The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 540 The truth about diarrhea

He was indeed beaten by Mrs. Ning Hui again. He said it was nothing, but when it came out of the concubine's mouth, it seemed like a disguised mockery. Cai Jie had a long face and stopped talking.

In the two years since the good concubine entered the palace, she has learned a lot about the ability to observe people's emotions. When she saw this, she quickly asked with concern: "Brother, wasn't the matter about the house settled last time? Why did Mrs. Ning Hui hit you this time?"

"Unfounded charges!" Cai Jie angrily recounted the situation at that time, waving his arms and said, "Why, she is a god in the sky, can't you see it? I didn't verbally insult her, so why did it become disrespectful to her? ?”

Their conflict was caused by diarrhea in the city? The good concubine winked at the palace maid who was close to her, and the palace maid immediately sent everyone else in the room out.

The good concubine then spoke: "Brother, we have big things to do these days, why do you have to conflict with Mrs. Ning Hui at this juncture over such a trivial matter?"

"I had a conflict with her?? She obviously made things out of nothing and used her power to bully others!" Cai Jie said angrily.

"But as far as this matter is concerned, it's you who are in the wrong, brother. Even if I complain to the Holy One, the Holy One will not favor us." Liang Concubine said, "Mrs. Ning Hui's title was given by the Emperor. How do you treat her?" Being disrespectful means not taking the Emperor seriously, can the Emperor stand on your side?"

What, are you trying to persuade him to be respectful to Ye Yuxiao? Cai Jie suddenly thought of Ye Yuxiao's previous words, that the good concubine should have more experience than her in the matter of establishing authority. He couldn't help but sneer: "You are now a good concubine. Like Mrs. Ning Hui, you are also a titled person. No wonder you speak from her standpoint. Well, you and I are very different in status now. I cannot force you to stand in my shoes and think about me."

After Cai Jie said this in a sinister tone, he turned around and left.

"Brother!" Liangbi quickly took a few steps and grabbed his sleeve.

Cai Jie turned his head and looked at her reproachfully: "Slow down! You are pregnant with a dragon fetus, how can you be so reckless?" The child in her belly was the greatest hope of their family.

The good concubine pulled his sleeves, lowered her head, and whispered: "Brother, for the sake of this child, you should endure it. There are some debts. Let's wait until he is born, grows up, and has a future, and then we can follow him." They calculate it carefully, can’t they?”

This child has many hurdles to face. Cai Jie knew that what the good concubine said was right, so he remained silent.

The good concubine saw that he had listened to what he said, so she added: "Besides, our Jishi Hall will soon prosper. Mrs. Ning Hui's most important thing is the medical center. When Jishi Hall surpasses her Mingche Medical Center On the other hand, are you still worried that you can’t see her feeling depressed?”

This is true. Cai Jie imagined the scene of the cold front of Mingche Medical Center and the prosperous business of Jishitang, and finally felt a little calmer: "Okay, I understand. Let's bear with her for now. Remember to take good care of the baby, you will definitely I want this child to be born safely.”

The good concubine nodded, responded aloud, and sent him out of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

When Cai Jie was in the palace, his energy was obviously smooth, but when he got out of the palace and got on his horse, the pain on his face did not relieve even one bit. And his red and swollen cheeks attracted the curious and inquiring eyes of many people, and some even chased him and pointed.

This made the fire in his heart surge up again. When he returned to Jishi Hall, he still felt chest tightness and bloating, but the patients and their families were still making trouble, banging, banging, banging and smashing.

Seeing the situation in Jishitang, Cai Jie was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Jingzhao Yin Mingming has already helped Ye Yuxiao deal with the troublesome patients and their families, why not help him deal with it too? This is clearly looking down on him.

Okay, let them look down on him, and wait until one day later, when they come to beg him! Cai Jie thought bitterly, picked up a scale for weighing medicinal materials, and smashed everything in the room to pieces.

Besides, after Ye Yuxiao beat up Cai Jie, she still felt a little uneasy, because counting down the details, this was the first time she had used her identity to oppress someone since time travel. But soon a guard at the back door of the hospital came to inform her that Cai Jie had a gloomy look on his face after returning from the palace, and it seemed that the complaint had not been successful.

Ye Yuxiao was completely relieved, and suddenly felt that through this incident, she seemed to have really learned the rules of survival in Xichao.

It's true that it's wrong to bully others with power, but since her identity is already there, she doesn't need to use it in vain. Why do we have to talk about freedom and equality in this world of imperial power? Maybe while she was treating others as equals, others were treating her as a fool.

Ye Yuxiao briefly summarized his experience, put aside the matter, and concentrated on deploying his staff to prepare a batch of salt and sugar water to alleviate the dehydration of diarrhea patients. And these are all free.

On the one hand, she insists on severely punishing those who make trouble, and refuses to withdraw the case no matter how much the patients and their families plead for mercy; on the other hand, she is extremely generous and provides them with all medical assistance for free, even saying that if Mingche Medical Clinic In the end, if she could not come up with an effective treatment plan, she would refund the money they spent on the anti-diarrheal medicine as appropriate.

A stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, kindness and power at the same time. In the eyes of patients and their families, the city is unfathomable. Gradually, no one dared to yell in front of her anymore, and their attitude and speech became respectful.

Soon, the government's investigation of the water source came out. Jing Zhaoyin went to Mingche Medical Center in person to tell Ye Yuxiao that the problem did lie in the water source. The living standards and economic status of all diarrhea patients belonged to the middle and lower classes in the capital. , they usually fetch water from wells on the fringes of the capital, and after investigation, it was found that these wells must have been tampered with and poisoned.

"How did you determine that those wells were poisoned?" Ye Yuxiao asked Jing Zhaoyin after listening.

"I've had people try it. Everyone who drank water from those wells had the exact same symptoms of diarrhea, and no medicine worked." Jing Zhaoyin replied.

Is this a direct experiment on people? The method is so simple and crude? Well, as far as the current level of scientific research is concerned, this method is indeed the most intuitive and effective. Ye Yuxiao then asked: "What kind of poison is this? Has your Excellency found out?"

"If it had been found out, I wouldn't have come to see you." Jing Zhaoyin said, and asked her, "I wonder if Mrs. Ning Hui has any research on poisons?"

"Ashamed, although I have learned a little bit, I am not proficient in this. Otherwise, I would not have diagnosed poisoning as ordinary diarrhea." Ye Yuxiao said.

Jing Zhaoyin didn't seem to be surprised at all by her answer, and then asked: "I heard that Mrs. Ning Hui studied under Dr. Tan, and Dr. Tan is in the capital now. I wonder if I can ask Mrs. Ning Hui to come forward and persuade Tan Is the miracle doctor here to help me?"

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