The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 178: : A Powerful Praise of the New World

The screen flashed, and Li Wei once again entered the new world and appeared in a forest...

Because he came to this world for leisure, he seemed very relaxed. If the keyword anchoring was successful, it should be a very peaceful everyday world.

Raising his head at a 45° angle, he looked around the surrounding environment. Li Wei didn't even need to use pulse induction, he simply observed the surroundings with human eyes.

Tall trees blocked most of the sun, the temperature was cool but not humid, and the chirping of insects entered the eardrums, which sounded extraordinarily relaxing.

"This is it!"

Li Wei took a deep breath of the smell of nature. He hadn't used electronic products for so long that he even quit his technology addiction.

The shade of the surrounding trees reminded him of Lord Bei's wilderness survival show on Earth, and he had the urge to try it.

Although I want to come to the wilderness to "survive", there is a premise to play like this, that is, make sure that there are no people in the vicinity for more than ten kilometers, otherwise the fire may be reported to the police after the fire is started.

The pulse induction spread out, and no buildings were seen within a radius of nearly eight kilometers, but a lot of small animals were seen.

The prerequisites were met, Li Wei changed into a normal flight mode, flapped his wings, broke through the branches surrounded by the top layer of his head, and flew out of the woods.

The telescope-like eyes looked around, and there was nothing but primitive scenery around. There was a rock on the side, and there were slight ups and downs in the sea of ​​trees. This was a complete natural environment. At least there were no human beings in the nearby ten kilometers. traces of activity.

"Pretty!" Li Wei walked around for a while, showing an excited expression.

Go to Ta Miao's interpersonal communication, a group of riddle people, in the process of interpersonal communication, everyone is reluctant to speak well, especially those who occupy a high position in society.

Euphemistically called talk, talk about a hammer, a simple explanation only needs thirty words, and if you have to do a lot of it, who can understand it!

Re-entering the sea of ​​trees, Li Wei's black suit turned into a green camouflage uniform, completing the rapid transformation from a social elite to a field soldier.

He thought of the best way to relax and do some slow-paced fun things in this pristine forest.

Looking around the pristine forests, everything must be close to the wilderness to survive. First of all, you need to find a water source.

Subconsciously, he wanted to use pulse induction, but Li Wei turned off the pulse induction in time, and only used various organs of the original human being.

Although the imitation came out of the original product, the strength and weight it should have are indispensable. At most, the senses have been weakened by itself.

What method do you need to use to find water sources?

Going to the low ground, he has the hunting skills of the Predator, but after all, there is a big gap between the Earth and the Predator Star, and few of the people he assimilates are dabbling in wild survival, so the greatest survival in the wild The fun happens.


Three hours later, Li Wei found the water source and looked at the clean and clear creek. There were still many fish under the creek, some large and small.

Using the predator's experience of survival in the wild, Li Wei broke a branch, removed the unnecessary branches and leaves, and stabbed the fish in the river.

A strange **** fish with sharp fins was stabbed by him and struggled desperately, and fished it out of the river. This kind of fish looks a bit strange, but the species on earth is very rich, no one can recognize it all, and some do not recognize it. The fish are also normal.

"It shouldn't be an endangered fish, after all, there are so many in the water." He glanced at the black fish left in the water and found that there were still a lot of them, so Li Wei ate it with confidence...

He knocked out the black fish, and after processing the fish on the edge of the stream, Li Wei used a branch to stick the black fish cut in half on the ground to fix it.

In the way of making the fire, Li Wei used a small bioreactor, and his fingers sprayed a flame, which easily ignited the bonfire.

After using it, cancel the mimicry, but it does not produce much radiation.

The grilled black fish tastes surprisingly good, which is in sharp contrast to its dark appearance. Although it is ugly, its meat is delicious!

Except for the fishy smell, this meal was quite good, and I felt inexplicably relaxed.

After eating the fish, the sky is already dark, if you don't use light-sensitive vision, you can hardly see your fingers.

The forest at night became lively, and the low roars of various beasts continued to sound.

Li Wei climbed to a tree and fell into dormancy leaning on the branches. The tree is incomplete without sleep.

Although he slept very comfortably, when he woke up the next day, Li Wei's body was covered with all kinds of grotesque bugs, which was quite unpleasant.

With a twist of the tentacles, these insects were instantly inhaled into Li Wei's body, and there were not a few poisonous insects.

Li Wei continued to look for a place to build a wilderness hut with a fresh mind. After recalling survival programs, he remembered that if he was too close to the water source, he might be attacked by wild animals.

The hut also has to consider the issues of openness and moisture-proof drainage, which is not a small project, especially for someone like him who has not been exposed to serious construction projects.

Simply relying on the naked eye to search for about three hours, Li Wei walked out of the dense sea of ​​trees and came to a small and medium-sized dry open space, which was less than 800 meters away from the upper stream of the stream, and there was a low-lying land on the left. On the right is a relatively flat meadow.

The low-lying land can be dug into a small fish pond, and a small piece of grass on the right side is planted with wild vegetables.

Just do it!

Then Li Wei started to build a house. Don't throw the uprooted trees. With a little treatment, they can be turned into planks and stakes to build houses!

He didn't use his ability, but with normal hands and simple tools repaired and leveled the ground, transformed into a wrist blade, and cut out a dozen standard wooden boards.

No need to eat at noon, Li Wei built a simple shed, dug a pit, and piled up the useless scraps of cutting boards in the pit to dry the boards made of unknown trees.

After making sure that the forest fire would not be ignited, Li Wei walked to the front of the low-lying area. There was a sparser forest there. Maybe he could find edible wild vegetables in these places, and by the way, he could look for traces of small animals. .

Since it is an experience version of survival in the wilderness, of course everything must be based on reality!

In order to experience life better, Li Wei set up rules for himself. He could not use the ability to change. After obtaining the fire, he could no longer use the convenient reactor lighter, and he could not use the strength and speed advantages to hunt. If you want to hunt, you can only use the trap.

After entering the woods, Li Wei did find some edible plants, but he also saw a lot of strange looking plants.

Taking a closer look, there are also some strange-looking insects hidden in the corners of the bushes.

One or two birds of prey flew in the sky, and they seemed to be larger than the usual eagles and vultures.

After walking for a long time, Li Wei discovered the traces of animal activities, and the size of the road that was stepped out seemed to be not small.

The palm prints were like bears, so he couldn't help but curiously followed this road and walked in. He came to the bottom of a cliff, and there was a huge dark cave on the stone wall.

Li Wei resisted the urge to use his special senses, and quietly approached the cave. He heard a whirring of gentle breathing, and the bear seemed to be sleeping inside.

When he came to the edge of the cave, he looked inside curiously. The excited expression on his face collapsed in an instant, followed by a powerful compliment.

"Riyouma! Refund!"

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