The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 840: Queen Regent 11

After Victor left, Cheerchen continued to look at the sea.

At this moment, if anyone took a look at Cheerchen's face, what he would see would be a strangely cold and strangely dark face.

Chechen is like **** after talking with Victor de Labuscado.

Just now, Cheerchen was cheating on Victor's words.

From Victor’s words, he understood that Sister Christina had become a bargaining chip between King Jan Kazimierz and Karl X, and was a **** that could be discarded at any time.

But what can he do?

As the lord of the Republic of Poland, should he betray his king?

It should be noted that betrayal is a serious sin.

Besides, everything about him is in the Republic of Poland.

Worried about Christina's fate and helpless, Cheechen hurriedly boarded a small boat and came to the adjacent big boat.

Alvid Wedenberg is on this boat.

When leaving Myatelssk Fort, Victor split Christina and Arvid Widenberg on different ships. At that time, Victor said that Arvid Widenberg was the Marshal of Sweden and spent many years in Poland. Although he has spent the past few years in prison and his appearance has changed a lot, there are many people who know him. Victor is worried about being recognized by mercenaries.

Thinking about it now, this statement is extremely far-fetched. The people in this boat recognized the former Swedish marshal, don't the people in that boat recognize it? Victor separates Christina from Alvid Wedenberg, and I am afraid that King Jan Kazimierz or Queen Ludwig was worried about affecting the plan.

Cheerchen feels suspicious looking at everything now.

When Cheor Chen left the cabin. He saw Alvid Wedenberg playing dice with Catherine.

Seeing Cheerchen's sudden arrival, Wedenberg gave a surprised look. He put the dice back in his pocket.

Catherine stood up.

Catherine was found temporarily by Cheer Chen. Because of separation from Yelishei and others, Cheerchen is seriously lacking qualified officers. In desperation, Cheerchen had no choice but to ask Catherine for help with Pidro. This time, Catherine did not refuse, and her Helena also expressed support-if it were not for Chechen, the money Prince Boguslav owed them would have become a deadly account. As Catherine and his wife, both grudges and grievances are clear-cut, they must repay their gratitude.

"Then I will go out first," Catherine said.

He understood that Cheerchen had come over suddenly, and there must be something important to tell Wittenberg.

After Catherine left, Chechen told Alvid Wedenberg exactly what he had heard from Robert Douglas and what Victor had said.

He desperately hoped to use the marshal's wisdom.

After listening to Chechen's words, Alvid Wedenberg habitually touched his goatee.

What will happen next? Arvid Wedenberg made the following guess as he saved others: If the negotiations are really going on, then it is estimated that the fleet has passed the checkpoint set by the Swedes on the river bank. Later, Jan Kazimierz, who was negotiating with Karl X’s emissary, will reveal to Karl X that Christina and Arvid Widenberg will arrive in Riga and initiate plans to overthrow Karl X’s rule there. .

Then, Karl X will have only two options: one is to reach peace talks with the Republic of Poland; the other is to continue to fight with the Republic of Poland, and then face the embarrassment of being attacked back and forth.

As wise as Karl, he knows how to choose. And even if Karl X chooses to continue the war, the Republic of Poland will not lose more than it has now.

As for Christina and herself, the fate of the two depends entirely on the decision of Karl X-this is why King Jan Kazimierz had to pass the fishing boat on the Daugava to meet Victor de Labes The reason Cardo kept in touch.

If the contract fails, then all the previous plans in Warsaw will remain the same.

When the contract is 10%, not only will the mercenaries stand still, perhaps Christina will also be given to Karl X as a "gift" for the agreement.

From the perspective of the Republic and King Jan Kazimierz, they did so for every reason and for granted.

But Arvid Wedenberg is not the King of Poland, nor the Queen of Poland, and he has never considered issues from the perspective of the interests of the Republic.

And Arvid Wedenberger secretly laughed at Jan Kazimierz's small pattern after thinking about it. He actually only focused on the truce instead of regaining the throne of the Kingdom of Sweden as he had once speculated.

But in fact, Arvid Wedenberg was completely wrong and underestimated the political wisdom of King Jan Kazimierz and his wife Ludvika.

In the beginning, when Queen Ludvik thought of getting help from Christina and Alvid Wedenberg, she did, as Wedenberg thought, that she had to repeatedly seize the opportunity to regain the crown of the King of Sweden. The plan above her husband's head.

