"I want a carbonated drink!"

"Juice! Thank you!"

The girls responded one by one.

"I'll go with you."

Dong can't carry so many things by himself.

Watching the two girls merge into the crowd, Kasumigaoka glanced at each other and said to Qianliu: "Let's go shopping over there. We just saw something very interesting."

That's fine, Qianliu agreed.

However, Nayuta sternly rejected Kasumigaoka's proposal: "No! Senior! Women like her are the most terrifying. Behind that beautiful face is an extremely lustful nature, pretending to be gentle and considerate. The appearance stimulates the male's desire for protection. Once he lures a man to his side, he will eat her in one bite. She is as terrifying as a deep-sea fish or a king flower."

"If you two are allowed to leave, senior's chastity will be in danger!"

Nayuta guarded her tightly and did not give Kasumigaoka any chance to be alone: ​​"So, if you want to leave, please take me with you!"

"Tsk, that's really troublesome."

Kasumigaoka stared at Nayuta as if he were looking at garbage.

Thinking that he had seen through Kasumigaoka's trick, Nayuta was very proud, so he waited until Touma and Eiri came back after buying drinks and had no intention of leaving.

After the drinks were distributed, the time was nineteen fifteen.

It was still a little bright when Ten People 10 first arrived, but now it has completely turned into night.

The cool air, the faint sound of insects, and Atami's unique night sky where you can see stars may be a good background just for watching fireworks.

After shopping for so long, there were still about ten minutes before the fireworks started to be launched. Qianliu and others, who were browsing the stalls, walked towards the river in order to secure a good viewing spot.

Because the fireworks show is about to start, the density of people in the entire venue has increased a lot. Now it is like a New Year's sale or a scene during the morning rush hour.

Qianlu sighed and stretched his body slightly as if looking up at the sky, because the moon was just blocked by clouds and the entire sky was pitch black, making it a perfect day for launching fireworks.

Then he led the girls along the flow of people.

"Brother, where are the fireworks launched from?"

Because of her height, Kojiu was completely obscured by the flow of people passing by.


Qianliu pointed in a certain direction: "There seem to be a lot of people here, why don't we retreat a little further."

Mainly considering safety issues, Qianliu felt that fireworks did not need to be kept very close.


After receiving a lot of responses, ten people began to separate from the crowd and walked along the sparsely populated area.

Passing through the slightly dim woods, you can see a gentle hill in front of you, without any shelter, you can look at the starry sky and the streets below.

"Oh, I never thought there was such a place here."

Qianhua looked excited at finding the secret base.

"Go over there."

Qianliu points to a place a little higher than here.

After walking along the slope for a short distance, they happened to find a relatively flat rocky area, so everyone decided to stop here.

"It seems we are pretty lucky."

Hina pulled her hair and smiled.

"According to the time, let's start now."

Nayuta glanced at the phone, then looked at the sky.

Everyone looked around and saw that the dark summer night sky was lit up by fireworks.


A large firework bloomed and then disappeared, followed by a dull sound.

Fireworks flying from the ground into the sky decorate the night sky one after another.

"So beautiful."


Chapter 163 Who else wants it?

Actually, Qianliu doesn't think there's anything interesting about fireworks, but girls seem to like them more.

After accompanying them to watch the fireworks display, Qianliu's only thought was...Fireworks are such things that are easy to disappear and forget, and they can't stir up the slightest emotion in their hearts.

If we talk about pure aesthetics, we do have a good hand.

After watching the fireworks, everyone wandered around until almost eight-twenty before driving back to the villa from the fireworks display.

When they got home, Kobato and Rikka were still chattering and talking endlessly. After watching the animation, Qianliu rushed them to take a bath and go to bed.

Seeing the two lolita obediently going to take a bath, Qianliu let out a breath, and Eirili and Qianhua went back to the next door. The five girls in the room were each doing their own thing.

"Nayu, have you finished writing this month's manuscript?"

Noticing Nayuta's unladylike slump on the single sofa, Qianliu couldn't help but ask.

"Manuscript... Manuscript"

His face froze for a moment, and Nayuta suddenly remembered that he was not only on vacation, but also had to serialize novels during the vacation.

"You shouldn't have written a single word, right?"

Qianliu saw something.

"Ahaha, I wrote it!"

Nayuta forced a smile.

"Yeah, I wrote less than two hundred words."

Kasumigaoka was making up the damage beside him: "I've been watching it since the first day here. Except...the word count was less than one-third of a page on the first day, what else did you write?"

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