The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 431 Please solve the problem

Ye Yuxiao was almost squeezed into a piece of biscuit, but she didn't panic at all. She smacked Ouyang Sheng's words with great interest and said, "So, in your opinion, I don't allow my husband to take concubines, which is a very upright thing? Well, yes, you are quite good at having such an awareness. .”

consciousness? Ouyang Sheng rubbed his temples and felt a little headache: "It's a miracle that I haven't been mad at you yet."

Ye Yuxiao grabbed his neck: "How about you make me angry at Yan Mu?"

"How dare you!" Ouyang Sheng said angrily, then felt that the wording was inappropriate and quickly changed it, "Don't even think about it!"

This was not the first time that the two of them had gone through ups and downs together, but this was the first time that Ouyang Sheng was so irritable. Ye Yuxiao understood why, leaned forward and kissed her gently.

Ouyang Sheng held the armrests of the chair with both hands and let her kiss for a while, then sighed with guilt: "Now that I'm grounded, even if I pretend to be Yao Ying, I can't leave the house openly. This time, I can only It's up to you to walk alone."

He had sworn to protect her, but he didn't expect to be forced to watch helplessly so soon.

"It doesn't matter. If we can't make it through, we will elope." Ye Yuxiao looked very relaxed and calm.

elopement? This is another joke. He had a mother, and she had many close relatives. How could he just walk away irresponsibly and let them face the bloody storm caused by the emperor's wrath?

Ouyang Sheng leaned against her cheek and gently rubbed her temples with his lips: "You always said something before, what is it? The plan can't keep up with the changes? Originally, according to my plan, after the summer is over, it will be my turn. It’s time to marry you. Who knew that the weather was still hot, but a Huyanmu came out of the thorn."

Feeling sad was of no use. Ye Yuxiao quickly put it aside and started to use his brain: "I have to think of a way to catch Hu Yanmu. Unfortunately, I know very little about him and have no idea where to start."

To understand Hu Yanmu... Ouyang Sheng thought for a moment, slapped the armrest of his chair, and stood up: "Go and ask Tan Shizhao."

"But where is Tan Shizhao?" Ye Yuxiao spread her hands.

"You left the capital and walked south. About ten miles away, there is Sha'ang Mountain. He lives at the foot of that mountain." After Ouyang Sheng finished speaking, he explained to her, "Tan Shizhao has a kind of Gu insect that loves sand most. Wild lotuses on Mount Ngong, so he lived there every summer.”

Ten miles away, you can ride on a fast horse and arrive in one day and one night. Ye Yuxiao nodded, stood up decisively, and pushed Ouyang Sheng outward: "I'm leaving now. I just happened to be riding a horse."

Rushing on the road late at night? And even without bringing anything? Ouyang Sheng stopped her: "There are still several days until the celebration banquet. There is no need to be in such a hurry. We will leave at dawn."

"I'm anxious. I'm afraid that if Huyanmu really marries me, you will cry." Ye Yuxiao made a face at him, nimbly slipped out from under his arm and slipped away.

Ouyang Sheng walked to the door, picked up the door latch that she had thrown aside, watched her quickly run to Dai Peilan, briefly explained to her, and then watched her hold up her skirt and run out of the corner door. .

After a while, the sound of horse hooves came from outside the gate, getting heavier and lighter, and gradually getting away.

He was not worried about Ye Yuxiao's safety. She was a cautious person and was always protected by guards. She always had banknotes stuffed in her sleeve pockets and even a first aid kit in her arms.

He just felt very guilty. He should have done something like traveling all night.

While he was melancholy, Dai Peilan came over: "General Yao, Mrs. Ning Hui said there is something urgent and she wants to visit an old friend. It's already dark, why is she still on her way? Can't she send a servant?"

Ouyang Sheng composed himself and said, "That friend has a weird temperament. If she hadn't gone there in person, I'm afraid she wouldn't have said anything."

I see. Dai Peilan nodded: "Then go back quickly. If anyone finds out, you will be punished."

"Is there someone to escort you home?" Ouyang Sheng asked with concern. After all, she was Ye Yuxiao's savior and Yao Ying's fiancée. He had to guarantee her safety.

Dai Peilan pointed out and there were two guards there, assigned to her by Ye Yuxiao. Perhaps she felt that "Yao Ying" was caring about her, and her face turned red involuntarily.

Ouyang Sheng was afraid that if he stayed any longer, Dai Peilan would increasingly think of him as Yao Ying, so he hurriedly said goodbye to her and left on horseback.

Ye Yuxiao took several guards and drove all day and night without rest, twisting and turning, and finally found the foot of Sha'ang Mountain.

Ouyang Sheng did not tell her the specific location, but she recognized it at a glance because it was deserted and there was only one thatched house.

When she set out, the moon was high, and when she dismounted in front of the house, the sky was filled with stars. Several guards admired her perseverance, and without waiting for her instructions, they tied up their horses and knocked on the door.

The dilapidated wooden door soon opened with a creak, and it was Tan Shizhao who came out.

Ye Yuxiao smiled and said: "Master, I thought you were like those secluded masters, pretending to be sophisticated and not opening the door until you have visited the thatched cottage three times."

Tan Shizhao held an oil lamp in his hand and illuminated her face: "You called me master."

"So what?" Ye Yuxiao said, "Are you not my master?"

"You are definitely trying to trick me by calling me master." Tan Shizhao said with certainty.

"When have I ever tricked you?" Ye Yuxiao screamed, "On the other hand, you, with the name of my master, never refused to teach me."

Tan Shizhao stepped aside and moved out of the way: "You come in first."

Ye Yuxiao entered the house and looked around. The house was very simple, with only a table and a chair. She didn't wait for Tan Shizhao to say hello, and took the only chair without any courtesy.

Tan Shizhao stepped in and said: "You have learned the four words "respecting teachers and respecting Taoism".

Ye Yuxiao pointed to the table: "Master is an elder, so he has to take a seat."

Tan Shizhao was too lazy to argue with her and put the oil lamp on the table: "Tell me, what can you ask me for?"

"Master is really good at knowing things!" Ye Yuxiao gave him a thumbs up, "I want to hear you talk about Huyan Mu."

"Zuo Shanggong of Wujie Kingdom, Hu Yanmu?" Tan Shizhao asked.

"Yes, that's him." Ye Yuxiao nodded.

"What are you asking about him for?" Tan Shizhao asked again.

Ye Yuxiao told the whole story and said, "Master, you have to help me, otherwise I will marry Hu Yanmu."

"If you marry Huyanmu, you will marry Huyanmu. What's wrong with that?" Tan Shizhao took out a small bamboo tube from somewhere and placed it under the lamp, watching a group of tiny insects flying out of the bamboo tube and dancing around the oil lamp.

Luckily she doesn’t have trypophobia! Ye Yuxiao glanced at it for a few times, shuddered, and looked away: "If I marry Hu Yanmu, what will Ouyang Sheng do?"

"What does Ouyang Sheng have to do with me?" Tan Shizhao concentrated on looking at the group of flying insects without even raising his eyelids.

"..." Don't you recognize your relatives? Ye Yuxiao was speechless for a moment, then said, "You betray me a favor, and I will repay you in the future, how about it?"

Tan Shizhao turned his face in a swish and said: "There is no need for favors. I have a problem here. If you can help me solve it, let alone Hu Yanmu, I will also teach you how to avoid marrying him. you."

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