But the development of things is not shifted by her will.

The change began with the dinner on the day Christina arrived.

After failing to seek peace with Jan Kazimierz, the emissary of Karl X found several highly respected aristocratic elders of the Republic Parliament and carried out a carrot and stick operation.

Thus, the absurd scene appeared. When King Jan Kazimierz was preparing to continue the war, the noble elders of the parliament did not want to fight.

As we all know, according to the "Treaty of Henry", the king has no right to declare war or negotiate peace without the approval of the parliament.

As long as the council does not want to fight, the king can only do nothing.

After all, everything must be done in accordance with the Basic Law.

As a result, during Chelchen's fundraising period, Jan Kazimierz secretly sent a special envoy to the Swedish military camp under the pressure of the elders to continue negotiations with Karl X.

The envoy went to the Swedish military camp when Christina and others left Warsaw for Miatek.

This is why Jan Kazimierz will act like this next.

Being the king of Poland is so helpless, even if you have the best of wisdom, you can only succumb to reality.

Back to reality.

Cheerchen saw that he had finished speaking, but Alvid Wedenberg was silent while touching the goatee, and from time to time he smiled inexplicably. He asked urgently: "Marshal, what should we do now? "

"We should..."

Alvid Wedenberg was about to say that Cheerchen would seize Victor’s military power and then help Christina by himself, but he immediately realized that this was too explicit, Cheerchen might not be able to accept it all at once, and please Rather than being aggressive, what he had to do was to make Cheor Chen make up his mind.

"What should we do? What else? I should go back to the dungeon, and Her Majesty will spend her life in the monastery." Alvid Wedenberg wiped his tears.

Chechen's face became even more ugly.

After a long while, he asked: "Is there no other way?"

Arvid Wedenberg peeked at Chechen's face, and he continued to wipe his tears.

"I can't do anything. You might as well repeat what you just said to Her Majesty the Queen. Maybe she can do it. Also, don't tell her that you've been to me before, lest she is discouraged and desperate because of my inability. ."

Cheerchen had to leave in shock.

"That's how it happened."

After returning to his ship, Cheerchen immediately retelled to Christina what he had said with Alvid Wedenberg.

After listening to Cheerchen's words, unlike Carlson who was anxious, Christina's face was calm, as if Cheerchen was not talking about herself.

Maybe because of too much betrayal, she has gotten used to it.

Seeing that the queen was silent on the side, Carlsson said anxiously: "Your Majesty, we will leave right away. When the fleet is resting on the shore in the dead of night, I will guard you to leave this Longtan Tiger Den."

Christina did not respond to Karlsson's suggestion. She raised her head gently and said to Cheerchen: "Thank you, Cheerchen. At least even if everyone betrayed me, you won't."

Cheerchen heard Christina say so, he fell on one knee in front of Never, sister Christina. "

Christina helped Cheerchen up, and then patted Cheerchen's hand on the back of her hand in fear.

At this time, Karlsson also knelt on the ground, pulling his sleeves at Christina, and expressing his loyalty and determination to never betray the Queen.

Christina hurriedly helped Karlsson up again.

"In fact, the situation is not as bad as imagined." Christina said relaxedly to Karlsson and Cheerchen, "The contract may not be reached, and even if it is reached, Karl is now in a state of ill health. He might just send Magnus. De la Gardia came to deal with me, while he himself stayed in Lithuania."

Obviously, it was Christina who needed comfort the most, but she comforted Cheerchen and Karlsson so that they should not think about things in the worst direction.

But Cheerchen understood that the probability of such a possibility is extremely small.

"Sister Christina," Cheerchen seemed to have made a lot of determination, and he fell on one knee again, "If you believe me, then please continue to wait, wait like you don't know what to do."

Before Cheerchen's words fell, Christina said loudly; "I believe, I will always believe in you. But Cheerchen, what are you going to do?"

Cheerchen shook his head, he resolutely refused to reveal his inner thoughts.

"Sister Christina, don't ask what I want to do."

After that, Christina did pretend to be completely unaware. She stayed in the cabin as usual, and only went on the deck at night after the other mercenaries on the ship slept. And when Victor stood respectfully behind him, wishing Christina a successful reset, Christina's blessing to Victor was the dignified smile as always.

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