The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 348: 2 condition 4

As soon as Janusz said what he said, he won the approval of all onlookers. Letting the two of them go to the battlefield to perform meritorious service and compete is undoubtedly full of positive energy and chivalry spirit.

"Master Janush, you can't do this!" Chechen was furious, and he didn't expect Janush to come back like this again.

"Why can't I? Natalie is my daughter. Since Prince Mihavu also likes him, of course I should allow him to join the ranks of competitors. Or you have no confidence in yourself and already know that you are inferior to Mi Is Prince Hawu yet?" Janush said aggressively.

Cheerchen was speechless for a while. Of course he is not afraid of losing to that Prince Mihavu. It's just that Natalie is not a commodity, it is not used for competition for others. Cheer Chen wanted to express this, but he didn't know how to say it.

At this moment, Natalie took a step forward.

"I agree with my father's proposal. If Prince Mihavu can fulfill the two conditions under fair competition, I will marry him." Natalie said in shock.

"What a shameless woman."

In the crowd, Fatima looked at Natalie and mumbled. She saw through Natalie and said that she loved the leader, but now she was betting on herself as a commodity, as if the higher price was the best. It is extremely vulgar. However, it would be a good thing if the head of the group could see her true face clearly.

"Is this true? My daughter?" Janush was surprised that he couldn't believe it. In fact, Janush was ready for Natalie's objection, because his daughter's performance upstairs, but Cheechen did not marry.

"Of course, my father. Then you should be satisfied." Natalie said to her father with a smile.

Janush stopped speaking. What could he be dissatisfied with?

"However, I am talking on fair terms." Natalie added.

Everyone present began to whisper.

"Daughter, what do you mean? Do you think that all the nobles present who regard glory and reputation as life, who will cheat for them?" Janush asked.

"Of course I didn't mean it." Although Natalie said that it didn't mean it, her tone was very firm.

"But father, have you forgotten? The first condition you put forward to Cheerchen is that Cheerchen must obtain the title and territory in the Republic, and there must be at least 500 hectares of fertile land in the territory."

"Yes, I did say that." Janush nodded.

"But isn't this unfair to Chechen? Prince Mihavu had the title he inherited from Prince Jarimay when he was born. Moreover, the Visnievitsky family's property fell on the right bank of the Dnieper River. , But the uncle of the prince, Jan Zamois is also a prominent nobleman in the Republic. General Ruogo Jan Zamois wants to help his nephew by giving him 500 hectares of land from his own territory. Isn't it difficult?" Natalie said.

"In the name of God, General Jan Zamois will not do this!" Janusz and Sapega commanders categorically denied.

But Natalie is still reluctant: "Even so, it's still unfair to Cheerchen, right."

"Then what do you think is fair?"

"I want to change the first condition to: Prince Mihavu obtains a territory originally belonged to an enemy country, and there must be at least 500 hectares of fertile land in the territory." Natalie said.

Regarding this condition, the leader of Sapega believes that he must obtain the consent of Prince Mihavu.

"Then you, Prince Mihavu. Would you like to accept this suggestion from Natalie?" the leader of Sapega asked Prince Mihavu.

At this time, everyone looked at Prince Mihavu again.

The prince didn't answer right away, she looked at Natalie first, and then at her mother.

"Are those two conditions difficult?" Prince Mihav asked his mother in a whisper.

Princess Galisadie pinched her son's flesh through her clothes. She really hates iron for not making steel, and now in the public, as a man, how could her son ask such a thing.

"I am willing!" Prince Mihavu shouted, enduring the pain. He knew exactly what his mother's pinch meant.

"It is worthy of being a descendant of a hero, with the blood of a hero." The leader of Sapega praised. He did not see the princess's little movements at all.

"So Chechen, Prince Mihavu agreed, you don't mind having one more competitor." The leader of Sapega asked Chechen again with a smile.

"I do not……."

The latter was about to oppose, but saw Natalie winking to make him believe in herself.

Cheerchen said nothing. But the leader of Sapega took Cheerchen's silence as a tacit consent, and he happily recommended himself to be a witness for this matter.

The people at the prom began to disperse. It is conceivable that, without going to tomorrow morning, what happened at the ball will spread all over the streets of Janusz is also ready to get up and go back to the villa arranged by Sapega for the imperial minister to rest. But he looked left and right, but he didn't find his daughter.

"She must be looking for that Chechen again." Janush thought.

Indeed, Cheerchen took Natalie to a secluded corner at this moment.

"Natalie, why are you?" Cheerchen asked anxiously.

Seeing Cheerchen so anxious, Natalie sneered.

"What? Our hero of Czestochowa, are you afraid to compete with that Prince Mihavu?"

"Of course not, how could I be afraid of that fat pig. It's just that I don't think you should be scrambled as a commodity." Chechen said.


Natalie leaned her head on Cheerchen's shoulder.

"How could I want to marry someone else."

"Then you still?"

"I can't do anything about it. You have also seen that my father's conditions are harsh, and other people will stumble you over and over in order to please my father or Princess Garicedai." If Prince Mihavu is involved to form a fair competition between you and him, then no matter it is my father or anyone else, I dare not do too much. After all, there are thousands of eyes watching. But you can rest assured, I will I will do my best to help you and use all my strength to help you fulfill my father's conditions. If you lose, then we will elope, we go to Spain, to Italy, to France, and to places where others can't find us." Nata Li said.

For Natalie who is thinking about herself wholeheartedly, what else does Cheor Chen have to say? He hugged Natalie tightly, tightly.

"I won't lose." Cheerchen said softly, stroking Natalie's hair.

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