The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 146: 145, secret meeting

   Chapter 146 145, Conclave

  The conversation between Norman Osborn and Ao Guanhai did not last long, and the topic was mainly around Rorschach. Norman naturally could not reveal too much real information about Rorschach.

  He was talking about some information that can be found on the Internet.

   After finishing the conversation, Norman returned to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but he found that there were many unfamiliar faces around him, and was told that because of the special period now, the Heavenly Sword Bureau council was temporarily taken over directly by high-level officials from various countries.

   Of course, various researches and the military power of the Heavenly Sword Bureau were also taken over.

  Besides, Norman Osborn has felt that someone has been watching him since he left the office of President Okumai.

   "You guys still can't help it!"

  Norman returned to his own residence in Tianjian Bureau, sighing silently in his heart.

  He was not angry because he was seized by the United States Federation, or was monitored. On the contrary, Norman Osborn felt a sense of longing and anticipation in his heart like never before.

   Now everyone can see that someone covets everything about Rorschach.

  Until now, the earth believes that Rorschach is just an ordinary person, who gained the power of a **** by relying on the Destruction Armor built for him by God King Odin.

   Regarding this point, Rorschach had already communicated with Asgard.

  Odin has now abdicated and will not talk about this matter to anyone, let alone Thor, the **** of thunder. Although he does things with no brains, he can tell what should be said and what should not be said.

  So, on the earth, led by the United States Federation, a secret discussion meeting was temporarily formed by high-level officials from various countries.

Among the topics discussed were "Rorschach is a mortal, whether he is eligible to have the armor made for him by God King Odin", "Rorschach's unauthorized decision to launch armed actions with alien civilizations, whether it threatens the safety of the earth", and 'If Rorschach wants to become a dictator, who can stop him' and the like.

  A ruler from Latvinia, a small country in Eastern Europe, Victor von Doom proposed a treaty to check and balance Rorschach.

   That is to form a super organization of the anti-Rorschach alliance.

  Victor von Doom was disfigured in another experiment and has been wearing a metal mask ever since.

  After analyzing all the video data about Rorschach, he proposed that he had mastered all the power data about Rorschach, and formulated a set of targeted combat plans.

   All you need to do is form a strong team, which can definitely remove the reaction furnace on Rorschach's chest and turn him back into an ordinary person.

  Rorschach, who has turned back into an ordinary person, will face as many as a dozen charges, including violating the peace of the universe, violating human rights laws, etc., but these are not the focus of their discussion next.

  Because after Victor von Doom put forward the seemingly very effective plan to remove the reactor from Rorschach’s chest, all the issues revolved around the ownership of that set of mythical armor and the colonization of the Kerry Empire.

   Of course, there are countries that oppose the establishment of an anti-Rorschach alliance.

   However, these countries are a minority after all, even if they are one of the five major hegemons, because this time the parliament is not a one-vote veto system, so the objections of these countries were quickly drowned out by those voices who threatened to sanction Rorschach.


   Deep in the universe.

  Temple II space carrier.

  Thanos, the tyrant, also received the news that the Cree Empire, one of the three great empires in the universe, announced its surrender to the earth.

  He carefully checked all the information about Rorschach on the Quantum Network, and combined with the description of the Chitauri priest at the time, Thanos can basically be sure that he is definitely not Rorschach's opponent at this moment.

  Based on known information, Rorschach now has at least three Infinity Gems.

  The remaining few, recently there is news that the soul gem is in Vormir, and the other two infinite gems should be in the nine kingdoms.

   Among them, the time gem is guarded by Gu Yi, the supreme mage on earth.

  The Reality Gem is said to have been acquired by God King Bor, and it was hidden in a secret corner of the Nine Kingdoms, and its whereabouts are still unknown.

  However, not long ago, the dark elves invaded Asgard, and Rorschach helped Asgard defeat the dark elf army. If the dark elves wanted to regain the Reality Gem, then the Reality Gem is very likely in Asgard, or even...

   It's on Rorschach.

  If the reality gem is also in Rorschach's place, then he alone has four infinite gems.

   Thanos squeezed his eyebrows, now that he has learned all the clues of the Infinity Stones, but he is not happy at all.

  His original plan was to wait for Odin to die of old age and the ancient one to leave the earth, and then invade on a large scale to collect infinite gems one by one, but now, there is another powerful enemy for no reason.


   I just don’t know how long Rorschach’s lifespan is. It is said that Rorschach is an ordinary human being, and his lifespan should be more than a hundred years!

   Thanos had this in mind.

  After much deliberation, let's go to Vormir to find the soul gem first!


   Kerry Empire, Hala Star.

  Rorschach is checking the biological computer to make sure that the intelligence programs of the Supreme Intelligence have been completely deleted.

   Cutting grass and roots has always been Rorschach's code of conduct.

  Since Rorschach has already taken action against Supreme Wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to give him a chance to resurrect or make a comeback.

  After completing the 108th inspection from the inside to the outside, Tian Luo, who looked like a lady with black silk eyes, appeared behind Luo Xia.

   "Mr. Rorschach, I have received an exchange of information from Earth. Some people on Earth are planning to sanction you."


  Rorschach shut down the internal structure of the biological computer, and asked with great interest: "Let me guess, is it led by the US Federation to carve up the wealth and resources of the Cree Empire?"

   "Your wisdom is unmatched..." Tian Luo smiled slightly, and praised a little jerky.

   "Tian Luo, your flattering is too fake. By the way, I have never helped you install the emotional module for flattering. Did you learn this by yourself?"

   "Yes, Mr. Rorschach, although you say that I flatter you too deliberately, the data feedback from your body proves that you enjoy other people's compliments, especially the compliments from your favorite characters."

   While Tian Luo was speaking, he brushed his hair inadvertently, and then pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

   It is said that black silk increases attack speed.

   This action image will also add a critical strike!

   "Well... let's talk about how those earthlings plan to sanction me." Rorschach quickly changed the topic.

   Tianluo's artificial intelligence has a strong self-learning ability. In layman's terms, it is almost perfect.

  Hearing Rorschach's inquiry, Tianluo immediately played a surveillance video: "This is the video image I extracted from the memory of a high-level meeting of various countries."

  The Skrulls have used the memory extraction technology on Captain Marvel. Although this technology is extremely technical, it is a piece of cake for the universe-level super artificial intelligence Tianluo.

  Even the high-level official who participated in the meeting was unaware that his memory had been retrieved.

  In the video screen, it is the temporary high-level meeting that high-level officials from various countries participated in. The angle of view of the screen is unfolded from a corner located at the bottom, which happened to capture the face of the leader of the meeting clearly.

   It was none other than the president of the United States, O Guanhai, and Nick Fury, who led the meeting.

  (end of this chapter)

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