The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 1251: Raising troops to investigate crimes

Princess Anxiang's belly was like a diarrhea, and she couldn't stop it no matter what. She pulled it for half an hour. Then she asked Bihen to help her out of the clean room.

At this time, Princess Anxiang was already exhausted, her legs were so weak that she could not stand, and she was completely supported by Bihen.

Bihen was very anxious and confused: "Princess, you didn't eat anything just now, and you didn't even take a sip of tea. How could you suddenly have diarrhea?"

"What are you talking about now? Why don't you quickly call a doctor for this princess?" Princess Anxiang scolded.

Bihen quickly sent someone out and invited the doctor they brought from the Far South Country.

After the doctor checked Princess Anxiang's pulse, he said with great certainty: "Princess is definitely caused by something she ate or drank. It is impossible for her to have diarrhea for no reason."

"This princess didn't eat or drink anything." Princess Anxiang said.

Bihen thought for a while with a puzzled face, then suddenly clapped his hand: "Princess, you just took the Salvia Detoxification Pill!"

Princess Anxiang was stunned: "Could it be the reason for the Salvia Detoxification Pill?"

"Princess, what are Salvia detoxification pills?" The doctor asked, "Can you bring it to me?"

Before Princess Anxiang could say anything, Bihen quickly brought over the small box containing the Salvia detoxification pills.

The doctor picked up a salvia detoxification pill, put it to his nose and smelled it, then shined it into the light, and then asked Princess Anxiang: "Princess, can I break this pill open and take a look?"

Princess Anxiang was anxious to cure her diarrhea, so she naturally agreed.

The doctor then broke open a Salvia Miltiorrhiza detoxification pill, smashed the pill, asked Bihen for a bowl of warm water, dissolved the pill in it, looked at it carefully, smelled it carefully, and even took a sip himself.

After the examination was completed, he said to Princess Anxiang with great certainty: "Princess, your sudden diarrhea is definitely caused by this Salvia detoxification pill. If you eat this, not only will you have diarrhea, but you will also have diarrhea for several days."

Princess Anxiang didn't believe it: "Are you sure that this princess's diarrhea is caused by this Salvia Detoxification Pill?"

"Of course it's certain." After the doctor finished speaking, he asked Princess Anxiang, "Princess, what does this salvia detoxification pill treat?"

"It suppresses the toxicity in my body." Princess Anxiang said, "This Salvia detoxification pill is very effective. Not long after taking it, my eyes can see clearly."

The doctor knew about Princess Anxiang's poisoning. He carefully checked the Salvia miltiorrhiza Jiedu Pills again and said, "Maybe the diarrhea is a side effect of the Salvia Miltiorrhizae Jiedu Pills."

Princess Anxiang was shocked: "You mean, the Salvia Detoxification Pills are effective in suppressing the toxicity in my body, but as long as I take the Salvia Detoxification Pills, I will definitely have diarrhea for several days?"

"Judging from the current situation, it is like this." The doctor nodded.

Princess Anxiang had a severe headache. She rubbed her temples and asked, "Is there a fixed time when this princess has diarrhea every day?"

If it's fixed, that's fine. She just had to squat in the clean room as soon as possible. Who told her that she didn't have a better choice.

The doctor couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said to Princess Anxiang: "Princess, how can there be a fixed time for diarrhea? No one can tell when it will occur."

So she might have a stomachache while eating, or she might have a stomachache while going out to meet friends, or she might have a stomachache while shopping? It's okay to be in the house at ordinary times. What if she suddenly gets upset while she's outside, how embarrassing would it be? Princess Anxiang stood up in anger: "When they gave the Salvia detoxification pills to me, they didn't mention this side effect. I'm going to settle the score with them now!"

Princess Anxiang said, taking the small box containing Salvia detoxification pills and angrily heading towards Sun Xiuyuan's yard.

Bihen quickly sent the doctor away and followed him.

The prince was still in Sun Xiuyuan's room at the moment, making love to her. After Princess Anxiang went in and saw this scene, she became even more angry. She grabbed the small box and threw it at them: "You two bastards, you actually tried to kill me by detoxifying me." !”

The box was smashed too suddenly. The prince quickly hugged Sun Xiuyuan to avoid it, but he was still hit by the spilled pills. The pills fell to the floor and rolled everywhere.

The prince was so angry that he slammed the table: "What are you crazy about? You asked me for antidote pills yourself, and I finally asked Sun Liangdi to find them for you. Is this how you did to me and Sun Liangdi?" What's the difference between repaying kindness with enmity?"

"Repaying kindness with revenge?" Princess Anxiang snorted heavily, "When you gave this Salvia detoxification pill to me, you didn't tell me that this pill had side effects! I just had a stomachache and almost died half of my life. Moreover, my princess’s doctor told me that once I take this pill, I will have diarrhea for several days in a row. I know that you are just looking forward to my princess’ death. You don’t want me to die from the poison, so just think about it. Such a sinister trick, I want this princess to have diarrhea and die!"

The prince was a little confused when he heard that. He looked at Sun Xiuyuan and asked in a low voice: "Is what she said true? Will this salvia detoxification pill really cause diarrhea after taking it?"

Sun Xiuyuan nodded, but immediately said to the prince: "Your Highness, don't listen to her nonsense. It is true that this Salvia detoxification pill has side effects. The side effects are indeed diarrhea, but it is definitely not fatal. Think about it, this is Isn’t it normal for a magical medicine that is comparable to Jinxiangyu to have some side effects?”

After she finished speaking, she turned to Princess Anxiang and asked her: "Princess, after taking this Salvia detoxification pill, has the toxicity in your body been suppressed?"

Princess Anxiang snorted heavily.

Sun Xiuyuan looked at her and said: "Looking at the princess's reaction, it is obvious that the Salvia Detoxification Pills are effective. Then let me ask you again, have you died of diarrhea?"

She didn't wait for Princess Anxiang to answer, then continued: "Obviously not. If you were dead, you wouldn't be standing domineeringly in front of me and the prince to ask questions."

"Since the Salvia Detoxification Pills are effective, and the side effects won't kill you, then why do you come to me and the prince to accuse me?"

Princess Anxiang was speechless when asked, but she quickly reacted and pointed at Sun Xiuyuan's nose and asked: "Then why didn't you say anything at the beginning?"

"What kind of medicine has no side effects? Do you need me to say it specifically? I am not a doctor." Sun Xiuyuan said confidently, "You want to suppress the toxicity in your body, but you are too embarrassed to lower your face and ask for Jiayan Jade. Now it is easy for me to find it for you. There are many substitutes, but you are still too dissatisfied with them. If you don’t want to use them, just throw them away. But don’t blame me and the prince for not finding an antidote for you just because of this. You have to figure it out, and we will give it to you. Find the antidote that you don’t want to use yourself.”

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