After eating a bowl of noodles, Ryunosuke returned to the room and continued typing codes. Qianliu looked at the time and saw that it was only after eight o'clock::, Hey, if you were still there: Izu, at this time, he was having a very happy time with several beautiful ladies. .

Unfortunately, when I returned to Sakurasou, I endured loneliness alone, and the gap between the two was too big.

Bored, he came to the room and turned on the computer.

"Father, you are finally back!﹏"

Looking at Hatsune Miku Miku Hatsune appearing in the lower right corner of the screen, Qianliu smiled: "Yes, are there any important notifications recently?"

"No, Chang can do everything he can to help his father solve the problem!"

The deputy in the lower right corner complimented me on my cute expression...Qianliu was speechless: "Then you are great."

"Humph, of course!"

Seeing Miku's arrogant expression, Qianliu chatted with her for a while when he had nothing to do.

"Why haven't you chatted with me these days?"

After all, Hatsune can communicate not only on the computer, but also on the mobile phone in real time.

Miku seems to be rather depressed when talking about this: "Hey, Father is having a very happy time, and I want to disturb Father."

Her understanding of human emotions is becoming more and more thorough. If Miku is allowed to chat with someone who doesn't know the inside story, the other party will never guess that she is just a...

"It's okay. If you get bored in the future, you can always come to me."

"Okay, Father"

He then chatted with Hatsune until almost 10:10, and Chiliu felt pretty much the same before going to bed.

The next Friday, this year's exhibition was as lively as ever, and the all-night group had been waiting for a long time. The so-called all-night group was... the people who queued up all night before the opening of the exhibition.

Although the instructions prohibit... queuing up all night outside the venue, there are policies and countermeasures.

By the way, there are also resale houses, which means buying things that are difficult to acquire and reselling them to people who want them at high prices to make a profit.

After all, highly popular things are very popular.

9 There are many people fighting for it, but most people may not be able to grab it. A resale house can be regarded as a place where their wishes can be fulfilled.

It's a bit expensive, but there's nothing you can do about it.

When Qianliu arrived at the exhibition early, he found that it was really spectacular.

Although I heard that many nearby hotels will be full during the event, and even night highway buses and night trains heading to Tokyo a few days before the event will be full.

During the period of the event, the new transportation Yurikamome, Tokyo Rinkai Express Railway and Saikyo Line will increase their frequency to the venue. Even so, they cannot meet the demand.

And because a large number of people will use mobile phones in the venue, major network operators will install temporary antennas at the Tokyo Big Sight.

But Qianliu was still a little surprised when he saw the so-called sea of ​​people in person.

Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 169 The next step is up to you.

It has been held many times and has already formed a mature link, and the participants are very conscious of waiting: outside the guardrail.

Qianliu was speechless when he saw what could be called a sea of ​​​​people. Just looking at it made him feel hot. What's more, it was mid-August, and the temperature was quite high even at nine o'clock in the morning. The high temperature was nearly 30 degrees. The master crowds people.

Outside the field, those... "fighters" sitting on the ground as imageless as zombies waiting for the start of the game

, almost everyone carries a relatively large backpack, because most doujinshis are relatively large 4, which are too small to fit in.

Some of the skilled seniors had a wet towel hanging around their necks, constantly wiping their sweat, and bottled water hanging around their waists. Even if they were very thirsty, they would not drink water very often because it was uncomfortable to queue up to go to the toilet.

Those... wearing breathable short-sleeves and long pants can be seen as... veterans. Many people with a clear purpose are studying the venue catalog, because the venue catalog contains the location and information of each stall.

As long as they know what they are doing, they can go straight to their destination and buy quickly from the moment it opens.

These people will even study the shortest straight-line distance between stalls. If several stalls are close to each other, they will temporarily abandon the farther stalls.

Qianliu saw that there were obviously newcomers and didn't understand. He lined up outside the venue with large banknotes. Then he realized through the pitiful explanations of the veterans that he had to exchange enough thousand yen banknotes to participate in the exhibition. It would be much easier to check out. .

When he got closer to the outside, he also found that many people he knew or didn't know were sitting together chatting about which teacher's works and what he wanted to buy.

Although many of us are otakus, "dwarfs" in real life

, it can’t be compared with cash deposit, but everyone here is “dwarf”

, precisely because of this, there is room for communication.

Since the building itself where the exhibition is held has a huge visual impact, if you sit on the unmanned light rail of the Lily Seagull Line and look out the window and see this huge inverted pyramid-shaped special-shaped building, you will feel nervous and excited in your heart, as if you were on a pilgrimage.

Time passed bit by bit, Qianliu entered the venue from the internal passage of the company, and Machida Enzi had been waiting for a long time.

"You finally came."

The short-haired lady is in the West Building, which is the "model moon" of the corporate venue.

Watching him from the stage.

"Well, it's not too late to come."

After roughly scanning the stage, Qianliu stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "We haven't seen you for a few days, why don't you give me a loving hug?"

"Hey, forget it, I don't want to say more about your temper."

Yuanzi rolled her eyes at him and pointed to the stage at the back, where there are many beautiful ladies: the stage construction over there was done by the general manager of your studio, I am just acting as a supervisor."

Because of the promotion of the game, the young lady ""

In-game character images are shown.

For example, the silly king, the French village girl, the heroine "Ma Xiu"

They are all beautiful female characters. The reason why I say basic is because there is one black character among them which is strange.

Qianliu looked at it twice and couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

“Even so, it was still hard work.

He took the initiative to hug Yuanzi, and then was pushed away under her disgusted eyes.

"You just want to take advantage of me, right?"

Yuanzi could feel the feeling of being hit hard by him, and she couldn't help but hit him.

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