Chapter 543 Qiu Xian

"Don't worry about the people on either side, let's leave quickly, otherwise we will run into the shamans."

The head of the Lu family looked at the footprints on the ground and then looked at the sky to the east. They were no longer allowed to stay here at this time. The head of the Lu family looked at my grandfather and Xu Dacheng and saw the footprints. Naturally, he hurriedly urged they leave

"Let's go."

My grandfather stood up and pushed Xu Dashi, who was looking at the footprints.

"Let's go."

Xu Dazong looked at the obvious footprints on the ground again, stood up and followed my grandfather and the head of the Lu family towards the Jiao River. The three of them walked along those footprints, so that no obvious footprints would be exposed.

Jiao River In the dormitory of He Police Station, this dormitory smells like sweat and smelly feet. Because there are eight people in a room, they all sleep on the same fire kang, and they are all old men. Most people have sweaty feet. I don’t know how to wash my feet or socks after taking off my shoes. I don’t know how to take out my stinky shoes to dry. The room is almost smelling of these things. There are also a few chicken thieves. He put his socks on the fire wall to comfort him, and the smell became even stronger.

Wang Jian and the others slept in the dormitory of the police station last night. Didn't they go to report the latest information to Huang Dabao? It was already midnight after the report. Well, they spent the whole night in the dormitory of the police station.

"Why does it stink so much?"

Wang Jian was smoked early in the morning. He was really not used to such a smelly sleeping environment. He used to go home to sleep. Although he was alone at home and it was deserted, at least it didn't smell bad. Yesterday, he was so sleepy that he naturally fell asleep. This early in the morning, he felt like he was dreaming and waking up, and he was smelled by a stench.

"Um? What stinks?"

A security guard next to Wang Jian wrapped himself in a quilt, revealing his face. When he heard Wang Jian speak, he replied in a daze.

"Forget it, get up quickly."

Wang Jian had already woken up from the stench. He really couldn't stand it anymore. He asked others to get up while getting dressed. The other four security officers lying on the fire bed in this room were the four security officers who followed him last night. member

"Boss, what are you doing up so early?"

The security guard who was lying on the kang turned to look at Wang Jian who was getting dressed, and asked with some confusion. They all got up just before going to work. After all, eating breakfast has nothing to do with him. They all There are two meals a day, and both meals are public meals eaten at the security station. One meal at noon is enough to fill up, and one meal at night is enough to eat to death, so they never get up early.

"Get up and take you to have breakfast."

Wang Jian was half-dressed. When he saw that the four of them hadn't gotten out of bed yet, he urged them.

"Eat breakfast? What to eat? Boss."

When the security guard at the kang station heard that someone was asking for breakfast, his eyes suddenly widened. Who can sleep if there is something to eat? If you didn't get up before, you just wanted to save breakfast. Now that someone is paying for it, why don't you get up? You are just a fool.

The four security guards woke up all of a sudden. They all pulled their cotton-padded jackets and trousers into the bed, and saw that all of them were busy under the bed with their heads exposed.

"What do you want to eat?"

Wang Jian looked at them busy with a smile. He hadn't seen this kind of dressing under the bed for a long time. Ever since Wang Jian became rich, he has never seen this kind of dressing. Wang Jian asked Kang by the way. What does the little security guard want to eat?

"I want to eat fried cakes."

The first one to finish getting dressed was the security guard who was on the kang. Because he was already on the kang, the kang was definitely not as warm as the head of the kang. Naturally, this gave him more motivation to get dressed. After he finished dressing , The security guards wearing clothes got out of the bed one after another. Each of them had finished wearing their cotton jackets and trousers. As soon as they put on the security guards' clothes, they went to the ground and put on their cotton shoes.

"Take a walk and go to a stall to eat fried cakes."

When Wang Jian saw that they were almost dressed, he said something to the four people, and then left the room. The smell in this room was really bad. Wang Jian had been enduring it for a long time. If he stayed any longer, he would have nothing to eat. In an early mood, Wang Jian walked out first and waited for the four of them in the yard.

After a while, the four of them got dressed and came out to meet Wang Jian in the yard. Wang Jian led the four of them out of the police station, because this There were not many people at the police station in the early morning. Those who had breakfast in the police station were all well-off, such as Huang Dabao or the captains. They all had houses and had women sleeping with them, so eating in the morning was natural. There are also people to serve them. If the average security guard is barely making ends meet, each one of them is just like the four of them. They are all suffering under the covers, waiting to go to work in the morning and have a meal. It was time for lunch, so the stalls outside were filled with middle-class people or businessmen.

Wang Jian took the four of them to the snack stall outside. This is the only breakfast place in Jiaohe River. There are so many stalls. There are fried dough sticks, deep-fried pancakes, fried rice cakes, fried donuts, and there are also sellers of steamed buns, pies, and fried food. There are tofu puffs and soy milk, and the lady next to her is bringing four big pots. porridge.

When Wang Jian and the others came over, there were already a lot of people eating breakfast here. Wang Jian looked at the breakfast stall, went to get a portion of jiao rings and two fried dough sticks, and asked for a portion of pickle porridge. We sat down at a table and started eating.

The weather is very cold this season, but the eating stalls and the eating place are all in a big house. The door of this house is open, because they are all cooking, the fire is very strong, and there are still people in the house. It's quite warm and can barely accommodate anyone.

"Hehe, that's what this person is like, Dahe, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing but yourself."

A man sat in front of the table and said to a companion next to him. The man who spoke had a scar on his face and a mean smile. The man he called Dahe was surprisingly the nephew of Mayor Liu, Liu Dahe. , it was Da Scar, Liu Dahe, and two idle men whom I had never seen before.

"Hehe, is what Brother Scaru said true? Are those people really rich, or are they here looking for treasure?"

Brother Liu smiled, with a little bit of embarrassment on his face. He looked quite shy. He had been blocked by Da Scar. He had been blocked by Da Scar. He hadn't even gotten up yet. Trapped in the bed, he was dragged out by Da Scar and dragged out to have breakfast. He was not a fool. Da Scar couldn't afford to wake up early. If he invited him to breakfast this early in the morning, he must have something to do with him. Ah, and it’s not necessarily a good thing. He was also wondering whether he should eat this meal or not.

When he heard Da Scaru say it was about Uncle Wei and the others who had just arrived, he knew that this meal could still be eaten. He The uncle also asked him to keep an eye on those people. This Uncle Wei didn't come to him either. It happened that Da Scar and the others were trying to attack Uncle Wei and the others, which was considered to be helping him collect information.

"Hey, you have to believe me. We will go find your uncle later and let your uncle take the lead. We will get rich. If your uncle has money, he will be promoted without doing anything casually."

Da Scaran received a new mission from Brother Lang yesterday. Ever since Wang Lang's people discovered the Huang Family Security Station and focused on the new arrivals, Brother Lang knew that this matter was not easy. With their small number of people, they could do it. But the Huang family must now find a force that can compete with the Huang family, and Township Chief Liu has become the first choice.

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