The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 417: :comminicate

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[My hand is going to be abolished, I can't watch it for the time being, wait for me to modify it! About 1 hour]

The official meeting is of course to verify the authenticity of the identity, that is, to restore Li Wei and Ze Muxin to their "real bodies".

The two discussed it in secret, and thought of a form, just switch to the armored form, and these people couldn't see it anyway.

After switching to the armored form, Li Wei's body is ferocious and terrifying. He has a body-building ratio that is thick and yet does not lose strength and speed, which makes a certain science teacher's eyes shine.

Zemu Xingyuan is an armored form transformed from a female's physical characteristics. Li Wei handed over control to her, and the shape was pinched into a very seductive body, like a golden ratio human body wearing it. A special tights that outlines that soft curve is extraordinarily attractive.

After several men present saw Zemu Xingxing's body, they couldn't help but take a second glance, but soon, Zemu Xingxin changed back to a human shape, and by the way, gave Li Wei a blank look.

"Cough cough!" Li Wei cleared his throat and looked at the few people who still didn't reflect from his appearance change to regain his senses.

Then everyone sat down, the holographic screen was withdrawn, and the huge LCD screen blocked by the curtains turned on.

This is an unprecedented dialogue, and more professional personnel have already arrived, and now it is only a preliminary communication by means of remote communication.

Marshal Scott and others did not ask many questions, and they also gave enough respect for Li Wei to ask some questions.

Li Wei didn't need to ask any questions, he just said it casually, and after a bit of prevarication, he led the topic to Godzilla and the pioneer civilization.

"The pioneer civilization fought multiple civilizations at the same time. Wormholes are one of the few technologies that can migrate across the stars. As far as I know, the earth has been targeted by the pioneer civilization a long time ago, just because the earth has not reached the Habitable state without ecological transformation.”

Marshal Scott and others were very serious, and the expressions of more than a dozen people on the big screen were also very serious.

A scientist with glasses who followed Marshal Scott in, raised his hand, and Li Wei nodded to indicate that he could speak.

"Did those monsters come to Earth just to transform the Earth's ecology? Just to get a colonized planet?"

Everyone is curious about this question. They were living a small life in their own homes that day, and suddenly a monster emerged from the Pacific Ocean. It was bombed with missiles for a week before dying. The monster destroyed two cities along the way, causing economic losses. Not much.

The United States fell directly from the status of the world's leader to a level close to that of a major country. The destruction of the two metropolises almost paralyzed the normal operation of the United States.

Faced with this question, Li Wei doesn't have to think about it. Anyway, he can't guess what the pioneer civilization thinks, and it is impossible for Marshal Scott and the others to verify whether his words are true or not. He just needs to use his brain holes at will. .

"The culture between civilizations is different, and this will give birth to many civilizations that you think are incredible, so no one can tell what the pioneer civilization thinks. But the pioneer civilization is a careerist, they will never satisfy their appetite, Those monsters are just tools used to pollute the environment, not too powerful combat units, and those monsters can be mass-produced."

After listening to Li Wei's explanation, everyone fell into silence. This answer was similar to what they thought. They had already guessed the purpose of the pioneer civilization. After all, they are a culture with a large number of persecuted delusions. culture, the speculation of alien invasion has been circulating since the last century.

Now it's just to determine their original thoughts from other people's mouths, and it's not worth useful information for the time being.

The scientist who asked the question waved his fist and said excitedly: "I knew it! Their genes are exactly the same, they must be copied!"

"Please be quiet, Dr. Geisler, and Mr. Li Wei to continue." After Marshal Scott shut up the excited scientist, he looked at Li Wei expectantly, and wanted him to continue to say something.

Li Wei was also very willing to continue to say something, and said: "Godzilla is a cosmic monster that grows naturally, its survival does not depend on any harsh environment for you, as long as there are radioactive elements, it can survive forever, life at least It can last for tens of thousands of years, and it is a natural protector for you, as long as you don't do anything too outrageous."

Godzilla is the maintainer of the balance of nature. In the Pacific Rim world, there are no titan behemoths on the earth, and naturally they will not be affected by the monsters.

The only external influence is the invasion of the pioneer civilization. As long as the pioneer civilization has been invading and human beings have not done anything too mortal, Godzilla can at least shelter the earth for tens of thousands of years.

During this period, human beings should be able to build up their own armed forces, and perhaps at that time, Livy will be able to come back and take Godzilla away.

Leaving Godzilla now will be beneficial to the Pacific Rim Earth!

In this regard, Marshal Scott has no decision-making power, and even those politicians rarely have the right to decide.

After all, this is a matter for all mankind. If there is no public vote, the crowd who hate monsters will definitely beat, smash and loot, while shouting to destroy the monsters.

Economic losses are second, I am afraid that some lunatic will make a mess of society, and the Monster Cult is a strong destabilizing factor.

Although there is no way to decide, but they also have no way to refuse for the time being. Godzilla is like a huge nuclear weapon that has entered the earth. When there is no 100% certainty of confrontation, the negotiation will think that someone will cover his head with a gun. Same, very smooth.

"Envoy of Cybertron, I have a question for you on behalf of the United."

On the screen on the wall, there was a brief discussion among the upper echelons of the alliance, followed by a representative who put a position question to Levi.

"We want to know how Cybertron sees Earth?"

Li Wei said: "Do not interfere with each other, do not meet each other, I just came to say hello, and by the way, I will increase Godzilla for you to raise, Godzilla is a person who has something that does not belong to you. Intelligent creatures, and have a good relationship with it, you will be able to avoid the invasion from the pioneer civilization and buy precious time for your development."

beep! beep! beep!

I don't know if this sentence caused a quantum entanglement reaction. The first time after speaking, the monster alarm at the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force Headquarters sounded.

The blaring horns and the flashing red warning lights in the corners created a tense atmosphere that kept everyone on and off the screen in a frenzy.

Marshal Scott stood up for the first time, glanced at Li Wei, who had changed back to his human appearance, and said to Mori Mako, "Mori Mako, please entertain the ambassador, I'm sorry!"

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