there were many half-man-high liquid storage tanks in the corner. The slightly pungent smell reminded him that they were filled with brine. Like the liquid in the brain pool, it would not be exposed to open flames. It will explode.

"Good stuff. Raizel, Shadowheart, let's carry it."

"What are you doing again?" The Yankee girl looked fearful, but she still carried two fluid storage tanks obediently.

The three of them were each carrying two explosive cans. Their attire looked like a self-destructing truck.

"Although I don't know the specific use of these jars, it has always been my code of conduct to be prepared." Linde took a breath and waved, "Hope is ahead, let's go, let's escape from hell together."

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