The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 520 The Magic Contract that is about to advance

The Yeager Temple is not grand, but it has a multi-layered structure. Judging from the signs of aging of the items, it seems that no one has taken care of it for about forty or fifty years.

Judging from some remaining book records, the last monks in the temple either left or died of illness, until a group of bandits visited the place many years later.

As a comprehensive religious building, temples often also serve as mausoleums. There are many good things in the coffins, burial objects, and sacrifice boxes in the tomb area, which naturally attract covetous attention.

The group of tomb robbers took advantage of the living area of ​​the temple and set up camp here. The fireplace was lit and the fire was blazing. On the table were red wine, roasted leeks, wild boar steaks and wheels of Waterdeep cheese, just in time to reward the adventurers. Hungry.

There were some old books on the bookshelves here, and Lind took them out and looked through them.

The book "Unclaimed" tells the story of Pastor Shar who dedicated everything to her goddess, from body to memory to personality and soul. She was very loyal, but after her death she wandered into the kingdom of the dead, and no one claimed her soul. Naturally, he cannot go to Shar’s Kingdom of God.

The book describes it this way: Time, invisible time, is like air blowing by her side, coming and going, but the goddess still does not appear beside her believers.

After the death of all Shar followers, regardless of their worth in life, they will be forgotten by Shar. This is also the nature of this lady of the night.

There happened to be a priest from Shar in the team. Linde glanced at Ying Xin who was feasting with strange eyes. The female priest looked elegant and serious when eating, and a peaceful smile spread unconsciously on her face.

Shar's sect is often seen as evil. The members of this organization are ruthless and often start riots and carry out assassinations with the goal of destroying local order. Ying Xin is not that crazy, he looks normal, and even a little kind.

Lind couldn't help but ask: "Speaking of which, Shadow Heart, why can't you cast high-level priest magic? Could it be that you were abandoned by Shar?"

"Of course not!" She said solemnly, "On the contrary, the lady's eyes never left me. It's just that I needed to complete a task, so I sealed a part of my memory. I guess it was the loss of this part of my memory that made my The magic is weak. But as long as I walk on the right path, the lady will still bless me."

"What mission?"

Shadowheart showed resistance, "That strange polyhedron, I need to send it to Baldur's Gate. This is all the information I can reveal. Please don't make it difficult for me."

Lin De nodded and stopped asking.

He opened another book about how to identify and guard against vampires.

The book says that vampires are very pale, afraid of sunlight, and cannot break into a house without being invited by the owner.

What the book doesn't mention is that vampires are also afraid of running water.

This was all common sense, and Lind quickly lost interest.

After eating, the four of them formally explored the various halls in the temple.

In a small room, they found a hardcover book locked by magic. Gale successfully cracked the magic runes on the cover, and the adventure team was able to peek into the secret pages.

Gale exclaimed: "Mystra, this is a list, and all the names recorded on it are the gods. The fallen gods, and the resurrected ones. But there are three names crowded together at the end, and I can't recognize them. Can you see clearly?"

Linde smiled and said, "Too many gods died in the turbulent years. As for those three names, let's make a reasonable guess. The three gods of death. Baal, Bane, and Melkor, don't they look a bit similar?"

When he said those three names, a stream of decaying, cold, fishy air passed over the tips of their noses - shuddering.

"The three gods of death have fallen for many years. It's better not to mention them. It's a bit unlucky." Shadow Heart said dryly. This female priest of Shar seemed to be aware of the dark fate and was watching her group in secret.

Gale said: "Agree."

Asdalen rubbed the goosebumps on the back of his hands, "That's right, we can't even control our own life and death, so it's better not to care about the life and death of the gods."

Linde said nothing, only showing a subtle smile.

Is the life and death of gods really irrelevant to the lives of mortals? That's not necessarily the case.

The adventure team advanced all the way and arrived at the main hall of the temple. It was completely a tomb chamber. The walls on both sides were lined with sarcophagi, and there was a main coffin in the middle of the hall.

Shadow Heart said keenly: "Something's wrong, there are trap pedals everywhere in this room."

Asdalen bowed to his companions, like a clown on stage, "Please take a look."

He walked lightly towards the main coffin, avoiding the treads along the way. In the eyes of Linde and Gale, these treads were no different from normal floor tiles.

Asdalen walked to a stone pillar and pressed an inconspicuous button. As a series of dull clicks echoed, all the traps in the tomb chamber were released.

"It's harvest time. I hope the tomb robbers before us didn't steal the good stuff."

The four of them embarked on a happy cemetery shopping trip.

"Hey, Linde, there's a good spear here. You can try it." Shadow Heart threw a short spear as high as his eyebrows.

Linde could detect a slight magical reaction in the short spear. It didn't even reach the level of a +1 enchanted weapon. It was a pretty good weapon at best. However, looking at the traces of its long history, it was probably once a good magic equipment, and it would not be a problem to sell it for two hundred gold coins.

He likes spears, and during the two years he opened a medicine shop in Waterdeep City, he often practiced spear skills in the backyard, holding it in his hand and performing it.

The difference between a spear and a stick lies in the tip of the spear. The main technique is stabbing, and the way to hold the pole is particular. It is said that the front hand is like a tube and the back hand is like a lock. It means that the front hand is held empty, which is convenient for pushing and drawing. The back hand should hold the gun root tightly and be the main power hand.

The old short spear took on new life, or rather, murderous intent, in Lind's hands. The sharp and dark spearhead pierced the air, making a weird and terrifying whine. The spear shaft bent like a snake under the force of the waist. The accumulated elastic energy surged from the back hand to the spear tip, and a dazzling spear flower suddenly bloomed. .

"Oh!" Ying Xin couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "Your technique is very strange. I have never seen anyone use a spear like this."

Linde smiled and said: "It's just a little bit of the style brought from my hometown."

Gale asked excitedly: "So my guess is correct, you are indeed from the Eastern Shoulong Empire, right?"

"No, my hometown is outside the country. Although I have forgotten many things, my hometown will never be forgotten."

"You are really a mystery, my friend. We should sit down and have a good chat when we have the opportunity. But for now, let's focus on the adventure." The mage of Waterdeep said in an appreciative tone.

Asdalen silently collected gold coins and jewelry, and unknowingly had accumulated a small bag.

The group of them made their way to the bottom of the temple, which seemed to be a chapel. The statue of Yeager was located in the center. The inscription at the bottom of the statue was written in an ancient lost language that no one could understand.

Linde said with some distress: "Ah, if my magic contract is not weakened, the Rune Guardian Eyes in the magic power invocation can allow me to read all the words."

He estimated the growth rate of the magic contract. After killing a few more enemies, he would be able to advance. At that time, he would be able to reshape the magic summoning brand in the magic contract.

The next advancement can probably carry two magic invocations. These forbidden knowledge fragments are equivalent to special passive skills. Although there are many kinds, not all of them are useful. He needs to be careful to maximize his combat effectiveness.

But where can I find some bad guys to kill?

Sometimes it is a good thing to give pillows when you doze off. There are several ancient mummies and skeletons in the chapel. They are the scribes and warriors who were buried with them. They turned into undead creatures and guarded the core room of the temple.

Asdalen searched these "corpses" with itching hands and accidentally disturbed one of them, and then all the skeletons were awakened.

Linde raised his eyebrows and said, "Guys, come to life!"

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