Ouyang Sheng saw that Guihua was lying and was about to expose it when Ye Yuxiao was already there and said, "I know Jintan Mansion well. There is no Lijia Village there."

"Isn't there a Lijia Village in Jintan Mansion..." Guihua muttered in a low voice, her face full of embarrassment.

Ye Yuxiao felt very strange. If this old woman was not her mother, why did she react so strangely? If it was her mother, the reunion between mother and daughter was a surprise, but why did she refuse to admit her identity?

Forget it, no matter what her identity is, she is here, let’s treat their illness first. Ye Yuxiao thought and pointed to the chair with missing legs in the room: "You guys sit down and I will check your pulse."

"Are you still a doctor?" Osmanthus said in surprise, and hurriedly helped the old woman sit down. However, she did not sit down, but stood half a step away from the old woman.

She is so observant of etiquette and rules, she really looks like a maid from a wealthy family. Ye Yuxiao took another look at Osmanthus fragrans and asked the old woman, "Old lady, what is your surname?"

The old woman looked at her intently but said nothing.

Osmanthus fragrans hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Miss, how about we tell her? When a doctor sees a doctor, he always has to ask his name."

The old woman nodded slightly. During this period, her eyes remained glued to Ye Yuxiao's face, never moving away.

Osmanthus fragrans answered Ye Yuxiao: "Our lady's surname is...Gu."

Gu? Is your real surname Gu or Gu? The suspicion in Ye Yuxiao's heart increased: "Miss Gu, the village chief said that you are suffering from water poison. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The old woman's eyes lingered on her face and she said, "Head, I have a headache."

Although she looks old and aged, she has a voice like a lark.

Ye Yuxiao was surprised for a while, then asked: "Just a headache?"

The old woman nodded.

Ye Yuxiao carefully checked her pulse and said: "You don't have water poison, you just have some old diseases. I'll give you a prescription. Take a few doses according to the prescription, and then take good care of yourself. Enough."

The old woman nodded solemnly again.

Ye Yuxiao checked Guihua's pulse again. Like the old woman, she did not suffer from schistosomiasis, but was sick from overwork.

It was great that neither of them were hit. Ye Yuxiao breathed a sigh of relief and looked up. The village chief was already reciting "Amitabha".

Ouyang Sheng took the pen and ink from the carriage, and Ye Yuxiao wrote the prescription on the broken table, saying to Osmanthus: "I'm giving you the prescription, where can you get the medicine? Besides, most people in Liba Village have already been infected. You have schistosomiasis, and the longer you live here, the more dangerous it becomes. How about I find you another place to live and recuperate?"

Osmanthus waved her hands repeatedly: "We appreciate the princess's kindness, but we are used to living here and don't want to go anywhere. Give the prescription to the slave, and the slave will find a way to get the medicine."

"I have no intention of asking you to leave your hometown." Ye Yuxiao explained patiently, "I will send someone to take you to a safe place to recuperate. When you recover, the schistosomiasis in Liba Village should also be cured. Wouldn’t it be nice if I sent you back again? Don’t worry, I will bear all the expenses during this period, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Osmanthus looked at the old woman and said: "Princess, maybe for you, moving is just a small matter, but for us, it is a big deal. Can you let us think about it and give you an answer tomorrow morning?"

"Okay." Ye Yuxiao agreed, "Then I'll come back tomorrow morning to ask for your opinion."

Although they did not agree immediately, Ye Yuxiao still called his entourage and asked him to get medicine for the old woman and Osmanthus fragrans at her own expense.

Osmanthus thanked her a lot, and together with the old woman, she sent them all the way back before going back.

It was already dark at this time. Ye Yuxiao looked at the scattered lights in the village and said to Ouyang Sheng: "It's too late today. When I come to see Miss Gu tomorrow, I will bring some medicinal materials and start giving them." Villagers provide free medical consultation.”

Ouyang Sheng put his arms around her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and shielded her from the wind: "You came to see me, but I asked you to work as soon as you came. Don't you blame me?"

"I took the initiative on my own, not at your request." Ye Yuxiao rolled her eyes at him, "I am a living Bodhisattva praised by everyone in the capital. When I encounter this kind of thing, do I still need you to speak up?"

"Yes, yes, living Bodhisattva." Ouyang Sheng said with a smile. He knew very well that with Ye Yuxiao's personality, he could not stop a patient, so why did he need to make arrangements?

They left Liba Village and returned to their residence. The children had already fallen asleep. The two of them washed up and rushed to kiss the sleeping child's little face. Then they returned to the room and had a discussion about the couple's affairs.

The next day, although they were tired and sleepy, Ye Yuxiao and Ouyang Sheng got up early and took a carriage to Liba Village. As for the medicinal materials, Ouyang Sheng arranged for someone to deliver them to her.

Ouyang Sheng still remembered the road. When they arrived at Liba Village, they went straight to the thatched house. However, when they opened the door, they found that the house was empty. The old woman and Osmanthus fragrans were not there.

Ye Yuxiao and Ouyang Sheng asked their neighbors nearby. But the neighbor said: "I don't know why that crazy woman went crazy, and she took her old maid and ran away overnight."

What? ? Ran away overnight? ? Ye Yuxiao was a little dumbfounded: "Where did they go?"

"Who knows." The neighbor curled his lips.

"In which direction did she run? Did you see it?" Ye Yuxiao said, handing over a piece of silver.

The neighbor suddenly smiled and pointed to the west: "They ran that way. I saw them when I got up at night."

Ye Yuxiao thanked her and immediately went to chase her. Ouyang Sheng quickly grabbed her: "You carry out free medical clinics for the villagers as originally planned, and I will send someone to chase you."

Yes, chasing people is not her strong point, so she should leave it to professionals. Ye Yuxiao nodded and walked with him towards the village chief's house: "Who is Miss Gu? Why did she run away? Am I so scary?"

Ouyang Sheng thought about it for a while and said, "In my opinion, she is probably really your mother."

"Even if she is really my mother, there is no need to run away." Ye Yuxiao still didn't understand, "Wouldn't it be better to recognize me?"

Ouyang Sheng shook his head slightly: "Have you ever thought about why your mother died back then when she was still alive? Her refusal to acknowledge you now may be related to her 'cause of death'."

cause of death? Ye Yuxiao was still confused: "His father said that my mother died of illness, and my grandparents didn't say otherwise."

"Stop guessing now. It's useless to guess." Ouyang Sheng said, "When the guards find them, send them directly to the capital and hand them over to grandma. What do you think?"

"Okay." Ye Yuxiao agreed without hesitation. If Miss Gu was really her mother, it would be appropriate to hand her over to Princess Pingnan. If she were not her mother, Princess Pingnan would definitely treat her politely.

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