The Legend of Dragon and Phoenix of Douluo

Chapter 594 The fighting spirit descends and the planet is unified

The Federation's attitude is very clear, either the Douling Empire surrenders voluntarily, so as to avoid bloodshed.

Or just wait for the federal army to attack. How many people will die and who will die, but I don’t know.

Emperor Dou Ling was furious at such a powerful federation, and also felt helpless and headache.

He tried to negotiate with the Federation, hoping to form an alliance with the Federation so that both parties could live in peace. In the future, the Dou Ling Empire could even pay tribute to the Federation.

This is already a low profile, giving in to the federation, and wanting to pay some price in exchange for the continued existence of the country.

But the Federation is very resolute. The Dou Ling Empire must submit to the Federation just like the Star Luo Empire.

In the future, the Douling Empire will cease to exist, and Douling Continent will be renamed Douling Province and become an administrative region established by the federation.

Unless someone can stop the federal army, the unification of Douluo Planet is inevitable.

The Federation has long had the idea of ​​​​conquering the Dou Ling and Star Luo continents, and now it has also conquered the most difficult to conquer Star Luo continent.

The only remaining continent is Dou Ling Continent, the weakest continent. For the Federation, conquering it is just a matter of hand.

The opportunity to unify the Douluo Star is right in front of us. How could we give up just because the Douluo Empire gives in and compromises?

The Federation also gave the Dou Ling Empire an ultimatum. If a definite answer cannot be given within ten days, the Federation will formally declare war.

At the same time, it was also clearly stated that during this period, the four Extreme Douluo would visit Dou Ling as guests.

Those four people also directly identified them, namely Di Tian, ​​Lin Yi, Xiong Jun, and the King of Ten Thousand Demons.

After learning that these four were coming, Emperor Dou Ling turned pale with fright, and his whole body became panicked in an incomprehensible manner.

Each of these four was not a good person. They killed everyone in the Star Luo Empire, and hundreds of thousands of people died at their hands.

In Qingyun Pass alone, they killed more than 200,000 people, including two ultimates and dozens of titled Douluo.

Just thinking about such a terrifying record made him tremble with fear and his body became weak.

After the Star Luo Empire surrendered, Yu Guanzhi specifically asked Dai Tianling who were the powerful soul masters at Qingyun Pass.

Emperor Dou Ling will know that the battle at Qingyun Pass and the casualties in the Star Luo Empire were news that Yu Guanzhi had specially spread.

Only when they know how heavy the casualties in the Star Luo Empire are, will they make the most rational decision.

Emperor Dou Ling convened his ministers to discuss countermeasures, mainly to determine whether to fight or surrender.

The road to peaceful coexistence has been blocked by the Federation. Now the only question before them is surrender or fight to the death.

Most of the courtiers felt that they could consider surrendering. They couldn't defeat them anyway, and surrendering would save fewer lives.

If it was before the war in the Star Luo Empire, they might not be so pessimistic.

But after seeing those battle videos, they really couldn't be optimistic.

Let alone the federal army, how about they deal with the powerful men in the Dragon and Phoenix Palace?

They are not as good as the Star Luo Empire. They don't have a Limit Douluo, so why should they resist the opponent's four Limits?

If you resist forcefully, it will be like a mantis trying to block a cart, and defeat is inevitable.

Emperor Dou Ling understood the strength gap between the two sides, but he was still a little unwilling to surrender.

He thought about whether to surrender for a long time, and it was not until Di Tian, ​​Lin Yi, Xiong Jun, and Wan Yao Wang suddenly appeared in Dou Ling Palace that he made the final decision.

At that time, Emperor Dou Ling was convening the ministers to discuss matters. When the key point came to the point, the four people from Di Tian appeared out of thin air.

Their appearance frightened many people. Even Emperor Dou Ling was so frightened that his legs weakened after he recognized them.

The soldiers who rushed into the palace were killed by Di Tian with his hands raised, and they died very easily.

Even the Protector Douluo of the Douling Empire, who has a peak cultivation level of ninety-eight, is extremely weak in front of the four ultimates.

When the four people from Di Tian and Di Tian joined forces to oppress him, the strongest man in the Dou Ling Empire couldn't even move his fingers.

After letting Emperor Dou Ling know that they had the power to easily take his life and even destroy the entire Dou Ling City, things became simple.

Emperor Dou Ling chose to compromise and announced the surrender of the Dou Ling Empire. From then on, Dou Ling Continent was owned by the Federation.

This news was soon made public, and the people of Douling Continent were surprised, angry, and relieved.

Although they were unwilling to submit to the Federation, they did not want to face the Federation's army.

If you have to choose one, it's better to surrender, so that you can at least live a stable life.

As the Douling Empire announced its surrender, the Three Kingdoms situation that had lasted for thousands of years also officially ended.

From now on, there is only one country on this planet, and that is the Douluo Federation.

Now it can no longer be said to be the Douluo Federation on Douluo Continent, but should be said to be the Douluo Federation on Douluo Star.

To be precise, it is not a multinational situation that lasted for thousands of years, but rather a multinational situation that lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Because more than 20,000 years ago, there was more than one country on this planet. On the Douluo Continent, there were Tiandou and Xingluo.

There is the Sun-Moon Empire on the unbordered Sun-Moon Continent, the undiscovered Dou Ling Continent, and there are also native countries on the Star Luo Continent.

For more than 20,000 years, there have been multiple countries on this planet, and it is only now that it has officially ended.

This moment is extremely important for the entire human race on Douluo Planet and has epoch-making historical significance.

It means that humans on Douluo Planet will officially become a whole from now on, and the planet will enter a new era.

During this period, the media rushed to report on this incident and gave it a very high evaluation, thinking that this was the most important moment in human history.

As the greatest contributors to ending the multinational situation, the powerful men of the Dragon and Phoenix Palace have become the objects of people's pursuit and gratitude.

People regard them as heroes and believe that their actions will accelerate the process of human history and have far-reaching influence.

Seeing that the people were so supportive of them, the Dragon Phoenix Palace also took advantage of the situation and joined forces with Yu Guanzhi, Le Zhengen and other senior military officials to start the re-election of the Speaker.

The reason is also very valid. The Federation has unified two other continents and urgently needs a speaker to stand up and lead the overall situation.

The government team of the former Federal Speaker wanted to stop it, but they were unable to do so. The situation was irreversible.

After the news of the re-election of the Speaker was made public, the public unanimously expressed the hope that Yuntian of the Dragon and Phoenix Palace would serve as the Speaker.

His contributions to the federation fully deserve the position of federal speaker.

In the public voting, Ditian's vote rate was as high as 99.9%, which was infinitely close to 100%.

This vote rate also created a record for the highest vote rate in the speaker election since the establishment of the Federation.

The people agreed, as did the military and most members of the parliament, and Di Tian was successfully elected as the 374th Speaker of the Federation.

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Today’s second update, qq group: 612074506

The new book Douluo: Peerless Confrontation, friends who are interested in the story of Douluo II can read it, it will satisfy you.

It’s just two chapters. I’ll see you tomorrow after reading it. Tomorrow is the climax, so everyone is looking forward to it.

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