The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 423 Guess that Yemengade is a dual-line ability user

Chapter 423 Guess that Yemengard is a dual-line ability user.

Navy Headquarters.

In the marshal's office, the atmosphere was a bit oppressive.

The air is filled with the smell of tobacco, because many generals are smoking wildly. The one sitting in the first seat is Jay Golucia Satan, and the other generals who are going to sea are sitting on the sofa or other chairs below.

Such as ghost spider, flying squirrel, tea dolphin, Gion and others.

Sakalski, Polusalino, and Kuzan sat on the sofa with bandages on, facing Garp and Crane.

"Although the mission failed this time, it is not without gains."

Satan is very indifferent.

As the fifth old star, he has never encountered any scene, and it was just a mere failure. It was not the first time. Although the Pluto battleship was severely damaged and Kuzan had a broken leg, it did not affect the combat effectiveness at all.


It is more important to get the news that BIG MOM has successfully manufactured the Pluto battleship, which means that other forces in the sea may also succeed in manufacturing it, but it has not been discovered yet.

World governments must plan ahead.

In addition, the information about Jormungandr must be carefully analyzed.

The success of the Pluto battleship immediately showed that the Hunter Emperor is not that threatening. At least from the perspective of the world government, those kingdoms that are likely to manufacture the Pluto battleship are more terrifying.

Because these forces may overthrow the regime of the world government, such as the revolutionary army, and the Hunter Emperor has not yet shown his ambition to replace it and dominate the world.

After all, rebellion and crime are two different things.

It's just that the emperor organization is too disgusting.

"Are you sure that the fighting champion seems to have mastered the power of the Zhenzhen fruit?"

Into the title.

Sa Tansheng's expression became dignified. He knew all about the specific situation on the way back, but it was a little unacceptable, and he didn't even want to speculate on a certain aspect.

"Although the fighting champion didn't admit it, I'm pretty sure that's the power of the shaking fruit."

Sakalski, smoking a cigar, had been thinking about it all the time.

"I have analyzed before that the fighting champion's devil fruit ability should be a superhuman force fruit. This devil fruit will give the ability user unimaginable strange power. Am I wrong in my analysis?"

Crane has analyzed the Emperor Organization more than once. Through various signs, she has confirmed the ability of everyone in the Emperor Organization, but now Sakaski and others say that Badgers has the ability to shake the fruit?

"Perhaps your analysis is not wrong. Although I don't dare to speculate in that direction, but combining the abilities displayed by the fighting champion and Yemengard, I can't think of any other possibility besides that possibility."

Polusalino straightened up with a solemn tone.

He believed that he was not the only one who guessed in that direction, and the rest of the people must have thought of it too, but that kind of guessing was too shocking and fantasy.

"What's the meaning?"

Crane was confused.

"Porusalino means that the fighting champion and Yemengard may be dual-line Devil Fruit capable users, the capable users who ate two Devil Fruits."

As soon as Kuzan finished speaking, needles could be heard throughout the office.


"How can someone in this world have two kinds of devil fruit abilities."

A lieutenant general who didn't know why made a sound, with an expression that you were teasing me.

But looking at the silent Wu Laoxing, Sakaski and others, the lieutenant general's expression gradually became cloudy. Could it be that there are really dual-line devil fruit abilities in this world.

What a joke.

"The reason why I guessed this result is also because of Yemengard."

"I remember that Lieutenant General Crane shared that Yermungandr's devil fruit is a large and small fruit, but this time the opponent's speed is no different from teleportation, and there is no movement trajectory at all."

"If it's caused by extreme speed, it's impossible for us not to notice it."

Sakaski is also wise, otherwise he would not have secured the position of Admiral of the Navy.

"Let's not talk about whether Yemengade is a dual-line ability user, just talk about teleportation. Is there any teleportation fruit in this world?"

Some lieutenant generals will ask questions.


First place.

Saint Satan is expressionless. He is sure that the teleportation fruit exists, and it is also one of the devil fruits that the world government has been secretly looking for for a long time. If it is a teleportation fruit, how could it have a moving track.


"How could such an exaggerated devil fruit exist?"

"If Ye Mengjiad really possessed both large and small fruits and teleportation fruits, how did he manage to die without exploding his body?"

"We all want to know."

Polusalino glanced at the lieutenant general.

"So here comes the question, how to deal with Yermungandr."

"Mastering teleportation means that no matter whether it is fighting or escaping, there is nothing you can do about it."

The office was silent for a while, and everyone was thinking.

That's teleportation, a bug-like ability.

Combined with Yemengade's own strength, it is simply a nightmare existence.

"No ability in this world is invincible. I always believe that all things are born and restrained by each other." He racked his brains and quickly thought of two ways.

"Lieutenant General He, just say what comes to your mind."

"The color of knowledge can predict the future."

"It is indeed a restraint method."

Everyone present is not an ignorant person. Although they have never seen it, they have also heard that there will be a certain chance to have a very special ability after training to the extreme.

Predict the future, the voice of all things, read spiritual memory, manipulate emotions, etc.

But it is too difficult to awaken these abilities.

"Maybe Cap you can handle that guy."

Crane suddenly turned to look at Garp.

At the same time, I also thought of Zefa.

all of a sudden.

All eyes are focused on Garp again. Today is different from the past. Garp's status in the navy is no longer a hero. The reason why he can stay in the navy is nothing more than that combat power and some human relationships.

"Paper drawing."

Facing Garp's dim eyes, Tsuru sighed.

I don't know when, Garp has become taciturn, and he is almost the same as before, but now only Garp can threaten Jormungandr.

It doesn't matter whether Ye Mengjiad has eaten the teleportation fruit or not, whether he is a dual-line ability user or not.

She knew that when Garp was serious, there was no one in this world that he couldn't deal with.

"Paper painting?"

"I understand."


Everyone present understood why Crane said that Garp could deal with Ye Mengjia, and he deliberately mentioned the paper painting, one of the six styles. In terms of the attainment of the six styles, no one in the entire navy is better than Garp.

Maybe others are not clear.

But He knew very well that Karp's paper drawing combined with the color of knowledge and knowledge had already been able to automatically respond to the body, and he was not afraid of any sneak attack, unless Karp deliberately.

"Karp, stay with Crane, Sakalski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, and let the others go out first!"

Sa Tansheng, who was in the first place, spoke suddenly.

Not for a while.

In the entire office, only Sakarski and others were left.

No one knows what Wulaoxing left these people behind and said. They only know that it lasted for half an hour. That night, in the small villa where Crane lived, Garp and Crane looked at the devil fruit on the table and fell silent.

"This devil fruit still chose justice."

Crane sighed, then looked at Karp, "Do you want to eat?"

That's right.

This devil fruit is in the form of Human Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, and Great Buddha. It was obtained by the Navy not long ago. Except for Sakasky, almost no one else knows it. Wu Laoxing knows about it.

So Sa Tansheng left He and others during the day.

Now that the Buddha fruit appears here, Satan's meaning is obvious, that is to let Karp eat the will to inherit the Warring States, maybe this is the arrangement of fate.

Otherwise, how could this devil fruit be obtained by the navy.

Maybe the Zoology Devil Fruit has a consciousness of its own. .

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