The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 584: Return of Heroes 8

That night, Chechen was silent. Although later he wanted to say to Fatima in a relaxed tone: "It's nothing, I already have you." But after all, he didn't say this.

And Fatima didn't say anything, but after standing with Cheerchen for a while, she went back to her room.

Fatima left in sorrow, Cheerchen knew that. Natalie is a taboo for him and Fatima. With the distance from the Republic of Poland and the closer to Vidawa, both of them are facing the problem of facing Natalie.

For Fatima, it can be said that she took advantage of the vacancy to abruptly **** Cheerchen from Natalie's hands. Although Fatima didn't think there was anything wrong with her, she was worried about Cheerchen, and she was worried that Cheerchen would resurrect after seeing Natalie. For Fatima, Cheerchen and the baby in her belly are everything.

For Cheer Chen, he also didn't know how to face Natalie. Because he still has feelings for Natalie, he can't deceive himself about this. And Natalie was unaware of the fact that she was with Fatima and had a child. If Natalie appeared on the day when she returned to Vidava, it would prove that Natalie still has feelings for herself, but how should she face her then? Will she be sad? And if Natalie did not show up that day, it means that Natalie is still hating herself, hating herself for letting Christina go. Such hatred also made Cheorchen uncomfortable.

A cool breeze blew from the direction of the Balkatian Mountains and messed up the paper on the desk...

Early the next morning, Cheerchen was shaken from his sleep by Piedro.

"Get up, get up quickly. My nephew, Kiayan has something to see you." Piedro said loudly while shaking Chechen's body.

Cheerchen finally opened his heavy eyelids. He stood in front of the window sill for the night and lay down on the chair until the sky began to turn white.

"What? Uncle, are you finally back? Did Ki Ayan come over and ask for the bill?" Cheer Chen asked.

In the small town near the castle lived a Jew who had the same name as Chechen’s butler in Vidawa, also called Kiyan. This Kiyan is a very eye-catching guy, he knows that Pidro is the deputy commander of the mercenary group that lives here, so he changed his way to please him.

His uncle was a man who couldn't stand the temptation of sugar-coated shells, and he swelled up as soon as he was flattered and complimented by Kiayan. Under the leadership of Kiayan, I linger in the casino every day.

In two days, Pidro lost nearly a thousand talers. Of course, these are not Pidro's private money, but the salary of the deputy commander he received from Ingrid. Cheerchen didn't know that he had lost so much. But one day, after Father Spasokukotsky saw Pidro enter and leave the casino again, the incident was stabbed to Chechen by the priest.

As an upright person and a pious priest, Spasokukotsky hates gambling. He thinks that addiction and gambling are tempted by the devil. Since living in the small town, Father Spasokukotsky's footprints have spread all over the corners of the town. Once he finds that there are soldiers from the mercenary group gambling, the priest will go forward to persuade him, regardless of whether he is a Catholic. Or Protestant or Orthodox.

And because of the identity of Father Spasokukotsky, most of the Polish mercenaries after hearing the priest’s persuasion, regardless of whether they were willing or not, said that they would no longer gamble; and those Hessian mercenaries and The Russian and Ukrainian soldiers under Xie Miao ran away in a desperate manner because of their status as officers of the priest's mercenary regiment.

But for Pidro, Father Spasocukotsky has realized that his preaching is useless—Pidro is a real veteran, his mouth can be sweeter than honey, but his heart is better than honey. The stone is still hard.

Spasokukotsky tried to persuade him several times in the name of God, Pedro said one thing, and acted another thing. With this deputy head taking the lead, the other mercenaries who had vowed to stop gambling secretly began to gather again.

Father Spaso Kukotsky believes that if Pidro, the deputy commander of the mercenary group, can be restored to justice, it will be a good demonstration effect for the soldiers of other mercenary groups. The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam, now I have corrected the upper beam, and the lower beam always has no reason to continue crooking.

To persuade Pidro, he has to hit his weakness. His only weakness is his relatives, Chechen, the head of the mercenary group.

