The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Five hundred and twentieth chapters dance a dance

The next day, the sun was shining.

The sun shines on the surface of the Potomac River, reflecting golden light, sparkling, and beautiful.

A black sedan quietly drove across the road by the river and slowly stopped in front of a Starbucks coffee shop.

Parking the car in the parking space, Bucky and Steve got out of the car and looked around at the scenery.

Bucky pointed to the other side of the river: "Steve, over there, SHIELD headquarters."

This cafe is only a river away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. It seems that this cafe was not randomly chosen by Peggy.

Steve nodded: "After all, I'm back from the dead, it's too unbelievable to say, Peggy is worried, and it's time to prepare."

After speaking, Steve inadvertently swept through the crowd, and saw a lot of suspicious figures.

If nothing else, those are passersby the agents pretend to be.

Bucky also noticed this, but he didn't care, he looked at his watch: "Come on, let's go in, maybe Peggy is already waiting inside."

Steve nodded and walked into the cafe with Bucky.

The cafe is very large, with few seats, and it looks very empty and quiet.

Steve looked at them one by one and found no sign of Peggy. She didn't seem to be here yet.

Steve and Bucky found an empty table and sat down, and Steve's seat could see the door unobstructed.

The two of them didn't have a drink either and waited patiently for the arrival of 12 o'clock.

Peggy said see you at 12 o'clock, and Steve didn't think she would miss her appointment.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and at exactly 12 o'clock, two people pushed open the door of Starbucks.

Walking in front was a noble and graceful woman who looked quite old, and it was Peggy Carter.

Followed by a shrewd and capable woman, about thirty years old, should be Peggy's secretary.

The moment Peggy walked into the Starbucks, Steve, who had been paying attention to the door, immediately stood up, and Peggy immediately looked over.

Steve hurried to meet him, and Peggy walked over to Steve.

And Peggy's secretary walked towards the service desk and ordered drinks for a few people.

Steve's seat was not far from the door, and within a few steps, Steve and Peggy were already facing each other.

Peggy stared at Steve for a long time, with a smile on his face and red eyes: "Steve, is it really you?"

Steve nodded vigorously. "It's me, Peggy, I'm back."

The two held their hands tightly together, it was the joy of reunion after a long absence.

They looked at each other for a long time without saying a word. Although the two had a lot to say, they didn't know where to start. Everything was silent.

Finally, after Peggy's female secretary finished ordering the drink, she came over to remind the two of them, and the two of them just remembered to sit down and talk.

Peggy knew where Steve was sitting, so she subconsciously wanted to take the seat opposite Steve, but suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in her ear: "Hi, Peggy."

Peggy turned her head immediately, only to notice a mighty man sitting in the corner of the sofa.

"Bucky!?" Peggy was very surprised,

Just like many years ago, after she woke up from sleep, she found that her wife, who should have died, was sitting beside her bed.

Bucky smiled brightly, very satisfied with Peggy's surprised look at this time: "It's me, Steve and I came to catch up with you."

In the end, Bucky was dismissed by Steve without a word to Peggy.

Let Bucky cry out from the bottom of his heart, "With a woman, I forget my brother"!

Bucky ended up sitting elsewhere with Peggy's secretary and chatting.

The coffee has been served by the waiter, and Steve takes a sip and smiles happily: "Thank you, Peggy, you still remember the taste of coffee I like."

Peggy has been drinking coffee with her wife for decades, of course she can't remember it wrong.

But she wouldn't take the initiative to bring it up, but asked, "Steve, can you tell me what happened back then, and how did you... come back?"

Facing Peggy, Steve wouldn't have anything to hide. He explained what happened after the plane crash and his life a month after he woke up, detailing everything.

After a long time, after Steve finished speaking, Peggy suddenly realized: "It turns out that the head of the team rescued you!"

Leo's reputation has now spread all over the world, and everyone will call him captain, which is a respectful title, just like when others called Captain Steve.

After Steve finished talking about himself, he looked at Peggy: "How about you? How have you lived these fifty years? And your current husband, what kind of person is he?"

"He? He's a hero..." Now it was Peggy's turn to say.

The two talked very happily, from 12 noon until 3:30 in the afternoon.

Finally, Peggy looked at Steve and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"One is to accept Leo's request, stay in the Marvel Legion, and work with Bucky in the future; the other is to return to the U.S. military and continue to serve the country." Steve told the truth, saying two of his own Two options.

Peggy smiled: "Steve, you are not affiliated with the U.S. military. What you did in the past was for the whole world. I can see that fifty years later, your purpose has not changed."

Peggy continued, "The United States today can't represent the whole world. You should have read the history of the past 50 years, so you know what the world is like."

Steve nodded and didn't speak. The current American spirit was indeed not the one he was familiar with.

Seems selfish.

"If you come back a year earlier, I would suggest that you join the S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliated to the United Nations and be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future. This is the most suitable position for you."

Peggy said what was in her heart, and then the topic changed,

"But today, I actually recommend that you accept the invitation of the head of the team and join the Marvel Legion.

In the past month or so, the Marvel Legion has completely changed the entire world structure and made great progress in the world. If this momentum continues, it can be foreseen that in the next ten years, it will surpass the 100-year expectation of the original trajectory of the earth. Millennium Development.

But to be honest, this change is too fast, and I am a little worried about the final result. After all, I don’t know the leader and the organization of the Marvel Legion.

If you are in it, I can rest assured. If you can have enough say in the Marvel Legion, that is the luck of the earth and the luck of the people of the earth. "

In fact, Peggy's words were actually her wife's thoughts.

Peggy's wife never said a word about the future, and even rarely stepped out of the house. For the first time in decades, he gave his opinion for the first time, and Peggy naturally accepted it 100% unconditionally.

Peggy's wife suggested that Steve join the Marvel Legion, and Peggy would try his best to convince Steve to join the Marvel Legion.

Peggy's persuasion worked, and Steve nodded and made his own decision: "Thank you for trusting me, I'll try."

Joining the Marvel Legion is actually pretty good.

Peggy smiled happily, she stood up and held out her hand to Steve.

Steve held her hand inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

"Do you still want to miss that dance fifty years late?" Peggy laughed.

"Here? Cafe?" Steve looked around.

Peggy nodded: "It's here, we have a stage in our hearts, do we still care about the place?"

The music sounded, it was classical dance music from fifty years ago.

Steve was almost moved to tears. It turned out that Peggy had already arranged all this.

The two held hands and danced on the empty floor specially vacated by Starbucks. The dance 50 years ago was full of classics and charm.

The agents pretended to be guests and drank their coffee without anyone disturbing them.

Bucky and Peggy's secretary talked and laughed in low voices. Bucky's body, which was drained by Sienna, began to move again after a few years.

At this moment, a man with slightly drooping hips watched Steve and Peggy finally dance as they wished through the surveillance screen, and smiled happily.

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