The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 51 Help (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Merlin is a relationship household, and a very hard relationship household. He is not only a good friend with Prince Arthur, but also the adopted son and apprentice of the royal pharmacist, and at the same time, he is a good friend with the princess' personal maid. (There is a reason why Gaius is Merlin’s adoptive father. Remember the letter Junice gave Gaius? In the letter, Junis asked Gaius to become Merlin’s guardian, and Gaius also agreed, although I don’t understand why a man who is almost 20 years old still needs a guardian, but that’s the fact.)

There were people above who were easy to handle. Merlin directly approached Arthur, hoping to make his mother see King Uther. After Arthur heard the whole story, the young and frivolous did not think too much, and immediately brought Merlin's mother to see King Uther.

So there was such a scene, a civilian woman without any identity, less than an hour after she came to Camelot, stood magnificently on the king's hall.

"Eldo's winter is very difficult. We have many children, many of them are dying. We have nothing to eat." I have to say that Ms. Junis is a very good woman, even if she has never had a court experience. , But she calmly stated her identity, purpose and desires in a choked and sad tone.

"If Kanan steals our harvest, our children will starve to death."

This lady is very clear about how to move people more. She didn't say how adults are, she only said how children are, which can move people even more. After all, no matter who they are, they have a natural pity for children.

"Please, we need your help!"

Sure enough, Hunesse's description made most people in the hall feel compassionate, especially a sentimental girl like Morgana, who had already burst into tears, and wished that he could not immediately agree to Hunesse's request instead of King Uther.

But King Uther sitting on the throne was still expressionless.

After waiting for Junice's statement to complete, King Uther spoke.

"Eldor is the territory of the Sendlid Kingdom, and he is responsible for your safety." The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, Junis worshiped the wrong temple gate. He is the Kingdom of Camelot, and he can't control the Kingdom of Sendred.

Hunesse definitely understood what King Uther meant, so she hurriedly said: "We asked the king for help, but... he doesn't care about remote areas like us. You are our only hope."

After speaking, Junice looked at King Uther hopefully, hoping that he could help them.

King Uther squeezed his fist, and in the end reason prevailed.

"To you, I express my deep sympathy, and I also hope that those savage and evil people can completely disappear from this world."

The gap from hope to disappointment is not personal. At least Junis can't help it. This is related to the survival of Eldo as a whole.

"Then you will help us, won't you?" This is really the last hope.

King Uther lowered his head, he closed his eyes fiercely, and then said hard-heartedly: "I also hope I can."

Arthur couldn't hold back anymore. He immediately said: "Definitely yes! We can send soldiers over! We have enough soldiers."

"The problem is not here, we have no shortage of soldiers."

Morgana, who was standing under the throne, couldn't help it. "Then what's the problem?"

Although Morgana’s relationship with King Uther has eased a lot, this kind-hearted girl still cannot understand King Uther in many cases. In her opinion, they are doing a good thing. Since it is a good thing, then What can be the problem?

Regarding Morgana's question, Kay could only choose to shake his head. It was the same problem, whether Morgana or Arthur, they never stood at a real height to think about the problem.

The same was true for King Uther, who was a little disappointed in the reaction of Arthur and Morgana. He is not really hard-hearted, does he like to see others suffer? No one likes it. But things have never been that simple, but no one has ever considered this aspect. This made him always feel very tired when facing his pair of children.

Seeing King Uther closed his eyes and didn't want to speak, Kay could only stand up and popularize the two siblings.

"Eldo is located outside the Asdir Ridge, which is the territory of Sendlid. Once we Camelot send troops there, it means war. No country will allow other countries’ troops to set foot on its own. land."

Hearing this, Hunis couldn't bear it anymore. She knelt on the ground and prayed to King Uther in the most pious and humble manner: "I know you are a good king, a kind and good man, I beg you, help me, please!"

In the face of such a request, King Uther could not be completely indifferent, but he was a king, and he had to think in the king's mind.

"It took me many years to reach an agreement with King Odin of Senddred to bring peace between the two countries. I can't let thousands of soldiers walk again meaninglessly because of a small village with less than a hundred people. On the battlefield, there are more people who die like that. I'm sorry, but the Horror Camelot can't help."

Faced with such an answer, Hu Nisi, a strong woman, finally cried. This made Morgana extremely dissatisfied, she always thought that King Uther was too cold-blooded. Seeing Morgana's angry eyes, both Kay and Uther felt a headache.

She stepped forward to lift up the crying Junis, and then looked at Kai with a more resentful look. She felt that her fiancé had become as cold-blooded and annoying as her adoptive father. The same is true for Merlin on the side, and the disappointment in his eyes is about to overflow.

Kai shook his head and finally spoke.

"Morgana... things are not as simple as you think. My Majesty and I don't want to help, but..."

It’s a pity that Morgana, who was already above, didn’t listen to Kai’s explanation at all, she interrupted directly: "But what? Kai! What is it that allows you to sit back and watch what happened to them? You are not like you, you are changed. NS!"

When she said this, Morgana's eyes still swept fiercely towards King Uther, who was holding his head on one side from time to time. The meaning was obvious, she thought it was King Uther who made Kai like this.

Kay felt so angry and funny.

"Well, how do you want to help them?" Kai said helplessly.

Upon hearing this, Morgana's eyes flashed with pride. She enjoyed the scene of Kai compromising because of herself. In her thoughts, this was the performance of Kai Ai. Like almost all little girls, they always think that only the accommodation of their lovers is the performance of loving them. Although this is really naive.

"Send troops! We only hope to repel the band of bandits. We are not interested in his territory. I think Sundred will thank us. After all, we helped him repel the bandits and protected his people."

"..." Kai shook his head a little speechlessly, as King Uther was doing similar movements. "That's what you think? Eldo pays taxes and allegiance to Sended. Then you ask Camelot to protect their safety? And still in Sendred's territory?"

Morgana didn't think there was anything in it, so she wanted to refute it. But Kai did not give her this opportunity.

"Well, these are not important. Anyway, they are just some robbers. It is not difficult to deal with. We can ignore Camelot's contribution, the soldiers' casualties and so on. But will Sendred really appreciate us? Morgana, you are a smart girl, think about it carefully. If one day a soldier from another country suddenly crosses the border without our permission, and there is a battle, how would you feel? It is like a child in your family. You made a mistake, but without your consent, your neighbor suddenly broke into your house, beat your child in front of you as an education, and then left!"

"What's worse is that no matter what King Odin of Senddred thinks about this matter, he must take the strongest stance, otherwise his subjects will doubt whether he still has the ability to protect them. At that time, no matter we Because of any motive, war will be inevitable. Because if he doesn’t do this, he, the king, will do his best. At that time, he will surely bring more casualties, whether it is against Camelot or Sended."

The issue of sovereignty is an issue that a normal country absolutely cannot ambiguity in the past at any time and anywhere. No country will bear this kind of humiliation, which is more difficult to accept than directly invading them.

"Kindness is not reckless, Morgana. That won't bring any good results."

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