The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 541 The Paladin in the Collection House

Along the promotion road to the east, you can see the collection house in the distance. It is a two-story bungalow built on the hillside terrace, with a basement for storing goods. The main body is a masonry structure, and the roof is covered with terracotta tiles. Like a squat little warehouse.

The so-called collection station functions like a high-speed toll station. Businessmen going to Baldur's Gate need to pay tolls here and knock on a payment certificate before the goods can flow into Baldur's Gate for commercial activities.

It is said that I opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, you will have money to buy the road.

There should be toll collectors and armed guards permanently stationed at the collection office.

However, judging from the current situation of the promotion road, it is a question whether there are still people alive in the collection office.

On the stone bridge leading to the collection office, everyone looked in amazement at the broken corpses of jackals on the ground, mixed with the corpses of civilians.

"Oh my god, it looks like they were torn apart alive by some wild beast." Gale covered his nose, the smell of blood and stench made him almost sneeze.

Edge squatted down to inspect the corpse, his tone was heavy and nervous, "They were tortured and killed, and it must have been done by Karak. In the bloody battle in hell, she was famous for such a brutal style. She must be stopped as soon as possible to avoid more innocent people." were killed.”

Hunting Karak is a task assigned by Will's devil master. For Will, this is a task that must be completed, otherwise he will suffer dire consequences for violating the terms of the devil's contract.

The saddest ending is nothing more than falling into hell, becoming a maggot at the bottom, becoming like mud, trampled by the little devils, smeared on the walls, used as food... until the soul is annihilated.

A considerable part of the reputation of warlocks was ruined by these evil masters. Li Hongzhang shook his head and said he couldn't sign it when he saw the unequal terms that Will was burdened with.

Most members of the adventure team agreed with Will. Indeed, allowing such a powerful devil champion warrior to wander around the main material plane would inevitably cause huge disasters.

A group of them crossed the stone bridge and arrived at the collection office. There was a stench in the hall. The smell of fermented and rotting corpses was more pungent than the mud of the city's sewers. It was simply unbearable. There was no doubt that the jackals launched an attack. Bloodbath here.

Surprisingly, there are still survivors here.

One man and two women, they seemed to be in shock, but they greeted the group of adventurers enthusiastically. After listening to their explanations, it turned out that these three people were not employees of the collection office, but had just arrived here not long ago.

The man said with a grimace: "A terrible female devil, covered in fire, hurt us and killed one of my companions. She was injured and ran away towards the river, but she may come back at any time."

Linde raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I didn't expect to see a Paladin here."

The man's name is Anders. He has simple short hair and a loyal face. He looks like a very upright young man. He claims to be a paladin who serves Tyr, the god of justice.

"You? Oh, forgive my blindness, it's great to see a paladin brother, Tyr bless, a just cause always attracts like-minded people. My brother, I wonder if you can help us poor people , please get rid of that beast, I swear on this sword, if you bring back her head, I will offer the Sword of Justice with both hands."

He drew out the two-handed sword behind him, and the mirror reflection on the stainless steel sword trickled past like running water. This is a powerful magical weapon.

This Anders' eyes are so bright and clear, and his words reveal his loyalty and belief in the way of the paladin, and he is so pure.

No one had any doubts about what he said. Only Ying Xin was vaguely aware of the insincerity of this man's words and immediately kept them in mind.

Linde straightened his back and responded with a sincere attitude, and the usually casual and relaxed expression on his face also calmed down.

"I will distinguish right from wrong and kill evildoers."

A man and two women in the collection office showed gratitude and sincerity at the same time.

Linde looked around and said to his friends: "We will chase the female devil later. Let's rest here first."

Anders said enthusiastically, "That's right, you can take anything here, but it's no longer claimed. Cyril, share our supplies with these kind people."

Ceryl is a businesswoman. She smiled and said: "I give you discounts."

Lind sent a mental message to his companions: Search for available supplies. There is no need to go to the basement yet.

Shadow Heart sent a message: Why do I feel that there is something in your words? Are these three people untrustworthy?

Linde nodded slightly, and the smile on his face became warmer. He said to the businessman: "We people don't have much savings, so why not do this? Look at the value of this long gun in my hand."

"Oh, this spear looks like a magic item. It's very beautiful. Does it have a name?"

"Well, it's called Frost Blood." Linde made it up casually.

"It sounds really nice, let me check it out..."

Taking advantage of this moment, other members of the adventure team began to search for supplies.

The side door of the collection office hall leads to an L-shaped warehouse, where goods temporarily stored by business travelers are piled up, as well as sausages, ham, cheese, cabbage, etc. stored by the employees of the collection office.

Shadow Heart found an unidentified corpse lying in the warehouse. Looking at the clothes, she suspected that this was Anders' three companions, and immediately released the dead body to talk to him.

*The corpse floated and looked towards Ying Xin lifelessly.

"Who are you?"

"Servant of's been too long..."

"How did you die?"

"Zariel's cruelty...destroyed me..."

"Who killed the jackals outside?"

"I...and my companions...come from hell..."

"Where does your power come from?"

"Magic Contract...Fallen Lady...Zariel..."

"Why did you sign a magical contract with Zariel?"


*The spell effect ends and the intelligence on the corpse dissipates.

Shadow Heart narrowed her eyes. At this time, Asdalen climbed to the second-floor balcony, and he found a soul coin that emitted a murmuring sound. The appearance of this devil's currency from hell in the collection office was also quite meaningful.

Linde sold his magic contract spear for 275 gold coins, thanks to his good eloquence and the miraculous effect of making friends.

He then bought all the healing potions and special arrows from the merchant.

"Thank you for your patronage!" The merchant smiled and leaned the magic contract spear against the wall, "This is a good business."

After a simple search, the members of the adventure team left the collection center and continued to chase the traces of the hell devil Karak. As soon as they left, there was a burst of snickering in the collection center.

Paladin Anders still had a sincere smile on his face, and he said: "Look at how fooled we are by these idiots."

"Hee hee, Anders, well done." The businessman also showed a proud smile.

The remaining hunter Trion asked his companions, "What if they really bring Karak's head back?"

"Then give them my sword, and then take the head back to hell to negotiate. People who can kill Karak are not easy to mess with. Don't reveal your secret later." The simple and honest face of the paladin was reflected by his beaming expression. Dyed extremely twisted.

Shadow Heart suddenly said on the way: "Linde, those three guys are all servants of Zariel, the Archduke of Hell."

The companions looked surprised.

Linde had already expected it. He kept walking and said loudly: "I will distinguish right from wrong and kill evildoers."

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