"What is the Fa-rectification?"

As soon as Zhao Dahu heard the Fa-rectification, he had heard the word "Fa-rectification", he had heard it from a Taoist priest, and until now he didn't know what the Fa-rectification meant.

"Let's talk about boxing first, this Bagua palm is practiced to a certain temperature, there is a Bagua knife, Taijiquan is practiced to a certain temperature, there is a Taiji sword, and Bajiquan is practiced to a certain temperature There is an eight-pole gun, which is the weapon advancement that will appear after the boxing practice reaches a certain level, and it is also combined with the boxing method to exert the maximum lethality. "

My grandfather looked at Zhao Dahu and didn't talk about the Fa-rectification first, but instead talked about the importance of the martial arts cultivation system.

"Then what is the Fa-rectification?"

When Zhao Dahu saw that my grandfather didn't talk about the Fa-rectification, he didn't dare to interrupt my grandfather's speech, but after my grandfather finished speaking, he asked again what the Fa-rectification was.

"The exercises taught by the predecessors are the Fa-rectification. "

My grandfather looked at Zhao Dahu and was silent for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"What's wrong, I'm looking for all those who have teachers, and a few of them even learn from famous masters, but they can't do it either. "

Zhao Dahu frowned, the people he was looking for to practice boxing were all masters, and some were even after the famous families, this should be regarded as having the right law, but he didn't have any real skills, for a while he was already disappointed in practicing boxing, if it weren't for the appearance of shamanic people, he really thought that the world was a liar.

"The practice method is combined with medicinal diet, the playing method is combined with medicinal bath, and the cultivation method must have real skills and great medicine, and all three are indispensable. "

My grandfather also frowned, the exercises taught by the predecessors, this person must first be a master, some people have practiced martial arts all their lives, and they have practiced all their lives, and they are all not able to correct the Fa, and some people are born, that is, there is a family sect guarded by a master, the difference here is really big, and it can be regarded as the origin of the fate decision, that is, it depends on whether the reincarnation is good or not, although my grandfather thought so in his heart, but he still opened his mouth to explain the standards of the Fa-rectification to Zhao Dahu, but there is one of the most important things that my grandfather did not say, that is, when practicing the Fa-rectification, there needs to be a master to protect the Fa, and this master is best your master or a fellow seniorBecause he has enough experience to guide you, and he has enough experience to help you through difficulties and risks when you encounter spiritual problems and risks.

"What do you mean by that?".

As soon as Zhao Dahu heard what my grandfather said, his eyes suddenly lit up, he knew that he needed to take medicine to practice martial arts, and he had heard it before, but it was the first time he heard such a detailed statement, listening to the meaning of practice, fighting, and cultivation, and the drugs were all different, which made Zhao Dahu refreshed, he was so interested, and he couldn't wait to ask my grandfather.

"Practicing the law to nourish strength, you can forge the body to generate divine power, you can play to nourish the skin and practice strength, you can refine the body and kill people, you can prolong life by cultivating the law, and you can get rid of physical pain, so it is indispensable. "

My grandfather has already said this, so naturally he won't hide it, and he also told Zhao Dahu about the benefits of practicing the Fa and raising the Fa in one go.

"Understood, the money for this meal was not spent in vain. "

As soon as Zhao Dahu heard the cultivation of the law to generate divine power, he knew that this was the method of increasing strength, and also understood why the old man could hold him down with one hand, and heard that the method of playing to practice killing, and the method of raising life to prolong life, he was also a little envious, he secretly looked at a few old people in the Yue family, and found that they all ate two large bowls of lo mein like him, and he was a little ugly, these old people couldn't see the feeling of eating after eating, which understood a truth when he was carrying the goods, the more people who could eat, the more powerful, the greater the strength, and the better the staying power。

The middle-aged foreman also felt that the boss was chatting about the same at this time, so he hurriedly brought the tea, and the tea plates were brought up by the waiter, and in front of my grandfather was a tea cup, and the middle-aged man knew that the boss didn't drink tea, so Zhao Dahu was a cup of boiled water.

"Hehe, this meal is not cheap, what I told you is this cause and effect. "

My grandfather knew that this Zhao Dahu was looking at the Yue family, and he didn't take it seriously, just smiled, and after speaking, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Well, thank you, but I still have something to ask. "

Zhao Dahu looked at the cup of boiled water, reached out and took the cup to the side, he was a little panicked now, his stomach was full, he didn't want to drink water at all, and he still had the main question to ask, so after watching my grandfather put down the teacup, he hurriedly asked.

"I don't necessarily answer you. "

My grandfather looked at Zhao Dahu, and now the meal money has been paid, so my grandfather didn't mean to answer Zhao Dahu's question.

"That's fine. "

Zhao Dahu naturally knew what my grandfather meant, all he wanted to ask was about those outsiders, even if my grandfather didn't answer, he was sure to see some clues from my grandfather's expression.

"Then you can say it. "

Zhao Dahu's answer surprised my grandfather, and my grandfather pondered for a while and decided to listen to what question Zhao Dahu was going to ask.

"Since yesterday, a lot of people in this Shanhaiguan have come in, and they have stayed after coming in, do you know who they are?"

Zhao Dahu got a lot of news from the Yue family today, so he didn't go around in circles, and directly said the strange increase in the foreign population in the past two days, and he was definitely the first to know this kind of news.

"Someone you can't afford to mess with. "

My grandfather's eyes narrowed, and when he heard that it was someone from Guanli, my grandfather knew that it should be the family gate valve in Guanli, these people have huge power, and they have dominated China for more than 7,000 years, although they are constantly changing from the old to the new, from the earliest five thousand clans, to the current eight families, three hundred small and medium-sized families, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, the Zoroastrianism, the Five Poisons Sect, the Five Spirits Sect, the Witch Gu Sect, and the White Lotus Sect. The Yin Mountain Sect of the Ghost Road, the Yin Sect of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses, Black Miao, and White Miao. There are also a lot of small secret inheritances, these people are now concerned about whether the Yue family can enter the customs, and also want to see if the Yue family's family test can pass, after all, the Yue family is the first small family to accept the family test after the founding of the country, if the Yue family passes smoothly, it means that the three realms of heaven, earth and man still prefer the human race, then they have a certain right to move, and there are many people who are concerned about whether they can get a copy of the formation inheritance and family collection after the Yue family falls.

The forces in these passes are not something that ordinary people can provoke, as long as people like Zhao Dahu dare to get involved, they will really not be at peace if they die.

"I can't afford to mess with it?".

Zhao Dahu was stunned for a moment, there are really not many people he can't afford to provoke in Shanhaiguan, the shaman is the big man of the Xuan Realm, he can't afford to provoke it, these people on the other side are also masters of the Xuan Realm, he can't afford to provoke him, why can't he provoke any random people now? Even if he can't do it, he can't do it to the extent that he can be bullied by a person.

"Shamanism can't be provoked now. "

My grandfather saw that Zhao Dahu didn't believe it, and after smiling, he said that shamanism can't be provoked, so he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

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