After listening to Spaso Kukoc's report, Cheor Chen didn't bother at first. The so-called small gambling is a rare period of relaxation, and my uncle just has such a hobby, and I am a nephew who is not too lenient. But when the priest mentioned that the deputy commander Pidro had lost less than a thousand talers, Cheerchen realized the seriousness of the problem.

One thousand talers said it was not much, but for the current uncle Chechen, it was only a small amount of money. But if the money was spent on the construction of the mercenary group, it would be almost a year's employment fee for ten Hessian mercenaries.

Now, the war between Poland and the Kingdom of Sweden, Tsarist Russia, and the Zaporozhye Cossacks is still going on. After the mercenary regiment returns to Poland, King Jan Kazimierz will not let himself and let the mercenary regiment sit idle for too long. of. Once back to the front line, guns, ammunition, grain, grass, and clothing all cost money. Although the mercenary group now has the fief of Vidava, that piece of land is absolutely unable to support a mercenary group of 2,000 people (according to Ingrid’s estimation, in order to allow Vidava to continue to produce Out, the mercenary group has to invest money in it). Therefore, Cheer Chen should definitely tell his uncle and let him be more restrained.

But at this time, Cheerchen made a mistake. He asked Father Spasokukotsky to find Pidro. After the honest priest found Pedro and told him that Cheechen wanted to see him, Pedro didn't know that the priest had brought the lawsuit to Cheechen. In order not to be preached by his nephew, Piedro slipped on the soles of his feet by urinating.

After that, Pidro went into hiding, and Cheerchen and the priest couldn't find him no matter how they looked. However, in other small towns, it is said that someone saw a fat man in a casino with a Jew behind him.

Today, Uncle Piedro, who had been hiding from him, finally returned. Cheerchen's first reaction was of course: Uncle lost all his money and was brought into debt by Jewish loan sharks.

"It's not that Kiayan!" Pidro said loudly, and then he paused: "Although that Kiayan also wants you. But it is our manager in Vidawa who wants to see you now, Kiayan. ."

"It's him!"

When it heard that it was his steward, Ki Ayang, Cheerchen jumped up immediately.

To get here from Vidawa not only has to climb over the Balkatian Mountains, but also hundreds of miles away. Kiayan will come over suddenly. Something must have happened.

"Hurry up and call him in!" Cheerchen ordered the guard outside the door.

"No, I have taken him to the door."

The door was opened, and Ki Ayan, dressed in black and a black hat, walked in. After a year of absence, Ki Ayan has become even thinner. When Ki Ayang approached, Cheer Chen discovered that Ki Ayang's clothes were full of burned and torn holes, and his eye sockets were bruised, as if he had been punched hard.

"My benefactor, protector."

Ki Ayan walked up to Cheerchen. He knelt down on his knees and raised his hands above his head, as if praying to God.

Seeing Kiayan like this, Pidro's eyelids jumped impenetrably. Ki Ayan's opening remark sounded so familiar to him. In the past, when I prayed to Feodor Obukhović and Yanush Laziviu, the same is true for the first sentence of the opening.

"This guy's words are definitely not credible." Pidro compared heart to heart and made a judgment on Kiayan.

When Cheer Chen saw Ki Ayang behaved like this, he couldn't adapt to it for a while. He just hurriedly helped Ki Ayan up and asked why Ki Ayan came here and why he made it like this.

Ki Ayan stood up, but he still hunched over and looked respectful.

"Master," Kiayan cried, "I have failed your trust. Your manor has been burned, and your warehouse has been robbed."

"What!" Cheerchen and Pidro said in unison.

Compared with Cheechen, Pidro looked even more excited and annoyed when he heard the news. He forgot the "Kiayan's words" he had just warned him just now, and rushed forward and grabbed Kiayan's. collar.

"What are you talking about? My manor was destroyed? Who did it! Bacht and the others? Why didn't they stop it!" Pidro asked loudly despite Chechen's stop.

