The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 555 Refugee Resettlement Plan

At midnight, Linde was troubled and couldn't sleep.

Coincidentally, Sefro and Harsin were still awake and walking together in the holy pool.

The three of them gathered together, and Linde confessed all his worries.

"...If the road to promotion fails, don't force yourself to go around the ancient path of the Moonrise Tower."

Sefro nodded slightly, but his face was still hesitant.

"However, we have disturbed the druids in the forest for too long. Besides, these kin are not my soldiers. They have been frightened by the threats of the wilderness. They can only rest assured when they reach Baldur's Gate."

He knows how to complain.

Halsin also looked serious, "Mr. Linde is right. The situation around the Moonrise Tower is very dangerous.

"A long time ago, a man named Catheric Thome believed in Selûne, the Silver Virgin, under the influence of his wife. To this end, he raised manpower and material resources to build the Tower of Moonrise, but the good times did not last long.

"The death of his wife and daughter led Catheric Thom to convert to Shar, the goddess of the night. In order to please this powerful evil god, he summoned a large number of night judges, Shar's fanatical followers, and caused a massacre. The moon sheltered The ruins they turned into were the atrocities they committed.

"Years ago, I participated in the overthrow of Catheric Thom and his Night Judges. But before he was defeated, he tainted the region with a curse... We failed to prevent this from happening, and this is my life of regret.”

This bear-like man is soaked in bitter memories, and his face is as sad as an iron moon.

Lind nodded noncommittally.

Shar has this kind of virtue. Her priesthood conflicts with Selûne's, and her divinity is full of hatred for Selûne's sister. As long as she can disgust Selûne, she will do anything.

Catheric Thom's evil fall was the result of Shar's secret promotion. Shar was probably jealous that someone was praising the Moon Old Witch for building such a marvelous building as the Tower of Moonrise.

The Tower of Moonrise is a very magnificent sacred temple. On the day of its initial completion, it attracted Selune's daughter-Eileen, an immortal Aasimar (descendant of the gods), to visit in person.

It was so grand, so of course Shar couldn't help but attack the Moonrise Tower.

No one knows exactly what happened that year, but one thing is clear: Catherick Somme's wife and daughter died mysteriously one after another.

Catheric is a man of great talent and infatuation. He is a very typical supporting character in bard stories, and is naturally suitable to be used to evil and become a villain.

In short, after the death of his wife and daughter, the infatuated Catherick wanted to resurrect them. This is also a classic plot.

In order to achieve his goal, he prayed to Selune, but to no avail, he threw himself into Shar's arms. It turns out that this bad woman is really not a human being. After taking advantage of Catherick, she throws him away like garbage without any intention of fulfilling his wish.

Abandoned by Selûne and Shar, Catheric Thom was completely unable to hold himself back.

Today, Catheric Thom is already the chosen one of Melkor, the god of the dead, and one of the masterminds behind the Supreme God.

Although this guy Melkor is very vain, he is indeed a good boss and resurrected Catheric's daughter Isobel.

In this way, Catheric was naturally willing to go to great lengths for Melkor's plan, even if he was guilty.

Linde would have to face him sooner or later. After all, the true form of the Supreme God was under the Moonrise Tower. To deal with the Mind Flayer Tadpole, he had to find a way to kill the mastermind. To deal with the mastermind, he had to first give away the three electors. Packed up.

What he is currently concerned about is this group of refugees. There are no bad ones among them - except for the little freshman named Moore, who will be saved when needed.

"Harsin, is there a way for the Verdant Woodland to continue to accommodate these refugees? Not to mention the lack of food, with the magic berry magic, it is enough to feed the tieflings."

"Of course I personally support it. Silvanus taught that life in the wilderness should help each other." Halsin nodded straightforwardly, "But I also have a request - I hope to follow you to the Moonrise Tower."

"Of course this is no problem. Don't worry. You can stay in the forest for a few more days and arrange the handover. We still have to wander around this area for a few more days. A large area like the Underdark has not yet been explored." Lin Dexiang is the tour guide of the tour group. He keeps a tight schedule and strives to allow the adventurers traveling with the group to visit every attraction.

Since Harsin was going out, he naturally had to make arrangements for the successor to the chief of the forest. Kaha could not subvert the sect's beliefs like this again.

"I intend to seek help from the green gardens of the High Forest."

Linde nodded, "I do know a Druid in the Green Garden, Doric. She is also a tiefling. I believe she can be more considerate of the refugees."

Logically speaking, the selection of leaders for other sects is an internal matter, and it is not easy for an outsider like Linde to interfere.

However, Harsin liked his advice. In addition to his open personality, he also had his own considerations.

"A stranger huh? That's good. If Woodland wants to get rid of the mistakes of the past, it needs an outsider to use an impartial attitude and implement the teachings of the Oak Father. When can she come?"

Harsin is quite disappointed with the green woodland of his home. Most of the druids here are more like secluded monks, rather than forest guardians who are passionate about nature and life.

It is for this reason that these druids show indifference to the refugees and are willing to perform forbidden rituals to seal off the woodland.

Ras, one of the senior members who clearly opposed the expulsion of refugees, did not believe in Silvanus, but the earth mother goddess Chantia. How could such a result not make Harsin angry?

"What are you going to do about Kaja?"

"I dismissed her from her position and asked her to start over as a new person. Time will correct her intolerance."

Lind nodded and did not continue to reveal the connection between Kaha and the Shadow Druid. Just tell Doric about this and let her beware of the possible revenge of the Shadow Druid sect.

Speaking of which, there are three members of the Shadow Druids who have been lurking in the temple in the form of rats. If they were smarter, they should have escaped after the plan failed. Otherwise, they would have died in the forest after Harsin's investigation. .

After receiving Harsin's assurance, Sefro's worried expression softened.

"Then I will send people to the road to promotion tomorrow to check the road conditions. If it is impassable, I will persuade everyone to stay."

Linde smiled and said: "It couldn't be better. I can also let go of a worry."

"Paladine, thank you." Sefolo said sincerely, "You have sacrificed a lot for us strangers."

"I have been rewarded." Linde replied truthfully.

But in Sefolo's view, his answer was more noble and the so-called reward must be the smile on people's faces.

The reward that Linde mentioned was his magic contract and oath.

——Paladin: Vow of Devotion (59% at level 3)

Oaths Fulfilled: ...rescued the druid Halsin (5%), rescued the deep gnomes (2%), rescued the tiefling refugees (50%)

——Magic Pact: Tower King (113% at level 3)

Sacrificed spirituality:...Ogre*5 (25%), Warg*10 (20%), Goblin*27 (27%), Bugbear*4 (8%)...

Magic contract advanced!

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