Regardless of the Tadpole Adventure Team, there are three parties within the Shar Iron Hand Temple.

The weakest party are the Shar followers who were slaughtered and then transformed into undead creatures. These undead guard the temple, preventing outsiders from disturbing the Nightsinger's sacred halls.

The second force is Catheric Thom's advisor, the necromancer Balthazar, who comes for the Song of the Night.

The third party force is the devil of hell. They are summoned creatures summoned by the contract many years ago to kill the night judge. The purpose is to kill the last dark night judge who mysteriously disappeared.

There are many ways to deal with these three parties, but of course the simplest is to kill them all. Anyway, even if you live in harmony with them, it won't increase Linde's experience by a dime. It's better to sacrifice them to the magician's magic contract.

After a day of intensive training, Shadow Heart finally couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take off the Shadow Gem and end the trial with me.

Linde felt a little regretful, because he got experience points for killing these replicas. Although the experience points were the same as mosquito legs, and the value depreciated quickly, if he spent a day and a half here, he could still upgrade to one level of evil. Sorcerer level.

However, Ying Xin had an unknown feeling. She could sense Shar's vaguely growing anger, which was the anger of being prostituted in vain.

Because she sensed Shar's anger, the half-elf girl's face became increasingly pale and uneasy.

"We are being watched by the Dark Lady, Lynd, stop fooling around."

"A stingy woman." Lin Derui commented on Shar, "It doesn't take much power to make several copies."

"Maybe the goddess just thinks our attitude is not respectful enough." Gale said with deep understanding.

Linde nodded, "Well, it seems it's not stinginess, but pettiness."

"Okay, okay, brother, please stop talking. This is a topic that cannot be touched." His teammates quickly stopped Linde from saying more blasphemous words.

The gods in Faerûn have distinct personalities and frequent interactions with mortals. Those gods who are tolerant to a large number of people are unfazed by favors and humiliations. No matter whether they offer all their wealth to worship or destroy altar statues, they will not get a response. There are also some small-minded gods, especially those with small belly and chicken intestines. They are all kinds of evil gods, with a strong desire for revenge, and they don't mind killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Since the Year of Turbulence, Io has modified the basic rules of the country's Tianyu God System. Now the strength of the gods is directly linked to their faith, so the gods are more concerned about running the sect, so miracles and divine punishments are very important. frequently.

Speaking of divine punishment, if you go to the temple to steal the tribute box, you will incur the wrath of the gods, and they will send messengers to punish the thief.

If the thief is strong enough, then the gods will also give away their heads and equipment when they come, but don't despise the gods because of this, because time and fate are on their side, and most madmen who challenge the gods will not escape judgment.

Linde didn't care, because he was not a mortal, he was also a god.

Shar is actually a relatively generous god. Even if she scolds her in person, Lady Night will not be angry. The only thing that can arouse her nerves is everything related to Selûne.

If you pray in front of her statue to reunite the two goddesses Shar and Selune, Shar will immediately cast a curse.

Well, that sounds a bit yandere.

During the long rest, everyone found that the camp was about to run out of supplies. At this time, the greatest value of a druid teammate was revealed, which was to rub the magic berries with his hands so that his companions could eat well.

The effect of the magic berry can be compared to that of Bigu Pill. Eating one pill can meet the energy and nutrients needed for a day, and it can also restore a small amount of vitality.

Halsin is not dissatisfied with taking a part-time job as camp chef. Anyway, a 1-ring magic berry spell can produce 10 magic berries.

But he was very eager to find the Song of the Dark Night, and kept urging everyone to set off quickly. After all, the "artifact" of the Song of Dark Night involves the future of the land cursed by shadows. Harsin's heart is beating extremely fiercely. As long as he can solve the curse of shadows and return the earth to nature, he will not hesitate to break his body to pieces.

This feeling is understandable, but Linde said there was no rush. Is there anyone who doesn’t know how elite monsters can be directly put into CG?

Before triggering the final trial, all key props must be collected and obstacles cleared. This requires solving the three parties in the temple.

After the long rest is over, the adventure team members' status is fully restored, and the priests and mage mercenaries can apply buff spells to the main battle teammates.

After everything was ready, Linde began to officially explore the temple.

The first is the key prop of the plot "The Spear of Darkness". Only by holding this piece of equipment can Irene be completely killed, otherwise this immortal god will be resurrected indefinitely.

Only after finding the Spear of Darkness will Shar allow Shadow Heart to come to the Song of Darkness.

This thing is easy to find. It's in the Silent Library next to the trial site, just a two-step walk away.

In addition to many undead believers in the Silent Library, there is also a magical creation called [Librarian]. The effect is to constantly release a large-scale silence spell, covering the entire interior space of the library.

Lind recalled the Hogwarts librarian Mrs. Pince. Once the little wizard made a noise, she would come over to warn or even drive the person out directly. It would be much easier if Mrs. Pince had such a "librarian".

But the Librarian's role is more to prevent spellcasting, so it must be broken at the beginning of the battle.

Karak stood at the entrance of the library and spotted the dark magic device in the center of the hall, which was the identity of the librarian. She threw the spinning spear with all her strength and exploded the device in one stroke.

The silence spell disappeared, and the undead creatures did not react for a while.

After death, these Shar followers still stood by the bookshelves, looking at the decayed books.

Until Linde sneaked up behind a Judgment Nightweaver and slashed down with a violent flaming slash, followed by another thunderous slash. The spear and the shadow of the spear were each entwined with red and blue magical auras. When it touched the body of the undead creature, it exploded.

boom! ——

The armor of the Judge Night Weaver was broken, and his bones were scattered everywhere. Hundreds of bone stubbles were nailed to the bookshelf like a bunch of flowers.

The battle begins.

Linde warned: "Don't use radiant damage attacks, these undead creatures will react with radiant damage!"

Upon hearing this, Shadow Heart immediately canceled the 1-ring tracer bullet, took out the long sword of separation of life and death, and used the magic attached to the long sword. A harsh and high-pitched sound wave burst out from the sword, turning into a magic halo with a radius of more than ten feet. Enemies shrouded in sword roar will receive an additional thunder damage for every attack they suffer.

Gale chanted a spell and used a 3-ring magic missile. A string of light balls lined up to hit Shar's followers. The undead creature was stunned by a series of thunderous explosions, and was then eliminated by Shadow Heart Owl's sword.

Team members communicate through spiritual links, as if they are an invisible giant, and they are proficient in martial arts, and their punches and kicks are all very organized. The Yankee girl dodged a cold arrow from behind, and Will's magic energy blast helped her deal with the enemies on the flanks. Karak's spear always landed where it was most needed. Asdalen held a hand crossbow in both hands, shooting once and then hiding. Back into the shadows.

The undead creatures in the library could not last more than eighteen seconds before being wiped out.

"Clean up the battlefield."

The Spear of Darkness is hidden in the secret room of the library, and the key to the secret room is a book hidden in the rows of bookshelves on both sides of the hall.

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