In the continent of Faerûn, or in most parts of the entire country Tianyu, faith is a very serious matter. Here, theology is a discipline that encompasses the fields of ideology, philosophy, sociology, natural science, medicine, etc. Comprehensive subjects.

Choosing faith is choosing a way of life.

Of course, the attitude of most civilians towards faith is rather pragmatic. A person can be a casual believer of multiple gods. When doing business, he worships the goddess Wojin, when signing a contract, he worships Lathander, and when he is sick, he worships Shangti. Ya. Because miracles do not come every day, the gods do not interfere with mortals frequently.

The drow are an exception. Their entire group is deeply bound to Lolth. The rise and fall of the drow family or city is highly related to Lolth's likes and dislikes, not to mention the turbulent flow of their personal destiny.

The most famous drow who betrayed Lolth is Drizzt Do'Urden, but interestingly, because Lolth's priesthood includes the concept of betrayal, Drizzt's betrayal eventually made him Lolth's God's choice.

But not all drow have the courage and ability like Drizzt to escape the Spider Queen's web, at least not Minsala.

Minsala was born into the Baenre family and has been favored by the Spider Queen for thousands of years. The small spider web tattoo on her neck is the symbol of the Baenre family. She originally had a bright future and might be able to survive the fierce political struggle of the drow. , to seize greater power and divine favor.

Linde also asked the same question.

He sat on one side of the iron cage and Minsala on the other. There was also a female goblin in the corner of the cage, staring at Lind nervously and fiercely.

This conversation was between the three of them.

"Rose never had followers, only her victims. She used me, letting me slaughter prey in her name, and then abandoned me without hesitation when I was no longer useful.

"The Supreme God allowed me to see Rose's true face. Her voice came to my ears and she kept an eye on me. Such divine favor cannot be bestowed by that cold-blooded bitch Rose."

Mingsala's tone was arrogant, and of course she had reason to be arrogant. If any believer could get the constant attention of the gods, they would feel a strong sense of happiness - it was the joy and sublimity of destiny.

Linde nodded noncommittally. He could persuade the faithful to change his tune with his rhetoric.

But the brain-controlled creatures possess near-absolute loyalty that cannot be convinced by words.

The mind flayer mastermind is a profound brood consciousness, and all controlled mind flayers are its components. Thoughts, personality, and memory are all controlled by the mastermind.

Some mind flayers think they have free will, but this is just an illusion arranged by the Mastermind.

Linde said: "I heard the voice of the Supreme God. She asked me to assist three elects in finding a weapon. You probably also received this task.

"But I had better luck. I found this weapon."

The weapon he mentioned was naturally the polyhedron relic carried by Shadow Heart.

Minsala's expression changed, her original attitude of refusing to cooperate softened slightly, and she asked calmly: "Where is it?"

Linde's ears suddenly heard the voice of a dream visitor: [Don't tell her. 】

The dream visitor was talking to him telepathically, and was very anxious and unwilling to let Lind reveal the whereabouts of the relic.

Lind pointed to his head, "It's here, talking to me."

Mingsala looked surprised and uncertain. She didn't know what the relic was specifically. She only knew that the relic was on the survivor of the sky-falling shell ship.

"It told me a very interesting fact. The true face of the Supreme God is a mind flayer brain. Do you remember that little toy in your head? The mind flayer tadpole, through its innate psychic powers, the supreme god The true God can communicate His will to you at any time, and you will obey with joy.”

"That's nonsense." Mingsala sneered, "It seems that you don't understand the greatness of the goddess at all. Her form transcends mortals and is a form of existence that you cannot understand. It is undoubtedly the posture of a true god."

The female goblin in the iron cage also chimed in: "That's right!"

"When we magicians bury our heads in forbidden ancient scrolls, fly to the underworld, and meet the old rulers of distant countries, the sight we see is much more terrifying than the so-called Supreme God." Lin De smiled, " It's just that you don't know much about it. Do you need me to introduce you to the Ocean Bodhisattva in Antarctica?"

The goblin made a fuss and violently attacked Lind with words.

【Quiet. 】Lind looked at the goblin in the cage, and his psychic power exploded, as if pressing a switch. The noisy goblin froze, its body was like a bug in amber, and every inch of its muscles was silent. His eyes are also extremely tame.

"Are you familiar? The mind flayer tadpole gives us the power of 'true souls'. This goblin's mind is very weak, so I can forcibly brain control it. You don't have to worry. So far, I have not fully developed the mind flayer. The psychic ability of the devil. So you still have secrets and will in front of me."

"You want me to betray the Supreme God." Minsala said firmly, with a gloomy expression. "You have convinced me a little. As long as you let me see that weapon, I will completely believe what you say."

The female drow's acting skills were somewhat exaggerated, and Linde caught the secret joy in her eyes.

Linde became suspicious and checked the iron cage where Mingsala was imprisoned - in the dark, the inconspicuous door lock was just hanging.

What did Minsala use to lift the lock?

He continued to check but found nothing except a pat down.

The female drow seemed to be planning to escape from prison, and also wanted to obtain more valuable information before escaping, without seriously considering whether Linde's words were true.

Brainwashed fanatical believers are like this, always obeying unconditionally and having no subjectivity at all.

She is a useful sword that has been completely alienated. It was once controlled by Rose, but now it is controlled by the Supreme God.

"Are you planning to return to the Moonrise Tower? I can let you go." Linde's words greatly exceeded her expectations.

"If you want to pass through the shadow cursed land, you need an extraditer holding a moon lantern. There is a special lute among your belongings, which must be used to summon the extraditer."

Minsala looked at the man in front of her with anger and fear.

"How do you know?" She could no longer suppress her curiosity. This state of being with no secrets was too scary. "You read through my memory! Why don't I feel anything?"

Linde thought nonsense, I have read the script.

Linde did not answer directly, but stood up and stared into the bloodstone-like eyes of the female drow.

Minsala could hardly bear Paladin's gaze.

The sacred power of the oath in her body was like a ghost fire in a cold stove, and the kind thoughts that emerged were like sparks, flickering and extinguishing in the turbid and twisted mind.

She suddenly guessed the true purpose of the person in front of her.

"You're the white knight!"

"That's right." (End of chapter)

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