The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 580 Sitting to death

The Adamantine Furnace is a small place, but the content is quite rich. There are two pieces of equipment worthy of attention. In addition to the Adamantine weapons, there is also a magic pendant in the lava lake.

This pendant is a piece of monk equipment that contains the ghost of a cursed monk.

The cursed monk is a waiter of Lathander, Lord of the Dawn. He was cursed by Shar and will always be in the negative state of [Tasha's Laughter], that is, he will laugh all the time, whether it is sadness, pain, fear, anything. Laughing wildly all the time.

Linde still remembers seeing a news story about a sick man who would laugh uncontrollably, including at the funerals of relatives and friends.

This is really a sad thing.

Linde is ready to fulfill the ghost's wish and get rid of the curse. This will gain you a sum of paladin experience. In addition, he also has an immature idea, which is to obtain the training method of the monk through the guidance of the ghost in the pendant.

He himself doesn't need to be a part-time monk. Locking the Par is the way to become invincible. All he needs to do is cut and slash with the Holy Slash. However, he can let his teammates work part-time or even change to a monk.

Asdalen is the candidate he is optimistic about. His strength is the worst in the team. If the rogue profession does not have special advancement, its strength is really average. Moreover, the way of the monk might be able to slightly change his temperament. If not seeking enlightenment, he could at least become more peaceful and calm.

But there is no need to rush this matter.

There are two necessary prerequisites for using an adamantine furnace, one is mithril ore, and the other is a special mold.

Two pieces of mithril ore can be collected from the veins in this area. There are many magma magic bats lurking in the lava near one of the veins. It can be regarded as adding a relaxing experience to Lind, thanks to the gift of nature.

The most critical casting molds were scattered around here. Linde only collected plate armor molds. He planned to make two sets of fine gold heavy armor to wear for himself and Yankee Girl.

Guarding the adamantine furnace is an indestructible steel colossus called the Vengeance Guard. Its shell is made of adamantine, so it is invulnerable and has excellent resistance to various attribute attacks. It is completely indestructible. Coupled with its huge and heavy size, a casual blow can smash members of the adventure team into small pieces.

To deal with the terrifying revenge guard, the first thing to do is to destroy its indestructible body.

This is as simple as opening the valve of the furnace and letting the lava flow into the casting platform. Standing on the lava, the Vengeance Guard will quickly overheat and will be vulnerable to blunt hits during this time.

After creating a weakness, what is needed is a huge amount of damage to kill the Revenge Guard.

At this point, the forging hammer of the furnace can meet the demand. Just pull the pull rod, and the huge punch head will hit the circular anvil in the center of the casting platform. Attract the Revenge Guard to the anvil and then pull the lever to kill it.

This operation still requires teamwork.

When Lind turned the magma valve, hot red magma flowed out of the injection pipe, and the revenge guards hidden deep in the pipe also strolled over.

Everyone looked up at this giant statue.

"It looks really scary, doesn't it?" Karak held her breath, trembling with excitement.

Tony Stark, who came to help, couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Interesting."

Judging from his eagerness to try, you can tell that this is a science and engineering man whose thirst for knowledge has exploded.

Lind and his teammates cooperated with each other. After all, the Revenge Guard is just a man-made machine with no intelligence. It only follows basic rules. The most important one is to evaluate the threat object-it will chase the person who attacked last.

Magma flooded the casting platform. The battlefield was so terrifying. Even the end of the world would not be more thrilling. Before today, no one would have thought that one day they would stand in the center of a large magma lake, facing off against a man as tall as two people. Fight against the indestructible adamantine golem.

"Gods, let this world remember us!" Will raised his arms and shouted.

As soon as the slogan came out, everyone was excited to fight. Linde blinked, but he suddenly blessed himself with a flying technique, and then his body rose into the sky.

"Linde!" The teammates were shocked. Why did the team's main output escape?

Linde rose to a height of a hundred meters above the casting platform.

When looking down, the huge golem is just a walnut, and its companions are just a bunch of black beans.

He waved his hand and opened the transmission channel——

This passage is connected to the teleportation circle of the Furnace of Vengeance, where the adventure team's camp is stationed.

Opposite the teleportation array, Sir Fuselump looked serious as he poured a bottle of potion on the undead owlbear.

The elixir of colossus has the same effect as the 2nd level giant enlargement spell, but it lasts longer. It can enlarge a creature affected by the effect, doubling its body size and eight times its weight.

The owlbear was originally a behemoth, a behemoth weighing four tons. Although some of its flesh was reduced after becoming undead, it still weighed three tons. Now it weighs 24 tons after being infused with the elixir of the colossus.

As if this was not enough, Sir Fukuzawa Lamp also blessed the giant Necron Owl Bear with the Giant Transformation Technique.

Eight times 24 tons, a 100-ton monster.

If Linde didn't have natural authority over the portal—even a mortal has this ability—he wouldn't even be able to open a passage big enough for this guy to get through.

What does it look like when Godzilla flies into the sky?

No one has seen it, but today everyone saw the scene of a hundred-ton beast falling from the sky.

The undead owlbear is like a heavy blanket.

After a hundred meters of gravitational acceleration, it crashed down, its body almost light at that moment.

But the revenge guard who was sat on his butt didn't think so.

boom! ! ! ——

The members of the adventure team covered their heads and faces to resist the strong wind when the owlbear landed.

When the shock wave dissipated, under everyone's surprised and horrified gaze, the arrogant adamantine golem had turned into a piece of junk that even the scrapyard would frown upon.

The undead owlbear also fell apart, and the forces interacted with each other. This sentence was said by Sir Newton. Although this is an unscientific fantasy world, Newton's coffin board is still quite strong.

Fortunately, the skin of the undead creatures is durable, and they can still be a good man even if they sew and mend. Linde didn't feel bad at all, it was just a physical pain at most, because it cost money to repair the undead creatures, which was much more expensive than resurrecting a teammate.

Lind landed on the casting platform and couldn't help laughing when he saw the depressed expressions of his fellow adventurers.

"You are really disappointing," Karak complained, "Soldier, we just read the battle cry, and you ruined a legend!"

Ying Xin didn't mind, she smiled and said: "Once again, you relied on this method to avoid casualties. Your combat wisdom is really amazing."

"It's just the basic skills of players in the second game." Lind waved his hand. None of them understood this sentence, only Tony showed a meaningful smile.

"Why don't you give these things to me. I can take them back to upgrade the armor. How about treating it as my labor fee as a maintenance worker?" Businessman Tony came to bargain with him very shrewdly.

"Don't worry yet." Linde rummaged through the remains of the Revenge Guard for a while and pulled out a broken helmet. This thing is the skull of the Revenge Guard. Although the shape is a bit weird, it is very suitable for use as a helmet. It is also a piece of rare magic equipment.

The rest of this pile is complete junk, "No, these are all given to you."

Tony gritted his teeth with hatred.

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