Compared with Cheechen, who has never been to Vidava, Pidro has a deeper affection for Vidava. He has regarded it as his home and is planning to pass it on to Cheechen's unborn child. Now suddenly he heard that his home was gone, of course he couldn't bear it.

Facing Pedro’s questioning, Kiayan showed a look of fear appropriately and stammered: "Master, the people of Bachter destroyed your manor."


This time, it was Cheerchen's turn to be surprised. After that, he was even more unbelievable. Because Basit’s temperament is gentle, and Vidava is where they live, they shouldn’t have done such a thing no matter how you look at it.

"Master Cheechen,"

At this time Pidro had released his hand, and Chiayan fell to the ground. He raised his head and cried out, "This is absolutely true. You must know that Bachter and his gang were born as robbers. What a decent person. They still had some scruples when Master Pidro was still there, but when Master Pidro also went to Crimea, he treated Vidava as his own private property and regarded himself as his master. They violated the various rules set by Master Pidro. Of course, my son and I could not let their treacherous schemes succeed, but due to our loneliness, we can only do our best to protect the owner’s manor and warehouse. Lost. But just a few weeks ago, these thugs finally attacked the manor and the warehouse. They rushed into the manor and took everything that could be taken away. The thugs also tried to take the key to the warehouse, me and me How could his son let them succeed, so Batty resisted desperately, but outnumbered, the key still fell into the hands of that **** Bacht. Master, your wine is gone, wheat is gone, cows, sheep and horses are gone. Nothing, nothing."

As he spoke, Kiayan thumped his chest. The look of grief and anger, as if his property had been lost.

The one by one "nothing" pierced Pidro's chest like needles, and he cursed that Bacht was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

But Cheerchen heard something different from Ki Ayang's words. It is also because he has no real feelings for Vidava, so he did not lose his mind like Pedro, but was able to look at problems objectively.

Kiayan said that Bahit’s people were burned, killed and taken captive in Vidava, but in the whole incident, only Kiayan and his son were injured. When Chechen asked those people dead, Kiayan was not Reporting some unfamiliar names means that I can't remember them clearly. This is extremely abnormal, because as Jewish stewards, Kiayan and Batty have always boasted that they have amazing memories and never forget them.

Second, Kiayan said that the group of Bashit is still in Vidava and has a posture of occupying the mountain as king. But a few weeks ago, the news that he was going to return to Poland should have been sent to Vidawa, UU reading www.uukā Bashit should have known it. If he really committed these crimes, he should run away right away. After all, after Pidro took away the two squadrons of mercenary regiments, most of the people who stayed in Vidava were old and weak. It is impossible to predict that the Prophet himself will disband the Hessian mercenaries in the middle and give them a holiday, so if he stays in Vidava and waits for his army to return, it is tantamount to waiting for death.

With these two questions, Cheer Chen felt that he couldn't listen to Ki Ayan's words.

"Uncle, don't worry."

Cheechen first persuaded the anxious Pidro, and then helped Ki Ayan up and said calmly to him: "Kiayan, you and your son did a great job. It's worth noting that my uncle trusts you so much. My uncle and I know about the matter. You first go take a shower and change your clothes to rest. When I have assembled the team, we will return to Vidava."

Seeing that Cheerchen was so unhurried and let himself go to rest first, Ki Ayang showed anxious eyes on the contrary. However, this was Chechen's decision, and there was nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, he cared for himself. Of course, Keayan had nothing to say. He hurriedly thanked a few words, and then went backwards.

After Kiayan closed the door, Pidro shouted to Chechen: "Nephew, I can't wait. I'm going back to Vidawa right away. You give me a piece of order and I will scatter the cavalry in various towns. Let’s get together first. I’ve traveled to towns and cities these days, knowing that there are only 20 or 30 Hessian cavalry who have not left yet. I will take them back to Vidawa day and night, and I’ll be able to kill the guy Bacht. Caught off guard!"

Facing the impatient Pidro, Chechen first calmed him down, letting him rest. Then, when Pidro's mood calmed down, Cheer Chen said two questions he thought of.

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