Wang Yanqing listened to the big head, and there were special people for everything in the palace. She just stayed in the Ciqing Palace for a while, and it was too much for the second brother to alarm the people of Shangshan Supervisor, right?

But everything was delivered, Wang Yanqing could only go with Qin Xianger to dinner, and the topic just stopped naturally. After Qin Xianger and Wang Yanqing left, Yu Wansan put away her things and ran away with the dirty water basin.

Wang Yanqing was taken to a quiet palace by Qin Xianger, and Qin Xianger wanted to help Wang Yanqing prepare meals in person, but Wang Yanqing quickly stopped him. Qin Xianger was used to being a female official and kept her face straight in everything she did. Wang Yanqing couldn't eat in front of her, so she politely sent Qin Xianger away. When only Wang Yanqing was left in the room, she opened the food box and found that it was all her favorite dishes.

Wang Yanqing took a random bite with his chopsticks. Maybe because the emperor believed in Taoism, the meals in the palace were vegetarian, but the taste was not bad. It was the first time that Wang Yanqing had eaten such a delicious vegetarian dish. She sat down to eat with peace of mind, thinking that her acquaintance was really easy to do.

The second brother's attitude is a bit of a messenger.

Lu Heng is someone who has the ability to make a presence even without being in front of him. Wang Yanqing ate a high-standard dinner, and realized that she hadn't thought of her second brother all afternoon, and felt very guilty.

After dinner, the sky quickly darkened. Because the Ciqing Palace was haunted, it was particularly depressed after dark, and the gate was locked early. Wang Yanqing did not delay after the meal, and immediately went to the Queen Mother's bedroom.

There are already many people in the dormitory at this moment, all of them looking like they are in a state of unease and mourning. Qin Xianger was arranging people, and when she saw Wang Yanqing coming in, she gave a half-salutation lightly.

Qin Xianger's face was serious, as if the rules had been carved into his bones. Wang Yanqing nodded in return, and hid in the corner silently, so as not to be obtrusive in front of others.

Empress Dowager Zhang's face was extremely bad, and she didn't even bother to pay attention to Wang Yanqing. Empress Dowager Zhang was upset when she saw the flustered faces of the palace maids. She drove them out of the floor covering, and she was served by Qin Xianger to lie down. Qin Xianger beat the Queen Mother Zhang's legs in the inner room, Wang Yanqing and the other palace maids crowded together, silently waiting for midnight to come.

It's a very torturous thing, they know what's going to happen, but there's nothing they can do. The palace maids were all pale and pale. Wang Yanqing scanned the crowd and noticed that Cui Yuehuan and the palace maid named Xiu Jin were there. Wang Yanqing remembered that Cui Yuehuan was guarding the first half of the night yesterday. Tonight, it should be her turn to guard the middle of the night, but Cui Yuehuan appeared here, and she should have changed classes with others. Why would she do this?

Wang Yanqing hid the guess in his heart and did not show it. She doesn't actually believe in the so-called haunted words, and she spends most of her time observing the palace maids present. However, no matter how terrifying it was, it couldn't stop the instinct of the body. The night gradually deepened, the air in the hall became colder a little bit, and the palace maids were also crowded into a group, drowsy and sleepy.

Wang Yanqing kept reminding himself to be vigilant, but when sleepiness struck, no one could choose, Wang Yanqing closed his eyes at some point. In a daze, she suddenly felt a cold air bullying her, and Wang Yanqing opened her eyes instantly.

She looked around, and found that the palace was quiet, and the maids were slumped and unconscious. The lights in the inner room flickered slightly, and Qin Xianger leaned on the couch of Empress Dowager Zhang, and seemed to have fallen asleep too.

Everything looks the same. Wang Yanqing moved her numb calf quietly. At this time, she vaguely heard a whining sound outside.

The sound was shrill and gentle, like the sound of wind and someone crying. Wang Yanqing got up immediately and pushed open the window.

There was no one outside, Wang Yanqing was so concentrated that he could no longer hear the whining sound.

At the beginning of the chūn wind, it was cold and chilly, and the night wind swept in from the window, dispelling the drowsiness in an instant. Wang Yanqing did not believe in evil, and looked around carefully, even on the beams of the house, but there was still nothing.

Wang Yanqing couldn't help but be shaken. Could it be that it was just the wind?

Wang Yanqing found nothing, so he closed the window and returned to his original position. After a series of hauntings, the maids have become startled. Wang Yanqing's movement was very light, but someone still woke up.

When Cui Yuehuan saw Wang Yanqing coming back from the window, her face changed slightly. Maybe because she just woke up, her voice was still hoarse, and she asked hard, "Miss Wang, what's wrong?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head and said it was fine, but the others were also awakened one after another. When they realized what had happened, their faces changed.

This feeling of knowing that there are ghosts outside but having nothing to do is too terrifying. A palace maid hugged her companion in panic and muttered absentmindedly: "She's here, what should I do, she's here again!"

The inner room was also awakened, and there was a rustling voice inside. Wang Yanqing was waiting to comfort everyone when he suddenly heard a "dudu" voice behind him.

It was like something was scratching the door, and almost at the same time, the shrill and resentful voice sounded again: "It's so cold, let me in."

The author says:

In April, weeds are displayed, and in May, weeds are called. - "Book of Songs, July"

Chapter 44 Jealous

The voice was sobbing and complaining, hoarse and resentful, and the content was even more creepy. The palace ladies screamed in fright, and Wang Yanqing immediately turned around and pushed open the palace door with force.

It was pitch black outside, and the night wind swirled around Wang Yanqing's clothes, and the chill was everywhere, as if it was about to penetrate the bone marrow. Wang Yanqing swept around with a cold face, but there was nothing but the cold air.

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