The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 554 A ghost marriage?

Recovering the lost territory of the previous dynasty was an achievement worthy of being recorded in the annals of history and lasting forever. Even for a man like the emperor who had "seen the world", he was so excited that he could not sleep for several nights. He only waited for King Heng and King Lu to return home in triumph and be enshrined in Mount Tai. , tell the world and the gods.

Now that the lost ground has been recovered and the battle is over, there is no need to hide Ouyang Sheng's death. The emperor chose an early morning time to announce his death to all civil and military officials.

The news spread and everyone felt sorry. Ouyang Sheng was the key to the victory of the Northern Expedition. If he hadn't gone north alone and rescued King Heng, how would he have recovered the lost territory later? However, he died early and had no chance to enjoy the fruits of victory. When the time comes, all the soldiers will receive rewards and titles, but he can only sleep underground and become a handful of loess.

Many people know that Ouyang Sheng and Ye Yuxiao have an agreement that when he returns from victory, he will marry her. But now that he had won, he could no longer marry her.

Relatives and friends rushed to Mrs. Ning Hui's house to comfort Ye Yuxiao.

Ye Yuxiao finally got over the pain. So many people came to comfort her at the same time, which was tantamount to reopening the scars and making her immersed in the grief of losing her lover again.

But this time, she had no time to care about herself, because there was another person who was as sad as her and needed her to comfort her.

Ye Yuxiao left behind her relatives and friends who came to comfort her, quietly boarded the car through the back door and went to the Jing'an Marquis Mansion.

There were cries everywhere in Jingan Hou Mansion, and even the boy at the door could not hide his sadness. Ouyang Sheng's death is certainly a sad thing, but after all, this is just his maternal grandfather's family, so it shouldn't be like this, right? Ye Yuxiao got out of the car and inquired, only to learn that Bai Xiqiu was so heartbroken and despairing after hearing the bad news that she hanged herself unprepared. Fortunately, the servants at home found her in time and took her off the beam, thus saving her life.

Seeing Bai Xiqiu like this, Mrs. Xiang, the old lady, felt sad and angry. She suddenly fell ill and fell down.

Now everyone in the Marquis of Jingan's house is worried, fearing that another accident will happen to the two of them.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuxiao quickly quickened his pace and went to see Bai Xiqiu.

Bai Xiqiu really wanted to die. The marks on her neck were red and swollen, and blood was oozing from some places.

Ye Yuxiao walked to the bed and sat down, checked her pulse as a habit, and called "old lady".

Bai Xiqiu closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn't hear or react.

Xiao Xiang stepped forward and said: "We have already asked the doctor to come and apply the medicine. Because the weather was too hot, the doctor was afraid that the wound would be infected, so he did not bandage it."

This doctor is able to consider the problem of wound infection, which seems to be reliable. Ye Yuxiao nodded and said, "Why didn't you call me for such a big matter?"

Xiao Xiang patted her shoulder gently and said, "You are also sad now, how can we call you."

Ye Yuxiao forced a smile and said, "I'm fine. I'm here to persuade the old lady."

Xiao Xiang nodded and led the others out first.

Ye Yuxiao held Bai Xiqiu's cold hand and said in her ear: "Old lady, Ah Sheng has passed away. If you have another misfortune, how sad will he be underground?"

Hearing Ye Yuxiao mention Ouyang Sheng, Bai Xiqiu opened her eyes slightly: "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Anyone who is close to me has been killed by me. Now that Ah Sheng is dead, I What’s the point of living? It’s better to follow him and be his companion.”

Ye Yuxiao knew that for a person like Bai Xiqiu who was so desperate and bent on seeking death, she had to give her a "shot in the arm" to stimulate her, so she said: "According to what you said, should I also take it?" Hang yourself with a rope so that you can be a companion for Ah Sheng so that he will not be too lonely on his way to hell?"

Bai Xiqiu was really anxious: "That's not what I meant."

As long as there are mood swings, the next step will be easier. Ye Yuxiao continued: "In addition to Ah Sheng, the people who are close to you are also your mother, Mrs. Xiang. Now the old lady has become seriously ill because of you. If she really has a problem because of you, Even if you achieve imperial power, how can you feel at ease?"

Xiao Xiang and the others were worried about irritating Bai Xiqiu, so they never told her about Xiang's illness. When she heard this, she was extremely anxious: "My mother is sick? When did it happen? I am unfilial, I will go there right now Look at her and kowtow to her to apologize."

As she spoke, she tried to hold herself up.

Ye Yuxiao quickly pressed her down and said: "If you go to see her like this now, it will only make her more anxious. You should take good care of yourself quickly and be safe. The old lady will feel happy when she sees her. She must be ill." It'll be fine soon."

This is the truth. Bai Xiqiu lay back obediently, feeling a little embarrassed: "I'm so old, but I'm not as sensible as you."

"You're too sad." Ye Yuxiao comforted her, "Don't think I'm very calm now, but it's actually because I already knew about Asheng's death. At that time, I wanted to leave everything behind and just... Let him go and forget it.”

"You knew this a long time ago? Didn't you endure it alone for so long?" Bai Xiqiu felt sorry for her and held her hand instead.

"For me, the most difficult time has passed. Old lady, we all need to live well and live happily, so that Ah Sheng will feel at ease under the influence of Jiuquan." Ye Yuxiao told Bai Xi Akimichi.

"Yes, we all need to live well, and we must live well for Asheng." Bai Xiqiu nodded heavily.

Seeing that she had the courage to live, Ye Yuxiao let go of her hand, helped her tuck the quilt, and asked Xiao Xiang to come in to take care of her, while he went to visit Xiang.

When Xiang heard that she had opened up Bai Xiqiu's heart, she was extremely grateful. She kept her talking for a while and comforted her for a while before letting her go.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and there seems to be a fire burning in the air. No matter where you go, the heat wave follows you closely.

In such a scorching hot weather, the emperor also summoned Ye Yuxiao into the palace to discuss with her the burial of Ouyang Sheng.

This is already the second summer since Ouyang Sheng's body was transported back to the capital. The previous summer, it was only possible to preserve it with the help of an ice cellar. Now that the news of his death has been announced, the emperor decided to give him a glorious burial. Rest in peace.

Ye Yuxiao had no opinion on this. She is a doctor, so she originally took this kind of thing very lightly. Later, after traveling through time, she didn't take it seriously anymore. When a person dies, he lives in her heart. As for the posthumous matters, they are just for the living to express their grief.

After the emperor finished talking about burying Ouyang Sheng, he said to Ye Yuxiao: "Asheng passed away and his title is vacant. It's time to designate a successor."

Although Ouyang Sheng has cut off all contact with his relatives, his name is still on the Ouyang family's genealogy. According to the rules, a child from his uncles should be selected to inherit his title.

Ye Yuxiao has no interest in this matter at all. There are no people left, no matter who the title is given to: "After all, I am not from Ouyang Sheng's family. It is fine for the emperor to make the decision in this kind of matter, and I will not interfere with it." ”

The emperor hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Do you want to consider getting married to Ah Sheng, and then adopt a child from the Ouyang family and raise him to be an adult? Although this will wrong you, it will prevent the child from growing crooked. , and secondly, to prevent Asheng’s family property from falling into the hands of others.”

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