Lu Heng did not link the cause and effect, but the time and passage were placed here, enough for the emperor to guess what happened. The emperor put down the draft and asked, "Where is Xia Wenjin?"

The emperor's suspicions are indistinguishable. Zhang Shoufu is not clear. What about the rest of the cabinet, do they also want to support the crown prince? Lu Heng was already prepared, and said calmly, "Xue Kan and Xia Ge Lao do have contacts in private. The last time they met was in June. Since the southern tour, Xia Ge Lao has not met Xue Kan. The servant said that in June Xue Kan and Xia Ge Lao met and talked for an hour, but the servant only changed the tea and left, and he didn't hear what he said after that."

This information covered the restaurant, the homes of Xue, Peng, and Xia, as well as the official residence of the imperial city. Lu Heng checked them all clearly, and he could even detect most of the conversations, which showed that the Jinyiwei intelligence network was very powerful. The Jinyiwei claimed to be the eyes, ears and claws of the emperor, without exaggeration.

Lu Heng got so many clues, enough to solve the case, he personally went to test Peng Ze and Xia Wenjin, but it was the last insurance. The reactions of Peng Ze and Xia Wenjin confirmed Lu Heng's speculation. Lu Heng had no more doubts about the result and entered the palace with confidence.

Lu Heng did not say who formed a party or who was for personal gain, but only put the matter in front of the emperor, and the emperor himself would figure it out. The emperor sighed slightly, it seems that this result is also in line with the emperor's expectations.

The emperor did not express his opinion on the dispute between Zhang and Xia, and asked Lu Heng calmly: "The situation in Datong is getting more and more tense. In your opinion, who should be sent to Datong to lead the troops?"

This question is not easy to answer. Lu Heng paused for a moment, and then said cautiously: "According to the minister's thin view, the deputy capital's imperial censor Zeng Xian pacified the Liaoyang mutiny, defeated the Monan Tartars many times in Shandong, built the outer city of Linqing, and had rich experience in fighting against the Mongols; During the period of governor of Gansu, Yang Bo, the censor of the capital, established fields, built canals, and built forts, subdued the people of Handong, and defended the borders many times. It is said that Fu Yue ate and slept with the soldiers during his stay in Datong Mansion, and he was deeply supported. If Fu Yue's grandson, Fu Tingzhou, was sent, it would definitely boost the morale of the Datong army and achieve twice the result with half the effort. The minister believes that these three are good choices."

These three people have poor families, civil servants, and honorable people, covering three sources of generals. Except for Fu Tingzhou, who has never been on the battlefield, the other two have good military capabilities. The emperor said in his heart that Lu Heng was really slippery, and the emperor answered every question he asked without leaking.

The emperor said: "Zeng Xian is now the governor of Shandong and cannot be transferred without authorization. Yang Bo is suitable, but he returned to his hometown due to the death of his mother, and he is still in Ding You. If Fu Yue is still there, he must be the best candidate for the coach this time, but it's a pity. Jealous of good generals. Before his death, Fu Yue made a list, saying that he brought up his grandson himself, and that he taught martial arts, art of war, and strategy by himself. If there is any difficulty in the nine towns in the future, he can send Fu Tingzhou to relieve his worries. He knows the Datong Mansion very well, and the heir he taught should not be bad. However, Fu Tingzhou is too young."

No matter how well Fu Yue taught him, but he never actually fought, who knows if Fu Tingzhou is just a soldier on paper? The emperor has been thinking about it these days. If he has to adjust, there are many generals who can be used, but there are no suitable timing and candidates.

The Daming frontier is so long, there are Jurchens in the northeast, Mongolia in the northwest, Japanese pirates along the southeast coast, and all the ministries in the southwest are not stable. Among the unemployed generals in the capital, except those who are old, frail, and arrogant, there are not many good seedlings. Fu Tingzhou has a suitable status, but he loses because he has no qualifications.

The emperor has been thinking hard for a long time, and now it is time to make a decision. After listening to the emperor's words, Lu Heng already understood the emperor's inclination.

Lu Heng had long expected that the Lu family was a family of military officers, could he not know who was available in the court? Lu Heng followed the emperor's wishes and said, "Wei Huo was only twenty years old when he made his contributions. Military officers are no better than civil servants, and age does not hinder him."

The older the civil servants who govern the country, the better, but the military generals at the frontier have to be younger. Since ancient times, famous generals have been young, and sometimes people are old and timid on the battlefield.

The emperor obviously thought so too, and he went down the slope and said, "However, he has no experience in leading the army. What if he is young and energetic and falls into someone else's trap?"

Lu Heng said: "Marquis Zhenyuan is inexperienced, but Marquis Wuding has been in the army for many years and has many capable people. I heard that Marquis Zhenyuan and Miss Yongping Marquis will get married soon, and when this marriage is completed, The Marquis of Zhenyuan is the nephew and son-in-law of Marquis Wuding. When the nephew and son-in-law are on the battlefield, Marquis Wuding should send some henchmen to remind him."

The emperor looked at Lu Heng, Lu Heng lowered his eyes and let the emperor look at it calmly. The emperor's brows moved, and a clear look appeared in his eyes.

It turned out to be the case, he said why Lu Heng secretly pressed the Fu family's letter some time ago, and today he recommended Fu Tingzhou, the original purpose is here.

Lu Heng was very involved in robbing women, and he is still in the play. Zhang Jinggong used the emperor to suppress his dissidents. The emperor was very angry when he wanted to understand it, but if it was Lu Heng who was openly plotting against a political enemy and robbing women, the emperor would find it acceptable.

Is it normal for people to be drunk and wealthy? Lu Heng knew the importance. Although he suppressed the Fu family, it did not delay the battle, and he would give in when it was time to give in. It's just that he will use the state affairs to satisfy some personal desires.

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