The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 72 Take action when it’s time to take action (30,000 tweets plus more updates)

Chapter 072 Take action when it’s time to take action

When the light dissipated, the female swordsmen had disappeared in front of the students of Hogwarts.

The students looked at the female swordsmen who turned into light spots and slowly disappeared. For the first time, they felt that the long-legged elder sisters were really good... The little girls on campus really couldn't keep up with these long-legged elder sisters.

It's just that these long-legged sisters only appeared for a short thirty seconds. Many people were even paying attention to the group of dementors. When they turned around, the group of people wearing tights appeared. The ladies have disappeared.

Many male students felt disappointed and regretful. Dementors were nothing. With so many teachers around, how could they pose a threat to them? Instead of just going to see the dementors, it was better to take a second look at the ladies.

It's just that they were wrong. The teachers did know the Patronus Charm, but unfortunately the teachers' Patronus Charm did not have such a wide range, unless Dumbledore took action.

And Kelar's action indeed proved that he is a powerful mage not inferior to Dumbledore.

"What are you doing? You actually killed the dementors. They are subordinates directly under the Ministry of Magic." Professor McGonagall hurriedly came over from another stage and said angrily.

"Do you mean that I will let these dementors attack the students?" Keilal was not angry at all. He could understand Professor McGonagall's mood. The Ministry of Magic is equivalent to a government agency in the wizarding world, even more powerful than the government. Institutions become more hegemonic and powerful.

A school like Hogwarts, even though it is the largest magic school in England, is actually unable to fight against the Ministry of Magic. To a certain extent, it has to obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic. This is already very good in the Order of the Phoenix. It clearly shows that just one old witch devolved from the Ministry of Magic can ruin half of Hogwarts' lives.

The Ministry of Magic may not be able to touch Dumbledore's authority, but it is not powerless against Dumbledore.

But the larger the organization, the more loopholes and weaknesses there are. Hogwarts, which is unable to defeat the Ministry of Magic, does not represent Kelar's level.

Not only was Keilar not afraid of the Ministry of Magic, but he even wanted to use this incident to sue him.

"Okay, McGonagall." Dumbledore didn't know when he had arrived on the high platform here, comforting Professor McGonagall: "After all, we can't just watch them attack the students, can we?"

"Professor Kelar did not do anything wrong in this matter, but you should think about it a little before killing them." Dumbledore blinked at Kelar, although he didn't know what Keilar had. There is no way, but looking at his confident look, you know that the matter is actually not serious.

In fact, his thoughts were not that of McGonagall, Snape, Lupin, and Sirius, who were wary of Kelal and hostile to him.

In fact, what he thought was just as he said, he could actually rest assured that Keilal was here.

If there is a reason, it is combat effectiveness.

Kellard and Voldemort are absolutely incompatible. Not only in terms of magical properties, but also in terms of personality, the two are fundamentally hostile and incompatible.

Although Keilar doesn't know what the real fighting level is now, the shadows of people's famous trees are all placed there. Keilar may not be able to defeat the current Voldemort, but he will definitely not lose to Voldemort. With Kelar here, the old Dumbledore can finally have a good night's sleep.

Some people think that Dumbledore knows everything about Voldemort, but this is not the case. Dumbledore and Voldemort are completely asymmetrical. Voldemort always knows that Dumbledore is at Hogwarts, but Dumbledore never knows where Voldemort is. .

Voldemort had too many former henchmen, and even if some were thrown into Azkaban, there were actually more remaining henchmen lurking. Faced with this situation, it was impossible for Dumbledore to cross the Ministry of Magic and make a move without evidence. Pull them all out one by one.

If this is the case, the Ministry of Magic will not be far away to surround and suppress Dumbledore.

At this point, it was obvious that there was no way to continue the Quidditch Cup.

The students were dismissed and arranged to go back, and the injured Potter and others were sent to Madam Pomfrey's infirmary. The teachers gathered together again after sending the students back to their dormitories.

They were very worried about Kelal's action of killing the dementors today. Although the dementors were very annoying, everyone was worried about the political issues involved.

Yes, killing civil servants and law enforcers is a political issue.

But in Western society, shooting a law enforcement officer in one's own home often results in a lawsuit. More importantly, who is at fault in the end? This depends on the strength of both parties. A rich person can hire a luxurious lawyer. The group dismantled the law word for word, and even countersued and won the case.

It is precisely because of this that Kelal is not afraid at all. It is really difficult for him to lose this lawsuit when he has the entire Gringotts.

In fact, what Keilar wanted to do more was to use this incident to defeat the Ministry of Magic and destroy the prestige of the Ministry of Magic. He would be embarrassed first.

When he came to the meeting hall, all the teachers fell silent instantly. They watched him strolling up to Dumbledore with a roll of parchment, and then handed it to Dumbledore. Bullido.

Dumbledore gave him a slightly surprised look. He never believed that with the political vision of the ancient sages, he would not be able to see that as the principal of Hogwarts, he would definitely help Kelar deal with this problem. But Kelal still made his own reaction.

Kelar smiled slightly, came to his seat, and sat down like an elegant noble. No, he was originally an elegant noble. He was a more pure-blooded existence than the pure-blood wizards. He didn't need anything at all. To prove one's own superiority, the more something is lacking, the more one has to prove. Just like Voldemort's father is a Muggle, so the more he wants to prove his power and superiority of blood, he will kill all other Muggle wizards to prove his own. Correctness.

And now that there are more and more Muggle wizards, Slytherin's pure-blood faction has to adopt a arrogant attitude to cover up the fact of its decline.

Keilal has everything and doesn't need to show off his superiority in anything.

He just watched Dumbledore slowly relax his brows, and then handed his article to Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall glanced at the ten lines and soon relaxed slowly, then Snape, and then Foli. Wei, and then Pomona, after all four deans had seen it, they put down the parchment and looked at Kelal with complicated eyes.

"This article will appear on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow. By then, the Ministry of Magic will not have the energy to deal with me." Keilar smiled and said.

PS: Chapter 69 should be updated with 29,000 recommendations. This chapter is recommended with 30,000 recommendations. Where is the 35,000 recommendations?

PS1: I sincerely hope that everyone will follow this book from the beginning to the end. There are many readers of Wife King who slowly joined the group in the years after finishing the book: [Hey, I just saw it now Big book. Do you still write books? 】It’s really a bit sad... This is a very long rally. Maybe one day I will be tired from writing and leave suddenly. Maybe one day you will be tired from reading and leave suddenly, but I think, If I hadn't left midway, I hope you would have stayed with me until the end.

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