The Mongols as a whole nation started with Genghis Khan. After Temujin was elected as a Khan, it took only 20 years to unify the grasslands. After that, the Mongols began to expand and conquer the known world. In the next 50 years, the Mongols successively conquered China, Persia, and the Rus region. Except for India, the Mongol Empire became an empire encompassing the Eurasian continent.

However, the collapse of the Mongol Empire was almost as rapid as its rise. By 1360, the Mongols had lost China and Persia, and all they could keep in Asia was the birthplace of the Mongolian plateau, the river and Mogulstein.

As a member of the Mongols, the Kalmyks originally lived in Xinjiang, China. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, due to the bullying of the Junggar tribe of Oirat Mongolia, the Kalmyk tribe moved to the Volga River basin and passed through the three generations of the leader and Orlek, Shukuerdaiqing and Punchuk. After more than half a century of operation, the former deserted banks of the lower Volga River have been turned into lush pastures. They graze livestock here, chase water and grass to hunt, and build their new home.

Because the Kalmyks believe in Tibetan Buddhism-Lamaism, they are incompatible with the Eastern Orthodox Church believed by Tsarist Russia and the *** religion believed by other local Tatar nomadic tribes. Therefore, because of their faith and pasture, the Kalmyks often fought against Tsarist Russia and the Tatars.

When Naum Vasilyev came to the door, the Kalmyks led by Ayuqi were holding the Naadam Conference on the grassland after a successful hunt.

At this time, this Ayuqi, who will become the best khan in the history of the Kalmyk Khanate, is about the same age as Cheor Chen. He is the son of Punchuk and the khan of the future Kalmyk Khanate. A Yuqi has a handsome face. His eyes are not squinted like his compatriots, but rather large and round; his nose is tall, his lips are red and his teeth are white; when he is angry, his eyes spray thin. What belongs to the majesty of the future Khan; and when he is kind, he is like your closest friend.

At this time, the most exciting race on Nadam – horse racing also kicked off. Ayuqi and his subordinates, Prince Zhasak, and Taiji's riders are all gearing up to try their skills. Because winning a horse racing championship not only involves personal honor, but also a rich reward from the leader and his own master. These rewards are often unthinkable for ordinary herders in a lifetime.

Of course there are horse racing and betting on horses. While the riders on the field were eager to try, the audience off the field was also busy placing the last bet. A piece of sheepskin, a felt blanket, and a bag of wheat, the gambling table is full of the herdsmen's hard harvest for a year.

On the other side, Taiji and Zasak princes are also busy placing bets on their favorite horses.

"Gelu, although your Ili horse is well-known in the world, my horse is a good cross between the Ili horse and the Don horse I brought from Xinjiang. It combines the advantages of the two horse breeds, but it is even better. "On a gorgeous Persian carpet, Gardan Celing on Ayuqi's left hand looked at a vigorous bay red horse on the field and said triumphantly to a lama in red on Ayuqi's right hand.

"If that's the case, let's be better today!" The red-clothed lama named Gelu obviously has a very good relationship with Galdan Tsering, and he responded with a hearty laugh.

One of the two was Ayuqi's general, and the other was Ayuqi's counselor. Both were carefully selected by Ayuqi's father from the young children of the Kalmyk nobles to assist Ayuqi.

"Well, it seems that Celing, you are determined to win today. Then we have to be careful." Ayuqi sitting on his hands also said jokingly to Lama Gelug.

At this moment, two Kalmyk cavalrymen came to Ayuqi with Naum Vasilyev, who had been disarmed.

Although there were frequent confrontations with Tsarist Russia, ordinary herders were still unfamiliar with blonde Russians. Seeing such a non-humanoid fellow, the herdsmen all around looked sideways.

"Taiji, this Huang Maozi wants to see you." A Kalmyk cavalry saluted Ayuqi and said.

Naum Vasilyev has been in Cherkessk for a long time. He has also dealt with the Kalmyks several times. He knows some Kalmyk language. He heard that the Kalmyk cavalry said he was a yellow-haired boy. , He couldn't help being furious, he even wanted to raise his fist to punch this Kalmykian, but when he raised his hand, he remembered that he is not in Cherkessk now, but around the Kalmykian. , And be alone.

Naum Vasilyev hurriedly tried to withdraw his hand, but it was already too late. The Kalmyk cavalry behind him saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to subdue Naum Vasilyev, then twisted Naum Vasilyev's hand, pushed and shoved and brought him to Ayuqi.

Naum Vasilyev staggered two steps, and one of them accidentally almost fell to the ground. Deterred by the mighty power and crowd of the Kalmyk cavalry, Naum Vasilyev didn't dare to be arrogant anymore. He nodded strangely, bowed his head and bowed to Ayuqi in front of him and said, "Dear Ayuqihan, Hello."


Ayuqi interrupted Naum Vasilyev’s greeting loudly, and then said sternly: "Khan is my father, I am a Taiji, Ayuqitaiji. Who are you? Why did you come to see me? "

"When I return to Taiji, I am the tsar's courtier, the master of Circkssk, and the leader of Naum Vasilyev of the Don Cossacks." Naum Vasilyev replied solemnly.

"It's a Cossack, so it turns out!" Gardan Celing, who was sitting on the side, laughed loudly.

Just as the Cossacks despised the steppe peoples, the Kalmyks despised the Cossacks. They think that these people are just gangs of gangsters and beggars who have committed crimes in their own country. So Gardan Tserling laughed when he heard that Naum Vasilyev claimed to be the leader of the Cossacks, and was so solemn and proud of himself.

Ayuqi couldn't help but laugh.

But after smiling, he immediately reduced his smile, repeated the question just now, and asked Naum Vasilyev's intentions.

"Dear Taiji, I am here to give a gift by the order of His Majesty the Tsar." Naum Vasilyev had to endure his anger when he wanted to. However, he swears the humiliation suffered here today will be returned ten times, one hundred times in the future.

"Oh, what gift does your tsar want you to give?" Ayuqi asked proudly. His posture makes people feel that he and the czar are equal.

Seeing that the other party asked about the gift he had brought, Naum Vasilyev immediately became energetic. He first took out a quill pen, then took out a bottle of ink, and offered it to Ayuqi.

Naum Vasilyev left Cherkesk to go out of the city to fight with Stepan Racine's rebels, and he did not carry any valuables on his body or in the team. He also bullied the Kalmykians for lack of knowledge, so he only took some bargains as gifts.

The Kalmyk cavalry took the gift to Ayuqi. Ayuqi unscrewed the lid of the ink bottle, sniffed, and then wrinkled his nose. Then he asked Naum Vasilyev: "What kind of wine is this? It smells so bad?"

Naum Vasiliev secretly scolded these Kalmyk buns, and smiled and said, "Master Taiji, this is ink for writing."

With that said, Naum Vasilyev made two gestures with his hands.

As soon as it was not wine, Ayuqi lost interest. He handed the ink bottle to Gru, then turned his head to watch the game.

Naum Vasilyev was left out in the cold.

But it should also be the case. Naum Vasilyev thought that Ayuqi had never seen the world, and tried to win Ayuqi's favor with a bottle of ink and borrowed troops. Such treatment is inevitable.

When the two Kalmyk cavalry saw that Taiji had nothing to say, they prepared to leave Naum Vasilyev.

Naum Vasilyev gritted his teeth. Seeing that Ayuqi was indifferent, and he was about to be driven away, he had to prepare to take out his most precious thing-a music box given to him by the czar.

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