When Lu Heng is serious and sincere, the words he says are basically false, but the dirty words are all true. It was two years ago that he would never let anyone approach his study, but now, he lives with her, eats the same bed and sleeps together, and even in her body when they are closest. he. If he didn't even dare to show her the information, how could he fall asleep beside her at night?

When she just regained her memory and hated him the most, she never backstabbed him, and he was willing to give her the highest degree of trust and share his life and power with her.

She is gifted at detecting lies, and although she can't have an interview, she can still find the key points faster by having her go to the talk book that records the words and deeds of high-ranking officials. Jinyiwei recruits talents from all over the world, regardless of their background, men, women and children, criminals, not to mention his wife?

The attendant moved another seat, placed the lights and tea, and stepped back, respectfully guarding the door, not letting anyone approach the room. Wang Yanqing sat down at the desk, took out a booklet from the secret box with some trepidation, and said, "Then I'll start?"

Lu Heng nodded: "Jin Yiwei asks you to take care of everything and record everything the target does. It may be a little tiring to read these booklets. You can write down what you think is valuable on paper. If you don't know their identities , ask me anytime."

Wang Yanqing nodded solemnly, with a very serious face: "Okay."

It is said that looking at beautiful women under the lamp, Lu Heng looked at his gentle and beautiful wife, and wanted to kiss her a little. Thinking like this, Lu Heng stretched out his hand to wrap her neck and kissed the beauty deeply: "Lao Qingqing is here."

Wang Yanqing put her hand on Lu Heng's shoulder, and the thief looked left and right with a guilty conscience: "Don't make trouble, there is still business."

In other words, he is not serious? Lu Heng let go of her and nodded politely: "Okay, then I won't disturb you."

Wang Yanqing had been to the scene with Lu Heng several times before, but this was the first time she had officially come into contact with Jin Yiwei's work. Lu Heng trusted her, and she couldn't let Lu Heng's expectations fail. Wang Yanqing took it seriously. He opened the booklet and read the records word by word.

Jin Yiwei's spies are really pervasive, and such a big box is full of information from officials in Beijing. Each booklet corresponds to a person, and records all the actions of officials from waking up to falling asleep according to time, and sometimes even remembering their sleep talk. Wang Yanqing admired it very much, she sighed a few words, and quickly calmed down to check the information inside.

Wang Yanqing has a natural intuition about people's expressions. Even the emperor and Lu Heng, who are rolling in the crowd, can't compare to her. They need to rely on their brains to judge, and Wang Yanqing obtained the answer through intuition. Across the paper, Wang Yanqing's talent is greatly reduced, but human behavior and words are self-contained, except for lunatics and fools, everyone can logically summarize a set of behavioral logic.

As long as there are rules, Wang Yanqing can find the flaws. Wang Yanqing watched it carefully, and from time to time wrote down page numbers and key words on the paper. She has black hair and snow skin, and her serious look has a kind of divinity. Lu Heng thought to himself, if there really is a Guanyin in the world, it should be like her.

Lu Heng admired it for a while, then reluctantly started his right career, picked up another person's record, and read it from the beginning.

Because of the complicated information, they even ate dinner in the study room. After Wang Yanqing finished eating, he quickly threw himself into the screening. She didn't know how long she looked at it, and even her eyes were a little flowery. She rubbed her eyes and was about to go to the side to get a new one, but was held by one hand.

Lu Heng got up, took away all the papers in front of her, and said, "There are so many booklets that I can't read in a while, and today's progress is much faster than I thought. You've read it all night, you should rest. already."

Wang Yanqing asked, "Isn't the emperor in a hurry?"

"Even if the emperor is in a hurry, he will not make trouble unreasonably." Lu Heng said, "Just hand it over within ten days, no hurry."

Hearing this, Wang Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief. According to the current progress, the tenth is more than enough to complete, and she has summed up the skills, and it will only be faster in the future. Wang Yanqing looked back at the window and muttered, "It's so dark..."

"Yeah." Lu Heng said, "Thank you Qingqing for today. I was prepared to stay up for a few more nights. With your help, I can finally sleep normally. What kind of gift does Qingqing want?"

Wang Yanqing was unhappy when she heard this, and said seriously, "Husband and wife are one, what is there to say thank you. I'll be satisfied if I can help you."

"This can't be done." Lu Heng pushed his seat away, propped one arm on the armrest beside Wang Yanqing, and said with all seriousness, "The most important thing in Jinyiwei is that rewards and punishments are clearly defined. Qing has helped me many times and made great contributions, and I feel bad if I can't reward it. I have thought about it for a long time, and I am afraid that there is only one way to be worth the credit of Qingqing. "

Wang Yanqing felt that something was wrong when he pushed the chair away. After listening to his words, she already understood what he wanted. Wang Yanqing's face was flushed with shame, and he pushed his arm hard: "I don't need it!"

"You don't have to be polite to me." Seeing that, Lu Hengtu took advantage of his height and skillfully untied her dress, "Qingqing's credit is invaluable, and it is too tacky to use gold and silver, so I, the commander, have to repay it with my body. ."

Lu Heng had long thought about this matter. As soon as he came back, his eyes lit up. He was the last one to see such beautiful red clothes. This is really outrageous, he can only take off his clothes with his own hands to relieve the hatred in his heart.

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