"And the Ragdolls are not much better. "

"The gentle personality is the biggest characteristic of the Ragdoll, but it has many other points. "

"The Ragdoll is one of the largest and heaviest domestic cats in existence, which makes its limbs long and fleshy, and its body is soft and comfortable to hold," Chen Lie gushed. With its docile and quiet and friendly to people, it is simply a model of a domestic cat. "

"Uh-huh, buy! buy both!".

It's okay to put a rocket is a very lazy person.

He was so lazy that he didn't change into a slightly passable set of clothes when he went out, so lazy that he didn't have the heart to think about those complicated ones.

Hearing Chen Lie say it so well, out of trust, he no longer hesitated.

"Rocket Shenhao, we said okay, leave me one. "

I had time to pretend to be anxious and said, "I don't dare to ask for more, so I want that Labrador." "

Chen Lie looked at the black circles under his eyes when he was free, obviously because he often stayed up late, and couldn't help asking: "Labrador needs to play with him, do you have time?"

"I don't have time, but my son does. "

I had time to pretend to be forced to reply: "I'm so busy every day that I don't have time to spend with my family, if I hadn't watched your live broadcast with my son today, I wouldn't have known that there was such a magical pet shopkeeper as you in this world." "

"Where did I magical. "

Chen Lie never felt that he was powerful.

The real power is the system, it's the Tigress.

"You're not good yet?".

He replied pretending to be forced: "The only person in the world who raises South China tigers? And you can train so many pets that the order prohibits, you are not magical, who else is magical?".

Chen Lie spread his hands.

He didn't know how to explain it.

You can't leak the secrets of the system, can you?

Although Chen Lie is a good person, he is not a teaser.

In order to change the topic, Chen Lie asked, "Since it is for your son, but the question is whether your son has enough patience and time to raise it? If I remember correctly, you just called your son a bear child." "

"Hehe, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue!".

I had time to pretend to be embarrassed and laughed a few times, and said: "My son likes dogs very much, but he used to rent a house and didn't give dogs, which can only disappoint his son." A year ago, I took advantage of the promotion, gritted my teeth and made a set of installments, but I have always forgotten about it because of work. "

Chen Lie just listened and didn't interject.

I had time to pretend to be forced to continue: "Boy, it's normal to have a little temper. Thankfully, he spends his temper on video games, not like the bears on TV, but the computer is only 6 better than me. "

Hearing this, Chen Lie understood and asked, "So you buy a dog for him, the first is to make a promise to the object, and the second is not to let him spend all his time on the computer?"

"Yes. "

"Brother Pet is really witty. "

I have time to pretend to praise Chen Lie.

"OK, then I see. "

Chen Lie praised: "I have to say, your vision is very good. Of all my pets for sale, if I have the most heart for me, it must be this Labrador. "

"Thank you, pet brother!".

When I had time to pretend to be forced to see that there was nothing to do, I was about to move, and immediately thanked him: "Thank you Shenhao for agreeing." "

The deal was completed quickly.

When he had time to pretend to be forced, he seemed to be afraid that he would have nothing to do with the rocket to rob his dog, so he didn't even talk about the price, so he finalized the deal.

"Labrador, when you get to your new home, you have to live a good life. "

"I'm sure your new owner will be a good match for you!".

Chen Limo was holding a Labrador and sighed in his heart.

"Goodbye pet brother, goodbye Shenhao!".

I had time to pretend to start the car and drive away.

"Free time for tea together. "

If you have nothing to do, you can put the cat in the car and leave the cat in the car, leaving the contact information in reality.

Chen Lie returned to the store.

He closed the door of the store, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Hey, system, why didn't you congratulate me on completing the task?".

Chen Lie helps pets find suitable owners, and if you get 10 pets, you can upgrade to level 2 customers, and you can get a super pet lottery.

But he sold 4 in one go, and the results were all prompted.

This is abnormal.

The system replied: "Because the pets are all bought on behalf of them, none of them have met the real owners." In addition, it is unknown whether the new owners of the pets are suitable for pets. "

"Okay. "

Chen Lie found that he had overlooked many issues.

The pet you buy may not be the right owner, which is a key point.

If Chen Lie wants to ensure that the pet really has a good home in the future, then he must put an end to the situation of one person buying more, and even selling it on behalf of him must be treated with caution.

"Let's hope they all have a good home!".

Chen Lie secretly blessed in his heart.

But when Chen Lie saw the pet cage that was suddenly empty, he only thought of one way:

The arrival!

These pets were all selected by Chen Lie with his own eyes and hands, one by one.

Although this is very troublesome, it is the best guarantee to ensure that you do not get caught.

When Chen Lie first opened the store, he was cheated once.

After that, he learned all kinds of animal knowledge, and he must do it himself when choosing pets.

And this time is no exception.

"I'll pick it up early tomorrow morning. "

"I'm going to pick more and better this time, dogs and cats, after all, I'm very generous now. "

Chen Lie looked at tonight's harvest with an incomparably bright smile.

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