Yun, Zhujun, Zhulin Junzi, it turns out that from the very beginning, the truth was hidden in the name.

Seeing Wang Yanqing's expression, Lu Heng was quite shy in his heart, and couldn't help but added another mouth: "Actually, I think Ji Huan is also left-handed."

Wang Yanqing's eyes widened: "Huh?"

This time, Lu Heng refused to explain, saying, "It's not good for your progress to have the teacher explain everything to you. It's just homework, and you can go back and think about it yourself."

Wang Yanqing's brows moved, and she slightly pursed her lips, and said, "Isn't it my cousin, why did you become a teacher again?"

How much does Lu Heng like acting?

"It doesn't matter, I have two jobs." Lu Heng hugged Wang Yanqing tightly, he remembered Jian Yun's words, and he was so used to seeing private affairs that he couldn't help but wonder, "These two couples are especially brilliant. "

Wang Yanqing didn't expect that there would be more material to be discovered in this case, so she quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

From Lu Heng's meaningful gaze, Wang Yanqing heard the full version of the story.

Jian Yun lost her father when she was young, and her mother was unable to make ends meet, so she had to take her to defect to her brother. Jian Jun grew up in his uncle's house, and the Han family has only one son. Since childhood, he was given high hopes by his uncle and aunt, and he invited Xixi to study at a very young age. Jian Yun is about the same age as her cousin, and she has also learned to read and write.

However, as he grew older, Han Wenyan refused to work hard, but Jian Yun showed a strong interest in literature. Both their mother and daughter depended on their aunt's face, so Jian Yun often helped her cousin to write for her cousin. At first, she copied books, and later she became a ghost-writer for the homework and strategies left by her master. Finally, even Han Wenyan's poetry and prose went out to socialize. From Jian Yun's hand.

Han Wenyan became more and more reluctant to work hard when he had a shortcut, and gradually disappeared, but Jian Yun practiced a good literary talent. Because Jian Yunzhi's handwriting is signed with Han Wenyan's name, her handwriting is very similar to that of Han Wenyan. No one but the Han family has discovered this over the years. Once there was a poetry meeting in Qingzhou, Han Wenyan came back with a half-queue of poetry and prose, and Jian Yun was moved by it, and he got along with the second half-queen.

They became attached to Ji Huan. Ji Huan and Han Wenyan communicated through letters. In fact, every time the person who wrote the letter was Jian Yun, but Ji Huan knew nothing and thought that his bosom friend was Han Wenyan. Later, Ji Huan moved to the capital, and Jian Yun also married Han Wenyan on the orders of his parents. Han Wenyan didn't like her dealings with foreign men, so the letters between Jian Yun and Ji Huan gradually ended.

After so many years, Jian Yun had already forgotten the years of youthful spirit and scolding Fang Qiu, and also forgot that she once had a close friend, not Han Wenyan's friend, but a friend who really learned and thought because of her talent. . After they moved to the capital, one day, someone suddenly came to the door, Jian Yun opened the door, and heard that his name was Ji Huan, and he came to Zhulin Junzi.

Those wonderful poems and strategies are all written by Han Wenyan, and only the name Zhulin Junzi belongs to Jian Yun.

Han Wenyan and Ji Huan walked again. Unlike Han Wenyan, who grew up and became more mediocre, Ji Huan developed very well in the later period, and now he is not considered rich and noble, and can also be called worry about food and clothing. In the retelling of the past, I learned that Ji Huan now not only has fame and fame, but also has a sweet wife by the side, and even has been appreciated by the Marquis of Wuding.

At the invitation of Ji Huan, Han Wenyan moved to the next door to Ji's house. Ji Huan admired Han Wenyan's talent very much, and believed that Han Wenyan's talent was absolutely superior to him, so he took the initiative to assign the task of Marquis Wuding to Han Wenyan. How could Han Wenyan write this? Of course, it was Jian Yun again.

The Legend of Heroes and Martyrs is different from the usual colloquial texts. This is the story of the founding emperor. It involves a large number of princes and generals, and they seek wars. It is not easy to write to satisfy the Marquis of Wuding. The Marquis of Wuding dictated the request to Ji Huan, and lent him some military books for reference. Ji Huan took it back and studied it with Han Wenyan.

Every time Han Wenyan started writing after Ji Huan left, and finished the draft for Ji Huan the next day, but after a long time, how could Ji Huan not discover that Jian Yun was the real author. Among the manuscripts Ji Huan handed over, Marquis Wu Ding actually preferred Jian Yun's writing style, so in the end, most of the book was written by Jian Yun, Ji Huan took it back for modification, editing, and handed it to Marquis Wu Ding's mansion after transcribing.

In this way, it took them nearly half a year to complete the "Brave of Heroes".

During this period, because most of Jian Yun's energy was devoted to writing the book, Han Wenyan had nothing to do, and he felt that he had lost face as a husband, so he hooked up with Chang Tinglan, who also had nothing to do next door. Jian Yun soon found out, but she didn't have any fluctuations in her heart.

Because she also fell in love with someone else.

The fit of the soul is longer than the attraction of the body, and neither side has pointed it out, but Ji Huan knew that the person who met him with Wen Yan was not Han Wenyan, but Jian Yun. It's a pity that the husband married another concubine, and they sat at the desk for a long time discussing how to write the next chapter, enjoying the time alone with each other, but no one broke the window paper.

Until one event upsets the precarious balance.

Ji Huan came back early one day, Han Wenyan was having an affair with Chang Tinglan, Han Wenyan heard the voice and ran away in a hurry. Han Wenyan knew that it was very likely that he could not hide it. He did not dare to offend Ji Huan. Without Ji Huan, he would not be able to survive in the capital at all. Han Wenyan had a very absurd idea in his panic.

He used Menghan medicine to fascinate Jian Yun, just at this time Ji Huan came over to ask the teacher to ask the guilt. Han Wenyan apologized to Ji Huan in tears, saying that he was sorry for Ji Huan, and as compensation, he was willing to offer his wife to Ji Huan to relieve his anger.

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