The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 34 Tactics that can defeat Voldemort

Chapter 034 Tactics that can defeat Voldemort

Keilal's movements are really cool.

Many students decided to study this skill seriously just because of Keilallu's handsome skills.

"So, what do you think determines the outcome of a battle between wizards?" Keilar saw that the little guys were calmed down, and then asked.

The little guys raised their hands high. If they answer the professor's questions correctly, they will be rewarded. These reward points will eventually be gathered at the end of the semester and become an important weight in the final College Cup, sending them to the College Cup. the throne.

So although many people hate Hermione, a top student who always rushes to answer questions and shows her sharpness, in fact the teachers and Gryffindor people still like her quite a bit.

She could earn back at least half of the points deducted for Harry Potter and Ron's troubles.

If Harry and Ron weren't too pretentious, in fact, with Hermione alone, Gryffindor would have no problem winning the House Cup.

But Harry Potter is the school's seeker, and winning a Quidditch Cup can add a lot of points to the school, so with the Gryffindor's courageous (zuo) and daring (si) personality, adding Add or subtract, if you are lucky you can still win the Academy Cup.

But what was surprising this time was that even the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs raised their hands, but Hermione was not seen raising her hands. The Ravenclaws looked at it a little strangely. She then raised her hands high.

Kelar looked around and finally nodded: "Draco Malfoy, come on."

Hermione mused.

Maybe others didn't notice it, but Hermione slightly felt that Keilal was different from the professors.

The professors are always polite, calling everyone madam and sir. This may be a rule left over from the past, but it always sounds a bit strange, but Keilar calls everyone by his first name. This approach is slightly rude to ordinary professors, but to students, it is very intimate, such as now.

Draco Malfoy stood up and said proudly: "It's magic, sir."

"Does anyone else have any other opinions?" Keilar said noncommittally.

The others immediately raised their hands higher, because Kelar's question meant that Malfoy's answer was wrong.

"Harry Potter." Keilal called.

Malfoy suddenly felt uncomfortable. As the only son of the Malfoy family and a pureblood, he always felt embarrassed when facing Harry Potter. What he said was wrong. Keilal turned around and ordered Harry Potter. Does he think he is inferior to Harry Potter?

"I think it should be a spell." Harry Potter also wanted to use magic just now, but obviously, it was wrong. He thought of an answer temporarily, but he thought it should be like this.

"Where are the others?" Kailar turned to look at the others.

This time, everyone hesitated. The two answers just now were probably the real answers closest to the truth, but Keilar was not satisfied yet, so it would be difficult for Keilar to be satisfied with the next answers.

"Neville Longbottom?" Kelar continued to decide.

Neville looked confused and realized that he had forgotten to put his hand down.

Faced with everyone's glare, he said in a nonchalant manner: "I think the stronger one will win."

The others burst into laughter. Isn’t this nonsense?

Keilal smiled: "Sorry! But it's very close! Very close! Is there anyone else?"

"Hermione?" He pointed out the only girl who raised her hand.

"How fast is the shot?" Hermione wasn't too sure. She found a vague idea from the shadow of Kelar's shot just now.

"That's right!" Keilal said loudly.

Everyone was startled by Keilal's voice, and then they realized that Hermione gave the correct answer.

"Ten points for Gryffindor." Keilal made no secret of his preference for Hermione.

"Does anyone know why?" Keilal asked.

Hermione held her hands up, already knowing why.

But Keilal didn't look at her.

Sometimes one bias is enough, and any more will push her to be on the opposite side of other students.

"Malfoy, do you know?" This time Kelal didn't wait for anyone to raise his hand, but asked directly.

Malfoy hesitated for a moment: "Because those with faster shots can take the upper hand?"

"That's right." Kelal agreed without hesitation, but this time he didn't give Slytherin points.

He began to elaborate on his fighting philosophy.

"In the wizarding world, any wizard, including Dumbledore, or even Voldemort, must have a fixed movement when they take action." Kelar opened his right hand and motioned for everyone to look over.

Everyone was frightened by his boldness, and the whole class was silent.

Voldemort had put a spell on his name, and anyone who dared to call him by name would be known to him, and then he would use the Apparition spell to be transported to his side, where he would hunt down or torture them.

For this reason, no one dared to call him by his real name for a long time, but directly called him as "that person" or "the unspeakable person".

For Kelal, Voldemort had no deterrent power at all, including his Disapparation Curse, his Avada Kedavra, and his Cruciatus Curse.

He already knew that the person he was facing when he woke up that day was Voldemort. He was completely composed of negative emotions and had no wisdom. He had even engaged in personal terror in the previous history and used fear to subdue other wizards.

He almost succeeded. It can only be said that the wizards are cowardly, but it cannot be said that he is strong enough or smart enough.

All his actions were devoid of wisdom, and even the formation of associations was just to help the tigers, rather than to increase the number of people for the purpose of domination.

There is no hope for Voldemort.

His hopelessness lies in the fact that he has neither the character nor the methods of a hero. Even if he has the power to suppress everything, he will still be overthrown by stronger people in the future.

Besides, no matter how powerful Voldemort is, he is still not a mortal body. If he arranges for someone to poison him and kill him simply, he can't go without food and water, right?

In short, a person who is not invulnerable is not scary to Kelal.

In terms of threat level, Voldemort is not even more threatening than Dumbledore.

So he continued talking regardless.

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