The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 585 Leap of Faith Trial

An hour and a half later, the members of the adventure team were sitting on the ground playing cards.

Several notes had been pasted on Linde's face. Originally, everyone had bet that the loser would drink, but the drink had already been exhausted, so he could only post the notes out of boredom.

Will, who was sitting opposite him, had been plastered until his face turned white, and his race had almost changed.

Raizel, who has the best poker luck, is actually an undefeated general. Although she says that such an active plaything is demoralizing and does not conform to their Githyanki tradition, she is also an upright person.

The remaining few people were also busy with their own affairs.

Shadow Heart was teleported out again. She calmly entered the trial maze without saying a word. The teammates didn't even raise their heads, it was like a breeze blowing, no one cared.

The Steady Trial was a little more difficult than Lind expected. He was curious and went in to try it, but he was discovered by the guards before he could go far.

These guards are shadow creatures, move silently, and are also invisible. If there is no magic to see through invisibility, their whereabouts can only be judged by the flickering of torches.

Without God's vision, it is indeed difficult to tell where they will appear.

At this time, you can only rely on memory and memorize the guards' patrol routes.

Linde's suggestion is to use an invisibility spell, which is not shameful.

In order to easily pass the Steady Trial, one must have quasi-invisibility abilities. Priests in the field of trickery have mastered some skills and can hide in the shadows or direct divine power to create a black mist.

Shadowheart has forgotten most of her professional skills, and a large number of her memories are sealed in Shar Monastery in Baldur's Gate, so she is equivalent to a new priest.

Now this trial has slowly awakened her remaining muscle memory. She is hiding more and more calmly, and she is more and more able to judge the timing of progress and stop.

This was a rare opportunity, so under Linde's suggestion, she was not in a hurry to pass the test, but continued to hone her stealth skills in the trial.

After another two minutes, Shadow Heart walked out from the main entrance of the maze, holding a huge dark purple gem in his hand.

Lind wiped the note off his face and stood up to greet him, "Well done. Do you want to take a rest or continue with the next trial?"

Shadow Heart jumped twice on the spot. Crouching for a long time still hurt her knees, but she was in good spirits and her eyes were bright. "I can feel that Ms. Shar loves me and she has given me 3rd level divine magic. As long as I can pass more trials, I can get more favors."

Karak bared his teeth happily, "Zanye! After you pass all the trials, will you be able to cast fifth-level magic?"

Ying Xin smiled slightly, "It's better not to talk too much. As for the 5-ring magic... I think I used to be more than that."

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the adventure team, and all of them have great backgrounds, otherwise they would not be able to solve the disaster of the Supreme God in just a few months.

Shadow Heart, like Gale, also needs to gradually regain lost power during adventures, but Gale relies on knowledge, while Shadow Heart relies on divine favor.

The source of her divine power is Selûne. It stands to reason that passing the trial of the Night Judge will not make Selûne favor Shadow Heart more. Lind speculated that Selune's favor for Shadow Heart has never diminished, but has been obscured by Shar, just like being limited by the Internet speed, and now Shar is gradually opening up the bandwidth.

Through this method of suppressing first and then promoting, Shaer was generous to others and had no supernatural power at all, but it gave Ying Xin the illusion that "she loves me so much".

Linde could only sigh: "Be clear, she is PUAing you."

Ying Xin blinked and said with a smile: "You are talking weird things again. I don't have time to listen to you. Let's go to the next trial quickly."

The second trial is called "Leap of Faith," but it's not the same thing as the leap from the air in Assassin's Creed next door.

This trial requires subjects to cross invisible bridges. These bridges are so twisted that if they lose their footing, they will fall into the abyss and die.

Shadow Heart took a deep breath, looked at Lind and said: "Even in the darkest depths of Ms. Shar's arms, the judges of the night can keep their feet steady. Look at the floor in front of the altar. This is a picture. Invisible Bridge Map, I have to remember where to go and have faith that she will guide me.”

Linde raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you ever considered flying?"

"No. Ms. Shar is watching me, and I must not use these little tricks to trick her."

Ying Xin's attitude was firm, and Linde expressed his understanding and respect, and then silently counted out two hundred gold coins.

"You! You have to believe me!" the half-elf said in a serious tone.

"Of course." Linde put the money back into his bag and said calmly, "Then it will be a success!"

Shadow Heart smiled.

She lowered her head and carefully observed the colorful floor tiles in front of the altar. The specific route of the invisible bridge was represented by golden bricks. There were several platforms along the way where you could stop, which were also landmarks.

After memorizing the map, Shadow Heart set out, stepping on the void step by step.

Linde recalled the ancestral transparent bridges in "Elden's Circle" and "Dark Souls", which were all crossed by throwing stones to find the way.

Anyone who has walked on the glass plank road can probably understand this uneasy feeling of fear.

Shadow Heart's pace was slow but determined. After the trial began, a strong magical darkness enveloped the bridge. There was nothing everywhere, as if nothing had yet been born from chaos.

Only the magic lights on the platform along the way were like a few insignificant fireflies, flashing to provide coordinates.

The teammates stopped playing cards or doing other chores. They were all thinking about this brave girl, watching her step into the darkness.

"Linde, can she do it?" Karak rubbed her hands anxiously.

Although the time they got together was short, Karak had already established a deep friendship with the adventurers one-sidedly. She was like a loyal big dog, always sincerely hoping that her friends would be well.

"How can such a small test not hold us back?" Linde waved his hand, "Just do what you have to do, don't crowd here, you won't see anything anyway. Hey, you guys are just worrying about it."

"Oh." The teammates dispersed for a moment, then reacted, "Why don't you leave?"

"I'll watch for a while." Linde said softly.

"Then let me stay and watch for a while." Several people expressed their intention to advance and retreat together.

The darkness could not block the mind-flayer tadpole's spiritual connection. Linde could feel the emotions transmitted from Shadow Heart, her tsunami of fear and tense calm.

[Don’t think too much. ] He whispered.

[Lind, why does Elminster say that I am the priest of Selûne? 】Ying Xin's thinking is diverging, and people in dangerous situations have such psychological activities.

Linde just said: [Focus! 】

【I see the end. 】

[Do you need me to transfer the map to you? If you see the finish altar in front of you on your left, you are on the right track. 】

【OK. 】

Shadow Heart reached the finish line.

After passing the second trial, the radiance on her face became more and more radiant. Needless to say, her priest level was further improved. At the same time, her belief in Shar became more and more fanatical, and she could hardly wait to go there. The final trial.

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