Nobody? died? Killed and silenced? Li Jiao felt cold in her heart, and finally managed to calm down, and continued to ask: "Then how did I get pregnant with the child? Why doesn't I have any memory at all?"

"Every time I asked you to have sex with that man, I knocked you out beforehand. Of course you have no impression." The Queen Mother replied calmly.

Fainted? ! She didn't hesitate to stun her in order to get her pregnant with a bastard? ! Li Jiao felt that this incident was simply shocking, and her chest heaved violently for a while before she continued to ask, "Did this incident happen when I was still in the Lingnan Palace and before I entered the palace?"

"That's natural." The Queen Mother said matter-of-factly. How can it be so easy to get vaccinated after entering the palace?

"Auntie is so brave." Li Jiao's voice was already trembling.

"Courage?" The Queen Mother raised her eyelids: "The Emperor will not live for long. If you don't have a biological child by your side, how will you survive in this harem a hundred years later?"

Is she thinking about her? But Li Jiao couldn't accept it at all: "Isn't it because my aunt let me enter the palace so that I can take care of Rui'er?"

"Taking care of Rui'er? He is not your biological child, and he is already so old. How can he be considerate to you?" The Queen Mother curled her lips disdainfully, "Besides, his life was saved by Princess Yingchuan. He must be more like Princess Yingchuan." My dear, if he becomes the emperor in the future and the power of the country is still in the hands of Princess Yingchuan and his wife, where will you be able to stand?"

"Princess Yingchuan and King Yingchuan are not like that." Li Jiao frowned.

"The Ai family didn't say they were not good people, but if they seize power, they don't call them good people? They don't want to kill you, they just use you as an excuse." The Queen Mother looked at her and said.

Li Jiao pursed her lips and remained silent, obviously disapproving of the Queen Mother's words.

The Queen Mother sighed softly and said: "You are still too young to know the difficulties of being in the harem. But you are not sensible, but the Ai family has to make plans for you. There are many concubines in this harem, all of them are like Wolves are like tigers, if you don't have your own child by your side, you won't be able to fight even Jiayanyu, do you believe it?"

"Then you can't let my concubine become pregnant with a wild species and pass it off as a dragon species." Li Jiao said angrily.

"If you don't tell me about this, and if the Ai family doesn't tell you, who will know?" The Queen Mother sneered, "Even if someone knows about it, it will be in vain if they don't have evidence, so just keep it in your stomach."

evidence? Li Jiao suddenly remembered her purpose of spreading the news about Ye Yuxiao's entry into the palace, and hurriedly asked the Queen Mother: "Aunt, in the history of Tong Dynasty, how come the date of my concubine's childhood was changed?"

"If you don't change your little life, how can you make the time of your pregnancy coincide with the time of your consummation?" The Queen Mother smiled softly, "Don't worry, the Ai family has always been cautious in handling affairs. This child in your belly , it can withstand scrutiny.”

That's it, that's it. Li Jiao clenched her fists in anger: "I don't want such a bastard. I'm going to tell the emperor right now. The worst I can do is to die with this bastard!"

Li Jiao said, turned around and rushed out.

The Queen Mother was shocked and shouted loudly: "Someone! Stop her quickly!"

Aunt Liu quickly rushed over with her people and hugged Li Jiao from the waist.

The Queen Mother was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She ordered people to close the palace door and angrily scolded Li Jiao: "It is not a pity for you to die alone, but you will cause the entire Li family to be executed. Did you know?!"

Li Jiao's eyes widened angrily: "Then when you did that nasty thing to me, did you ever consider me?!"

She actually didn't even call herself a concubine. The Queen Mother said angrily: "The Ai family took the risk just because of you! Otherwise, the Ai family would have grown old and would have closed their eyes and kicked their legs in a few years. You don’t know anything anymore, why do you need to plan this!”

"You keep saying it's for my own good, but have you ever asked me for my opinion?!" Li Jiao asked loudly.

"Do you know what is good and what is bad? Now that the Ai family has arranged everything for you, you are still not satisfied with everything." As the Queen Mother spoke, she looked tired and waved her hand, "The Ai family is too lazy. I'm sorry to bother you, but the Ai family is getting old and doesn't have that much strength anymore."

After the Queen Mother finished speaking, she directly ordered Aunt Liu: "Keep an eye on her. She is not allowed to take even one step out of Kunning Palace without the permission of the Ai family, and no one is allowed to see her."

"This..." Grandma Liu was very embarrassed. It's easy to keep an eye on Li Jiao, but Li Jiao is the queen now, so how can she blatantly imprison the queen? Besides, the concubines come to pay her respects every day, so why don't they prevent her from entering? Then when the emperor came to visit her, wouldn't he let her in?

The Queen Mother understood the dilemma of Aunt Liu, and after thinking for a while, she came up with an idea: "It is said to the outside world that the Queen has contracted the epidemic, which can infect people, so she is not allowed to see anyone during this period. The Ai family meeting with Imperial Doctor Nian Say hello, and if anyone has questions, ask them to ask Imperial Physician Nian."

This was a good pretense, and Grandma Liu nodded in agreement.

Li Jiao was so angry that she was shaking all over: "You are so audacious that you dare to deceive the emperor and lie about me being sick!"

The Queen Mother ignored her and walked straight past her: "Watch her, don't let her throw away the child."

"Please don't worry, slave." Aunt Liu bowed and responded.

Aunt Liu was still very reliable. The Queen Mother nodded with satisfaction and left Kunning Palace.

Li Jiao struggled desperately and screamed loudly, hoping that the sound would reach outside Kunning Palace.

The nuns next to her tried to cover her mouth, but were stopped by Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu was not in a hurry at all, and said to Li Jiao calmly: "Your Majesty, we are in the palace, who are there outside Kunning Palace? Except for the palace concubines, they are slaves. Don't you shout any more. No matter how loud it is, it will only be heard by these two types of people. If the palace concubine hears it, she will only laugh at your joke and wish that you made a fool of yourself and take pleasure in your misfortune. If you are beheaded or deposed, there will be a queen's room. Come here so that they can fight for it. If the slaves hear this, they will only look down on you. The master of the harem is shouting and has no dignity. So why are you shouting? What's the use?"

Li Jiao paused, but immediately started shouting again.

Aunt Liu continued: "My servant has seen it. Do you expect the emperor to hear it? Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The emperor is hosting a banquet in Luyuan today for the envoys from the Western Regions. He is not in the palace at all. What can he hear? No matter how loud your voice is, it won't reach Luyuan. So, I advise you to save your energy."

Li Jiao finally stopped talking and glared at Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu sighed: "My Lady, it's useless for you to glare at me. I'm just following orders."

"Bah, you're just a bitch!" Li Jiao spat at her. The fragrance that fascinated her in the first place might have been bought by Aunt Liu.

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