The Hero Kneels

Chapter 316 Little Bear Plucking Mushrooms


The big guy lying among them is the corpse king Li Gang who has disappeared for a long time.

Wasn't this guy taken away by Zhuang Xiaoqing, one of the four judges of the underworld?

Could it be that Zhuang Xiaoqing and the others were completely wiped out here?

Who is the traitor in the underworld?

Ye Dou had many questions in his mind.

Lin Zhengyin also saw the body in the coffin clearly, and his face changed with shock: "This zombie was born from the evil energy of heaven and earth. It jumped out of the three realms and is not among the five elements. It is immortal and immortal. It uses resentment as its power and evil as its food... Look. His skin is like a living person, with evil lines on it, and he can even breathe in evil energy. He has become the king of evil corpses. We cannot let him grow any longer, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"Yes, this thing is growing horribly." Ye Dou couldn't help but nodded slightly.

I remember the last time I saw the Corpse King Li Gang, this guy was just an empty shell with some consciousness. His body was so shriveled that only his skin was left.

Now the opponent's body is plump and muscular, as if he is alive. The evil energy fluctuations emanating from his body are heart-stopping. You can feel the evil energy fluctuations like the heart from a long distance away.

Is the corpse king's heart beating?

Ye Dou couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Yes, there was a heartbeat coming from the other party.

The question is, how can a dead body have a heartbeat?

It seems that the person who placed the Corpse King here does have the intention to resurrect the Corpse King.

"It's really troublesome. Is it the Baiyou Cult?" Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and remembered the information he had obtained about the Corpse King Li Gang before.

Corpse King Li Gang was the only level 100 player currently known during his lifetime. Although the opponent had been dead for a long time, the body he left behind held many mysteries. He was spotted by the Nether Worship Cult and planned to cultivate him into the ancestor of the Nether Worship Sect. props.

Now the Corpse King looks like he is about to be resurrected, which is probably related to the Nether Worship Cult.

"Director Lin, do you have any way to destroy this corpse?" Ye Dou couldn't help but ask.

Lin Zhengyin frowned and thought for a while: "I can't destroy this corpse. This corpse king has become a climate. His body is also invulnerable to water and fire. Look at the evil patterns on his body. This is someone's deliberate move." It protected his body."

"...Maybe we can push this evil corpse into the abyss of evil energy."

Ye Dou came to the edge of the cliff and lowered his head to look down.

I saw a dark purple crack under the cliff that was constantly spewing out evil energy.

Just after taking such a look, there were waves of weird and deep evil whispers in my ears, as if they came from the Jiuyou background.

\u0026nb--0---0---Xiao--said---This is a gorgeous dividing line--Daxia Kneel 00 novel netizens please remind: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Online Game Star Sword Legend -0--0---Xiao--said---this is a gorgeous dividing line---sp; As the center of his eyebrows began to get hot, something unexpectedly appeared in front of him He had a hallucination, as if there were countless eyes looking at him in this strange gap. These strange eyes reminded him of the mysterious evil hidden in the cloak in the mirror.

"There's something weird, don't get close!" Ye Dou quickly took a few steps back. After calming down, he calmed down.

After all, this evil energy crack is related to the god-level supernatural disaster in the game, but I can't even get close to it.

"Senior Ye, there is a big weirdness in this evil energy gap. You must not get close. I think the evil patterns on this corpse king are not complete. There should be a weakness. We can try to start from this weakness to destroy the corpse. Completion."

After Lin Zhengyin took a closer look, he suggested: "Pindao can calculate the weak points of this corpse king, but it will take time. Please ask Senior Ye to help protect the law."

"That's unnecessary."

Ye Dou snorted and said, "I already know the weakness of the Corpse King."

He pointed at the strange big gray-white mushroom and said, "That's it. Just pull it out."

This thing is the most vulnerable part of the Corpse King's body. "

Lin Zhengyin's tiger body trembled and he exclaimed: "Senior Ye is so wise as a torch!"

"Where, where..." Ye Dou smiled awkwardly.

I feel ashamed to say that I once had three legs for a while. I even took Viagra for this thing. It can be said that the memory is still fresh.

Lin Zhengyin did what he said, jumped into the coffin, stretched out his hands and started to pull the mushrooms.

"123...123...123!" Lin Dao was so unambiguous that as soon as he entered, he started pulling out mushrooms frantically, humming.

It was obvious that this guy was really working hard, but unfortunately, even though his face turned red, he couldn't move the big mushroom.

In the end, Taoist Lin was exhausted, so he let go of his hand and gasped: "Senior Ye, this big mushroom is so hard that it won't move at all. It seems to have gotten bigger."

Ye Dou took a closer look and his face turned dark.

This mushroom has indeed grown in size.


People have been dead for thousands of years, but they still have physiological reactions.

Seeing the big mushroom that suddenly swelled, Ye Dou felt quite sick, and at the same time he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

This means that the body of the Corpse King has become a living thing!

This big mushroom must be pulled out as soon as possible so that its body is not intact.

"Let the golden-bodied Arhat take action." Ye Dou suggested.

Lin Zhengyin immediately shook his head like a rattle: "The golden-bodied Arhat is also a corpse refining -0--0--Xiao-- said--this is a gorgeous dividing line---Da Xia Kneel 00 Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Online Game Star Sword Legend--0--0---Xiao--Said---This is made of gorgeous dividing lines, don’t get too close There is a gap in this evil energy, otherwise something unexpected may happen."

After hearing this, Ye Dou curled his lips, which meant that he had to take action, but he really didn't want to touch this big mushroom.

A joke also came to his mind.

One day, a man was sleeping naked on the grass. A little mushroom picker girl came to pick mushrooms: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5..." Finally, she was depressed. The man was very happy to leave. The next day, the man came back to sleep naked, and a little mushroom bear came to pick mushrooms: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 One, six, seven..."

I'm afraid Taoist Lin is this little girl.

Comrade Corpse King was relieved.

And he will become a little bear pulling mushrooms.

How disgusting!

Ye Dou took a deep breath and jumped into the coffin to take Lin Zhengyin's place. He frowned and stretched out his hands to hold the big mushroom.




Following a burst of shouting, Ye Dou tightened his muscles and began to exert force with his hands. In the end, he tried several times in a row, but could not pull out the mushroom, and it seemed that the mushroom had grown bigger.

Mom sells batches!

Have I also turned into a little girl pulling mushrooms?

Second gear!

Ye Dou did not believe in evil and immediately turned on the second gear. His heart began to beat like a heavy hammer, blood rushed all over his body, his muscles began to swell, his skin turned red, and white hot air spurted out.

Give it to me!

As he shouted loudly, Corpse King Li Gang's body suddenly trembled, and then Ye Dou finally pulled out the big mushroom.

The result is one can imagine.

An evil energy suddenly emerged from the wound.

"Senior Ye is Senior Ye after all. It seems that I am a little bit..." Lin Zheng felt a chill all over his body and immediately closed his legs.

This man pulled out the mushrooms violently and with such cruelty that he felt chills all over his body and cold wind blew directly into his crotch.

I expected that if this were a living person, having mushrooms pulled out like this, it would be very painful.

Looking at the big mushroom, Ye Dou couldn't help but feel relieved at the same time.

However, the corpse king Li Gang, who had been sleeping like a dead pig, suddenly sat up from the coffin, opened a pair of purple eyes full of evil intent, and looked at Ye Dou fiercely...

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