Yinglili blushed slightly and thanked her, clutching the ground with her toes. Before Qianliu could reply, she turned around and left the study in a hurry.

Without thinking much, at a certain moment while looking at the large-scale picture in front of him, Qianliu touched his chin and suddenly said to the girl next to him: "Mashiro, get up and half-lift your skirt so I can take a look."


Mashiro stopped moving his hands and tilted his head to look at him: "Qianliu, do you want to see my shameful place?"

"I just want to learn from the absolute field what angle is most suitable."

Qianliu said calmly, fearing that she wouldn't understand and then added: "No need to show it."

"like this"

Mashiro, still wearing the little witch costume, stood up and lifted up her skirt, exposing two-thirds of her thighs.

"Well..., put it down and try."

"No, raise it a little higher."

"That's it...oh, I see."

After finding the balance point, Qian Liu continued to draw with his pen.

Mashiro, on the other hand, didn't think anything of it. He put down his elevated absolute realm and sat down: he continued working.

Then there was only the rustle of drawing in the study.

......The calmness next door is different from here. As it continues, the girls have different expressions.

Touma, Hina, Nayuta, and Chika talked about "Okiyukihori"

,The Demonic Cat of the Island”

, "Bancho Sarayashiki"

, "无EAR香一"

Waiting for some famous ghost stories in District 11.

Although the content of the story is familiar, the subject matter of the ghost story that has been passed down to this day for a long time has a certain level. Coupled with the calm and indifferent tone of the speakers, Kobato and Rikka have been scared to death.

"Brother, brother...I want brother!"

On the side, Kojiu held Rikka's hand tightly, trembling and almost crying: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Brother.

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter, it's not scary at all, it's not scary..."

Rikka's face turned pale as she deceived herself.

It seems that it shouldn’t be called a ghost talk conference, but “Discussing Ways to Scare Kobato and Rikka.”

"Then, it's my turn next."

Kasumigaoka smiled slightly, but that smile looked very strange in the flickering candlelight.

"This is a story I overheard. The name of the protagonist in the story is Sachiko. Rumor has it that there are four lyrics about Sachiko."

"It's ridiculous that Sachiko has been calling herself Sako since she was a child. She likes bananas very much but can only eat half of one at a time. It's so pitiful. Sako will probably forget me when she goes to a faraway place. So lonely Sako."

"In addition, there is a fourth hidden lyric."

Kasumigaoka's tone was gloomy and low: "Sako's leg is gone. She is coming to take away your leg tonight!"

Kasumigaoka's deep voice sounds more and more creepy as the story progresses.

"The story of Sako's unfortunate incident happened on a snowy night. On that day after school, Sako hurriedly crossed one railway track after another, hoping to catch the train he wanted to get on in time.

As a result, I accidentally stepped into a ditch covered by heavy snow. I couldn't pull it out. The train was approaching, and the deafening whistle was intertwined with the pain of the lower body being torn apart.

Zuo Zi actually witnessed her body below the waist being completely changed beyond recognition. The tram roared past, leaving only the blood and flesh stuck to the rails, staining the snow red.

But she didn't do it immediately.

Die immediately if the temperature is too low.

Her blood vessels were coagulated, but she was still alive. Even though only half of her body was left, Zuo Zi struggled to crawl towards the railway crossing with both hands, but eventually stopped breathing within a few minutes.

The temperature dropped sharply next to the railway track, and there was a chill. It is said that before she died, she used her hands to explore her missing private parts.

After the accident, two male classmates who were in the same class as Sako playfully produced this song. Three days later, the bodies of the two male classmates were found, with their lower bodies missing."

At this point, Kasumigaoka suddenly paused. After scanning a circle of nervous girls with her beautiful eyes, she continued in a low voice: "The story doesn't end here. It is said that as long as someone deliberately sings the fourth line of this song, Lyrics, Sako will come and take away her legs."

....................."Oh, how...how could it be true? You can't tell such a false story." .”

Nayuta retorted with an uneasy expression.

Kasumigaoka smiled strangely and stared at her with flickering candlelight eyes: "Would you like to try it?"

"Just try it."

Nayuta... is quick to talk, and her head will get hot as long as she confronts Kasumigaoka.

It's fake anyway, no problem.

Thinking like this, Nayuta gritted his teeth and finished reciting the first three lines in a low voice. At this time, nothing happened.

As for the last sentence, Nayuta swallowed and said uneasily: "Sa... Sako's leg is gone. She is coming to take away your leg tonight."

One second, two seconds passed...still nothing happened.

"Aha, I just said it's impossible."

Nayuta smiled and just felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the originally closed TV screen suddenly lit up, and a girl with only half of her body bleeding appeared on the screen. A cold and biting voice full of resentment and resentment came from the screen.

"My legs are gone, can you give me yours?"


Almost at the same moment, the screams of the girls echoed throughout the villa, among which Kobato, Rikka and Nayuta were the loudest.

Chapter 159 Pain and happiness

The girls' screams were barely noticeable even to Qianliu in the villa next door.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look at the question marks over his head, and then couldn't help but call Kasumigaoka to find out what happened.

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