The addition of Yankee Girl brings a reliable front-line fighter to the team. Now the adventure team is already somewhat over-staffed. Usually a team consists of four people, but Linde doesn't mind bringing a few more partners.

After being rescued by them, Raizel provided a message.

"Those guys with horns mentioned a person - Su Luo. He has seen my kindred. We should find him, interrogate him, and ask him to tell where he has seen the warriors of Gith."

Asdalen made a sound, "Wait a minute, green-skinned friend, you haven't told us yet, why are you wasting your time trying to find your mother?"

The Yankee girl's eyes were sharp, and she said coldly: "My purpose is not to seek comfort from the female elders of my race. This is an idea only for a weak race like you. I need to contact my race, because they know how to cure the infection. They He will lead me to the breeding room and get rid of the tadpoles of the brain-eating hybrids."

She looked at Linde, "I have to find a nursing room and you can stay with me."

Ying Xin crossed her arms and said hostilely: "Be careful that she is taking advantage of your kindness."

Linde was noncommittal about this statement. He waved his hand and said: "Everyone of us is in the same boat. Since Raizel can provide a way to cure the infection, we might as well follow the clues and try it."

The Yankee girl smiled. At this time, many of her companions also discovered that this ruthless warrior of the evil race did not seem to be very old in real life.

A smile never fakes, it always reflects a person's soul sincerely. The smile of the Yankee girl is not the pride of succeeding in her scheme, but the innocence of being recognized.

The group of people headed northwest along the ancient dirt road. After walking only two or three miles, they heard a cry for help from behind a low stone hill ahead.

They had looked far away from the top of the mountain, and the camp they saw was right there. Several large figures stood on the wall of the camp, guarding a heavy wooden gate, while three humans dressed as adventurers were panicking. They called the door in a panic, and not far behind them, a group of goblins rushed towards them, shouting and cursing.

As the most common monster in Faerûn, goblins are often regarded as representatives of weakness and incompetence.

The short and weak body, the lack of fighting will and organizational discipline, coupled with the crude weapons and equipment, and the stupid and slow brain, all of which resulted in the goblin race being reduced to a low-level intelligent life.

For a budding adventurer, goblins are probably the best training target. Even a Faerûnian farmer would dare to take out a pitchfork and deal with two or three goblins.

However, the goblins chasing the adventurers at this moment were somewhat unusual.

Among them are a bugbear, a warg, a magician, and a leader warrior. Such a high-end configuration means that there must be a goblin settlement nearby.

What is even more surprising is that this group of goblins actually showed tenacity and perseverance, chanting "For the Supreme God!" and launched a group charge without fear of death.

Lind climbed up the fifteen-foot-high stone knoll and observed the fighting parties in the clearing.

The fighting power of the goblins cannot be underestimated. The archers shot and killed the camp guard who was responsible for opening the door. As a result, the three adventurers were unable to escape into the camp and could only stay outside to resist the incoming enemies.

The guards on the wall of the camp were firing arrows from high places and did not dare to open the door to fight. Only one human magician jumped off the wall and entered the siege. As soon as he entered, he used magic blasts and stabbing swords to kill him. The two goblins shocked the goblins, while their friends cheered.

Linde chuckled: "Will, 'Edge Blade', why did you show up so hard? It makes us lose face."

Shadow Heart and Gale both said that they have heard of this person's name. He can be regarded as the timely rain of Faerun, Hu Baoyi of the Sword Coast, or a righteous partner. He is a slightly famous star adventurer, but he is unknown now. Why did it appear in such a remote area?

"No matter what else, we have to go into this camp to inquire about news. We should help them get rid of these goblins first." Lind stepped on the edge of the cliff, jumped down, and hit a goblin archer with a pair of forty-three-yard feet. Skull, stepped its head into the cavity.

Holding the short spear in his hand, he aimed at the goblin magician in front of him and struck out with a spear.

He used a mid-level spear, which was originally supposed to be aimed at the opponent's heart and waist, but goblins were all three-inch men, so the spear was stuck in the eye socket and came out through the skull. The dull iron spearhead was immediately dyed vermilion, and the sunlight It shines like a bloody gem.

"What a skill!" Bian Blade shouted, "Friends over there, let's see who of us can kill faster!"

He recited the incantation, held the incantation with his free hand, and called on the power of Hada, the Hunger of Darkness.

The buzzing magic net flowed, and a deep thick fog emerged under his feet. Several curled black tentacles protruded from the fog, violently beating the goblins ten feet around. The dark energy corroded their flesh and blood until they were gray and withered. The pain that followed was like saw teeth picking away bones.

Gale smiled and took out a small piece of pigskin from the bag of spell materials he carried with him, and cast the grease spell. A ball of smooth grease fell at the feet of bugbears and wargs, causing them to fall backwards and their bodies were covered with extremely easy-to-use grease. Burning grease.

Shadowheart shouted, "Ignis!"

A ball of flaming arrows shot out, hitting the grease ball in the middle. A violent explosion occurred, and the bugbears and wargs screamed in the fire.

The battle ended quickly, and Linde and his party were welcomed into the camp as helpers.

However, before entering the camp, Linde first asked Shadow Heart to release [Conversation with the Dead] on the leader of this group of goblins.

Ying Xin seems to be very familiar with torture work, and she also knows the taboos and precautions for talking to the dead. For example, most of the corpses of the dead are unwilling to reveal information to their murderers. In this case, they need to disguise themselves first.

As a priest in the field of trickery, Shadow Heart is always equipped with the first-level disguise skill. In the blink of an eye, she transforms into a strange man.

It can be seen that she is very adaptable to disguise. There are many assassins among Shar's followers. Shadowheart has also received corresponding training and is the best among them.

After making preparations in advance, Shadow Heart took out the necklace, recited a spell and cast a spell.

Her eyes cast a green aura, and the body floated up under the influence of magic.

"Where are you from?"

"From the Moonrise...tower...then camp..."

"Whose orders are you taking?"

"Drow woman... Minsala..."

"How many goblins do you have?"

*The corpse is silent, it cannot count.

"Then where is your camp?"

"To the west..."

“Who is the supreme true God in your mouth?”

"She is a mother, she is a gift from heaven... Praise the Supreme God..."

After the five questions were over, the power of the magic faded, and the corpse became completely silent and could no longer speak. The corpses of other goblins were even more confused.

Everyone in the adventure team digested this information silently. For now, these goblins, the so-called supreme gods, have nothing to do with them. They just want to deal with the mind flayer parasites in their brains, nothing more.

"Okay, let's go to the camp and inquire. Maybe someone can provide medical help."

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