The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 681 The bug makes countless wishes

"This Saiyan is not enough!"

With the entire Planet Vegeta in captivity, Hermes stood high in the sky and fell into deep thought.

There are only about one million Saiyans on the entire planet Vegeta, and the rest are estimated to be plundering planets and selling them all over the universe. It seems that a bug needs to be fixed.

However, the BUG is somewhat dangerous.

An extra timeline and tens of millions of extra timelines are two different concepts, and they will definitely be discovered when the time comes.

Hermes wanted to go back in time to plunder Planet Vegeta again. The last time was sixty years ago, so this time he would go back to one day sixty years ago, with a difference of one day.

Planet Vegeta from sixty years ago definitely doesn't exist anymore, but Planet Vegeta from one day sixty years ago definitely exists. If you have a dark heart, you can control the time to a few seconds or minutes ago, that way you can plunder it. A large number of Planet Vegeta, thus having countless Saiyans.

However, this method is somewhat dangerous. After all, it will lead to the emergence of countless new timelines, which will definitely attract the attention of the King of Time, angels, high priests and even all kings.

This risk is a bit high.

"if it is like this?"

Hermes suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Since he could block bugs, could he also block Super Dragon?

That guy has a one-year cooling-off period, but if he goes to the future one year later, wouldn't the Super Dragon at that time be able to make wishes?

There is absolutely no need for me to wait for ten years, and if I wait for ten years, I will only have ten wishes. But if I get stuck and go to the future one hundred or one thousand years, wouldn't it be one hundred wishes and one thousand wishes?

Gan! ! !

At this moment Hermes opened the door to a new world.

Oh shit.

Although there are risks, you can give it a try if you are prepared. You can be a time criminal and repeatedly jump to the past and future. As for whether it will create more timelines and multiverses, that is no longer within his scope of consideration.

With his current strength, as long as the Great Priest and King Quan don't take action, he won't be afraid of anyone.

Even the angel clan.

"Creation Plow, go to the future one year later."

Just do what comes to mind.

Hermes appeared in the outer universe with a plow of creation in his hand. When this idea came to him, he wanted to try it no matter what.

"Okay Father."

"Time coordinates, one year later."

Entering the crossing range of the Creation Plow, a dazzling light shrouded it. In just a blink of an eye, in the future space a year later, Hermes appeared out of thin air.

Taking out the Super Dragon Ball Radar, there are four Super Dragon Balls in the seventh universe.

The super-light channel appeared, and Hermes rushed towards the first Super Dragon Ball. Almost five minutes later, a planet full of craters appeared in front of Hermes.

Hermes gently exhaled and formed a terrifying shock wave, which washed away the surface of the planet. The true appearance revealed inside was a one-star super dragon ball. It was so bright that it could grant wishes.

This approach works.

He grabbed it with his right hand, and a Super Dragon Ball shrank in his palm. Hermes showed a sinister smile.

Spending the next twenty minutes, Hermes found the Super Dragon Balls scattered throughout the universe, and then used his shuttle ability to come to the Sixth Universe.

The remaining three dragon balls were not far away, and it only took Hermes ten minutes to find them all.

"Come out, Dragon of Gods, please grant my wish and give me the hairpin!"

Come to the land of nothingness.

Hermes summons in the language of the gods.

Suddenly, familiar special effects and familiar figures began to appear in front of Hermes.

"why is it you again."

When the super dragon saw Hermes, his eyes widened with a look of astonishment. Logically speaking, the one-year cooldown period after making a wish last time has not yet expired.


"You traveled through time and space."

Super Shenron's face darkened, and he was speechless at Hermes' operation.

"As expected of you, sometimes you are omnipotent, and sometimes you are useless."

Hermes snapped his fingers and continued, "But I still miss you very much."

"Traveling through time and space is prohibited. You will be arrested by the King of Time."

The super dragon didn't know where the emotion came from. He looked serious and wanted to scare Hermes, because this guy was too annoying and didn't want to see him at all.

"So I came to find you."

"Long story short this time."

"Give me the ability that does not exist, that is, no one can see, trace the origin, know, and find me, not in any time and space."

Hermes did not make any other wishes this time, but wanted to make himself undetectable so that he could jump crazily to the past and future.

It won't be detected anyway.

"as you wish."

Super Shenlong breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. This mortal thing finally didn't embarrass him.

It's just that it can't be detected.

The sacred and solemn golden light burst out, and a message appeared in Hermes' mind. From this moment on, no one could detect him, even through time and space.

Because Hermes does not exist.

This kind of non-existence is not fundamental non-existence, but when others want to find Hermes, it will appear that there is no such person as Hermes.

call out! ! !

The seven Super Dragon Balls dispersed and disappeared into the Sixth and Seventh Universes in the blink of an eye.

At the same moment a new timeline appears.

"Jie Jie~"

"Go to the future one year from now."

The Creation Plow appeared again in Hermes' right hand, and then the figure was hidden in the light. Soon Hermes came to the future one year later and continued to take out the Super Dragon Ball Radar.

After spending almost thirty minutes, Hermes once again found seven Super Dragon Balls in the Sixth and Seventh Universes. The luster on them was very bright, and it was another day to make wishes.

"Come out, Dragon of Gods, please grant my wish and give me the hairpin!"

Everything familiar appears again.

Super Shenron's eyes widened. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt like he had just met this guy. Why did he meet him again so soon? Did a year go by so fast?


"meet again."

Hermes said hello, and Super Dragon knew the reason, this guy traveled through time and space again.

"You're very brave."

Super Shenlong held it in for a long time. In addition to being incredulous, there was also a hint of speechlessness and admiration in his eyes. He seemed to have predicted that they would meet countless times in the future.

"We are all old acquaintances, I won't embarrass you."

“Let’s make a quick wish this time!”

"Whether it's the past, the present, or the future, the super dragon of endless time and space cannot mention anything about me."

"In addition, the Super Divine Dragon of Endless Time and Space cannot cancel or offset the wish I made to the Super Divine Dragon."

Hermes is now thinking of ways to plug the BUG loopholes.

The previous non-existent ability, and the current inability of the Super Divine Dragon to mention himself, prevented people from using the Super Divine Dragon to ask about themselves in the future or in a certain time and space.

This wish is watertight.

A super dragon that involves the past, present, future, and endless time and space.

"You have two wishes."

The super dragon looked serious.

"Then first realize everything you can't mention about me! Remember it's endless time and space."

"as you wish."

Divine golden light shines.

After the wish was fulfilled this time, the super dragon did not disappear immediately. Instead, he looked down at Hermes with a gloomy expression, and finally said feebly, "You are a cruel person."

Once finished.

Without waiting for Hermes to reply, the Super Dragon disappeared into the sixth and seventh universes.

"The Plow of Creation."

"Okay Father."

One year into the future.

It took Hermes more than twenty minutes to reassemble the Super Dragon Balls.



"Do you need me to reiterate the wish I want to make this time?"

"Need not."

With the sight of wish, Super Shenlong glanced at Hermes with a complicated expression. He estimated that he would see this guy again soon.


Another year in the future.


"I want to promise"

"Your wish has been granted."

This time, neither party was long-winded or sloppy at all. You made your wish, and I fulfilled mine. Then we parted tacitly, and we would meet again soon anyway.

that's all.

Hermes is either making a wish or on the way to make a wish, Super Shenlong is either fulfilling a wish or on the way to fulfill it, and the two sides are working together more and more tacitly. .

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