The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 280: 74. Doomsday spores

   Chapter 280 74, Doomsday Spores

   "Interrupt a piece of news. Just this afternoon, a bank robbery occurred in the Metropolis. Superman appeared to stop the robbers. However, today's Superman seems to be in a very unstable mood. He almost missed and killed the robbers who were trying to resist arrest..."

"According to the latest news learned by our reporter, one of the robbers was severely injured by Superman and sent to the Metropolitan Hospital for emergency treatment. The surviving robbers declared that they would sue Superman to court and demand that Superman compensate them for their mental health. damages."


"The Metropolitan Court responded that it has accepted the lawsuit of the robbers in the Superman attack! Then the question comes, whether Superman has the right to harm a citizen of the United States, even if that citizen is a criminal, whether Superman is subject to the United States in the exercise of vigilante activities. The moral constraints of the Federation should obey our laws..."


   "Now issue a notice from the Metropolitan Court that a hearing against Superman will be held next Monday, but no one can guarantee whether Superman will be willing to appear in court..."


  Barry Allen stared blankly at the TV on the wall.

  Most of the TV channels now have topics about superheroes, the hottest of which is the incident that Superman almost killed the robber this afternoon.

  In addition to Superman, new superheroes have emerged in many cities.

  For example, the Green Arrow in Star City next door, the Martian Manhunter in Nasino City, and the Superman in Metropolis.

  In addition to superheroes, there are also a large number of super villains, the most famous of which are the monsters that suddenly appeared in the Central Park of the Metropolis a few days ago, Doomsday, and General Zod and his gang who invaded the earth.

   "How long have I been in a coma?"

  Barry found that he didn't seem to know the world at all.

   While Barry Allen was concentrating on browsing information about superheroes on TV and the Internet, there was a knock on his door. He went to open the door, and several figures standing at the door came into Barry Allen's eyes.

   "Hey Joe, Iris...Dad, did you get out?"

  Barry Allen looked at the man standing beside his adoptive father, Joe West. This man looked a little old, dressed plainly, and looked very upright and old-fashioned at first glance.

   This is Barry Allen's father, Henry Allen.

Henry Allen stepped forward and hugged his son tightly, patted Barry on the shoulder vigorously, and said calmly: "It was the Black Knight who provided the police with clues about the murderer who killed your mother, and it was the one who pretended to be Harrison -The super criminal in Wells, although the police did not catch the super criminal in the end, it is enough to prove my innocence."

  Reverse Lightning Albert Swan traveled through time and space, went to the Flash when he was a child, and killed the Flash's mother.

  When the police arrived, they thought it was The Flash's father, Henry Allen, who killed his wife, and then put Henry Allen in prison for more than ten years.

  Because Rorschach deliberately led the other party to tell the truth about killing Barry Allen's mother before killing Reverse Lightning.

  So, thanks to Joe West's efforts, Barry's father Henry Allen was finally acquitted, but all of this happened after Barry Allen was struck by the Speed ​​Force lightning.

   So Barry doesn't know anything about it.

Hearing that it was the Black Knight who cleared up his father's grievances, Barry was immediately moved: "I owe a huge favor to the Black Knight, but I have a question, why am I in the Star Lab instead of the hospital? "

  Sisko stood up and explained the problem: "The hospital can't handle your situation at all, and we have the most advanced medical equipment in the United States, which can provide you with better medical conditions."

   "It must be very expensive, Joe, father, you two won't break the bank to treat me." Barry said with some guilt.

  Henry Allen shook his head: "No, in fact, it was the Wayne Group who heard about us and provided us with free medical services."

   "Wayne Group? Father, are you talking about the Wayne Group in Gotham City?"

  Barry Allen suddenly had an unreal feeling, as if he had been unlucky for more than 20 years, and suddenly his fortune turned around, and he became a child of luck, and all good things happened to him in line.

   "Don't think so much, Barry, let's go home, I prepared a big dinner to celebrate your awakening." Joe West said.

   Speaking of dinner, Barry's stomach grunted in unison.

  Sisko reminded Barry that he would have a re-examination in a few days, and some tests were needed to make sure his body had fully recovered. Barry naturally agreed. After all, all of this is free, and if you don’t do it, you won’t do it for nothing.


   Gotham City, Batcave.

Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman looked at Clark with solemn faces. Now that Clark's condition is getting worse, he seems to be having difficulty controlling his emotions, like a raging lion, wanting to vent his heart unscrupulously. anger.

   As a last resort, Bruce Wayne irradiated Clark with a red sun lamp.

   "I have informed Rorschach that he is on Mars now and should be back soon." Diana kept her hand on the kryptonite long sword at her waist,

  The kryptonite long sword was stored in a lead scabbard. Once Clark made any offensive move, Diana would immediately pull out the long sword and suppress Clark.

  Even under the red sun lights, Batman is not absolutely sure that he can control a mad Kryptonian.

  Louis really wanted to go up and hug her lover, but Clark didn't agree with Louise approaching him, because Clark was afraid that he couldn't suppress his inner anger and hurt Louise by mistake.

   "Rorschach has come."

  In the red sun light, Clark looked up at the entrance of the Batcave.

   Before he finished speaking, a black lightning appeared in front of everyone, and when the lightning disappeared, Rorschach stood in front of everyone.

   "Rorschach, Clark is in a strange mood now. He always feels angry for no reason and can't control himself." Louise saw Rorschach coming, and she couldn't wait to tell Rorschach about Clark's situation.

  Because in Louise's opinion, among the superheroes, only Rorschach is the most reliable.

  Rorschach glanced at Clark, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "The situation is not good!"

   These words made the hearts of everyone present tremble.

  Bruce Wayne stared at Rorschach and asked, "You already know what's wrong with Clark?"

  Rorschach nodded: "Remember the monster we defeated in the Metropolitan Central Park a few days ago, Doomsday?"

  Clark and Diana nodded again and again.

  How could such a terrifying monster forget.

   "Clark may have been infected with the doomsday spores... But I'm not sure. Further testing of his cells and gene sequences is required to confirm."

  Rorschach didn't say anything to death, but he recalled that Superman Clark Kent was injured in the previous battle against Doomsday.

  Combined with symptoms of being unable to control one's emotions today.

   It is basically 100% certain that Clark was infected with the doomsday spores.

  Rorschach looked at the kryptonite long sword pinned to Diana's waist, and said, "I need to take some of Clark's blood for testing, Diana, please give me a few drops of Clark's blood."

"no problem."

  Diana responded immediately. She drew out her kryptonite long sword and approached Clark. Bruce Wayne held down Clark, who felt threatened and began to struggle frantically.

  (end of this chapter)

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