The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 575: Nice to hear, love to hear, talk more

Many years later, when facing Kelemvor, the god of death, Nine the True Soul will think of that distant afternoon when he was shot through by the Owlbear Knight.

At that time, he had just escaped from the trap room behind the rock pile, which was narrow, closed, and full of poisonous gas. It was the moment when he was filled with rage and prepared to kill an underground dwarf slave to vent his anger.

He noticed the man riding an owlbear and the three terrifying undead monsters he drove, but due to the telepathy between true souls, Nine lowered his guard.

Then the undead owlbear under Paladin suddenly jumped up and launched a terrifying falling shock. The target was Nina.

At the last moment of his life, the True Soul Man regretted extremely why he had used up the Lost Steps stored in his boots.

When the owlbear fell, the knight's spear had already fallen like a meteor in advance, piercing Nine's arrogant expression. The owlbear's claws descended from the sky and slapped him to the ground, splashing a huge amount of plasma.

Nina is dead.

His sudden death was like a gust of cold wind, and the hot lava of the Forge of Vengeance failed to dispel the shiver.

The gray dwarves fell into a brief shock, and then received a violent surprise attack from the members of the adventure team.

Shadow Heart blessed herself with the protection spell to avoid being selected as an attack target, and then used the 2nd level spell slot to cast the blessing spell to bless Will, Yankee Girl, Karak and Gale.

Will cast the Darkness spell to create a ball of magical darkness in the center of the field. This was to create a cover and avoid being exposed to the shooting range of the gray dwarf crossbowmen.

The Yankee girl held the Divine Sword of Justice and struck Sergeant Major Slin on the neck with the sword. The gray dwarf cultist covered the broken trachea and esophagus and poured healing medicine into his mouth. However, before the wound could heal, his skull was shattered by a blow from the sword hilt that followed.

Karak took aim at a gray dwarf spiritual mentor, and suddenly threw a spinning spear. The flying spear pierced the chest of the gray dwarf, and then flew back to Karak's palm under the call of magic, leaving behind a The heart was broken, and the dead fell to the ground.

Gale's magic net can already carry a three-ring spell. He did not choose the hot-eyed fireball spell, but chose [Acceleration] out of team considerations.

This acceleration technique fell on the shark lizard beast.

The undead beast made no sound. The cold killing machine actually used its claws to dig through the floor. Large pieces of the floor shattered. Four or five gray dwarves fell into the scalding red lava river. They were quick enough to jump out, but they only had two hands. The legs were burned to pieces and turned into a puddle of ashes in a slow movement.

The accelerated shark-lizard beast moved like the wind, jumped up suddenly, and fell into the area where gray dwarves were densely stationed, shocking everyone.

The slavers screamed and roared, were hunted by giant spiders, picked off by Paladins riding owlbears, killed by spears thrown by strong female tieflings, and blasted by the greatswords of Githyanki women.

The underground dwarf slaves huddled in a safe corner with joy and trembling, watching the superior masters who usually bullied and abused them being swept away like wild grass in the wind.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" The gray dwarf clan elders saw that the situation was not good and shouted hurriedly.

The gray dwarves in the Furnace of Vengeance were divided into two factions, the Supreme True God believers and the non-believers. The non-believers all listened to the elders' opinions and fled to the port, while the brainwashed believers were completely desperate and tried their best to tear a piece of the adventurers. Meat down.

This kind of fanaticism is similar to the scene in the goblin camp. The brainwashing of the believers who are branded by the Supreme True God is no less than that of the true souls who have tadpoles implanted in their brains, or even more.

Linde provoked the enemy with his spear and stabbed to death the last Christian who resisted. At this time, the furnace of revenge was empty, and the remaining gray dwarves jumped on the sailboat and fled this place of right and wrong as if their buttocks were on fire.

In the next few hundred years of their lives, they will recall today's experience from time to time, recall the screams of the believers who died of lava, claws and swords, recall the man riding the owl bear mummy, and his A spear as white as frost.

This scene will continue to be circulated among the descendants of the clan through their diaries and gossip, and spread throughout the wider Dark Region.

The Paladin in the story will probably be given a down-to-earth nickname like a gray dwarf butcher.

"Lind, come on, Gale is injured again. Do you still have any healing potion on you?" Will called anxiously.

The gray dwarf butcher was talking to the rescued deep dwarfs, and there was also an acquaintance among them - the unlucky guy who was hung on a windmill by goblins in Moon Sanctuary, Bacchus Root.

This guy was captured by goblins on the surface and by gray dwarves underground. He was rescued twice by a passing Paladin. I don’t know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

"The gray dwarves have been dealt with. You are free now. I am not a slave owner and will not restrict your freedom... According to you, your compatriot named Ulunbul was sent to the Moonrise Tower? That's okay. Convenient, just in time, we also need to go to the Moonrise Tower and rescue him by the way... Gale is injured again? Unlucky mage, I'll be here right away."

Linde transferred the bright and pure holy power to Gale. The mage's injuries were relatively minor compared to Karak and Raizel, with only a gash in his stomach caused by the gray dwarf's axe.

Compared with the results achieved, such losses are completely acceptable.

——Magic Pact: Tower King (53% at level 5)

Sacrificed spirituality:... gray dwarf*13 (52%)

——Paladin: Oath of Devotion (99% at level 3)

Oath Fulfilled:...Rescue the Iron Hand Gnomes (20%)

Linde felt helpless when he saw that the paladin experience bar was 99%. Where could he get this 1% of experience?

"Hey, surface people." The underground dwarf came over and continued the conversation, "As you can see, we are penniless, so we have nothing to repay you.

"Anyway, thank you very much for saving me twice. And Bedelon, I thought he was trapped inside and dead. There is something I have to remind you. I heard it from the gray dwarves talking to the drow. Yes, you need a moon lantern to go to the Moonrise Tower, otherwise you will encounter a terrible curse."

"Thanks for the reminder. The curse you mentioned is on the surface. I don't plan to go around in a circle. You can reach the depths of the temple directly from here."

"Aren't you going to the Moonrise Tower?" The dwarf was a little anxious, his tone was urgent and uneasy, for fear that what Linde said was just a lie.

"That is the place of the decisive battle, of course you have to go." Paladin smiled, "But there are some necessary preparations before the decisive battle. It is not a good idea to rashly become an enemy of a chosen one. By the way, your companion, that The girl named Tula, she is cultivating in the myconid habitat, don’t forget to take her with you.”

"Tula? Is she still alive?" The dwarfs whispered among themselves, but they did not expect that this escaped companion would be so lucky.

"It must be due to you... Maybe you are the kind of good person in the legend. Ha, Paladin, may the evil of the underground gods not infect your noble soul."

"Oh, Paladin, may you always walk in the light!"

These dirty and tired dwarfs have sincere expressions and bright eyes. The pain of enslavement and the natural indifference of the underground people have disappeared at this moment. They now pay respect to the redeemer purely out of moral conscience.

Linde raised his eyebrows and opened the ancient book.

——Paladin: Oath of Devotion (4% at level 4)

Fulfilled Oath: ...Lead by example and be a moral role model (5%)

Good guy, you can still gain experience after being praised, right?

"Well said, please praise me a few more times!" (End of Chapter)

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